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A worksheet to reinforce understanding of different types of nouns.
What is Fairness?

What is Fairness?

A philosophical/discussion lesson where children work in small groups to discuss the concept of fairness and what it really means. Suitable upper primary.


A simple worksheet for early years based on the Old Testament story of Ruth.
Missing Vowels

Missing Vowels

A series of worksheets which each contain a short passage in which all the vowels are missing. Suitable for use as an opener or quick finisher.
Recognising feelings

Recognising feelings

An activity for young children where they draw faces to reflect the feelings for characters in a short story read by the teacher. Suitable for infants.
People who help us

People who help us

A discussion activity suitable for mid primary. Children work in small groups to match a variety of quotes to the person who might have said them. There are many possibilities and no correct or wrong answer. The important point is that the children must justify their answers.
Order of Importance

Order of Importance

An activity suitable for upper primary. Children work in small groups to discuss the importance of different attributes such as love, honesty etc. and rank them in an order of importance. Children must then justify their thinking.
Theft at the Castle

Theft at the Castle

A philosophical/thinking skills discussion lesson where children work in small groups to solve the mystery of the theft. Suitable for upper primary.
Litter Chat Show

Litter Chat Show

A group activity which I used as part of a topic on Looking After Our World. Children work in small groups to devise a television chat show discussing the problem of litter. Suitable for upper primary.
A Visit to Auschwitz

A Visit to Auschwitz

A thought provoking philosophical enquiry/discussion lesson based on the true story of a visit to Auschwitz suitable for upper primary children.
Building a Well

Building a Well

A discussion lesson for small groups - mid primary. It is designed to highlight the importance of water and the problems faced in some third world countries. I used it as part of a topic on water in conjunction with the resources on the Water Aid website.
Lost in Space

Lost in Space

A discussion activity where children work in small groups to discuss the best solution to a problem. Suitable for mid primary.
Old or New Testament?

Old or New Testament?

An activity where the children work in groups to discuss the difference between the Old and New testaments of the Bible and work out where different stories belong.
What would you be?

What would you be?

A simple activity/game where children choose what they would be from a selection of pictures. The important thing is that they must explain why they made their choice.
A Hard Lesson

A Hard Lesson

A philosophical enquiry/discussion lesson based on the theme of boasting/respect for others suitable for middle-upper primary.