Member since 2010
Year started teaching
My experience in education, especially teaching maths spans over 25 years. I have been fortunate to be able to teach pupils with varying abilities and background of all ages. From my practice I have come to realise that for pupils to develop a firm foundation of the core concepts in maths, varied and frequent practice is required. I am passionate about creating opportunities for pupils of all ages, to make the learning and teaching of maths meaningful, relevant and enjoyable! To aid deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and improve pupils learning outcomes I have successfully, authored topic based maths workbooks using conceptual and procedural variation. In addition I deliver Maths-Matter workshops for the pupils and parents to develop confidence in using maths as a tool to solve problems, to appreciate the importance and artistic nature of maths. If you like my resources please leave a review, tell a friend. Please check my websites. www.alphareach.com www.maths-matter.com
Areach 's resources