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Gravity, part of KS3 - Earth and space
Lesson created for my middle ability year 7 class.
Mix of activities including worked examples as well as help in the notes section.
Delivered as distance learning but easily adapted to be taught in a classroom

Topic 2 revision sheet - Edexcel A-Level chemistry
Revision sheet to summarise topic 2 - best printed A3 but could also work on A4.
Links to summary video and exam questions (Not my own) in QR codes as well as links to the revision guide.
Made for modelling under a visualiser but can also be done independently by students with some prompting. Covers all spec points broadly but can be added to if needed.
Please leave a review to help me improve my content - Thanks!

Unit 3 revision Edexcel A-level chemistry
Revision sheet to help summarise learning from topic. Idea that teachers fill in with students while asking questions to check for understanding.
QR codes are links to revision videos and exam questions (Not my own)
Please give feedback to help me improve

Topic 8 Edexcel Chemistry Lesson 1
Made to meet Edexcel spec for A-Level chemistry Topic 8 A-level chemistry
First lesson covering the first 4 points of topic in spec
Includes review of GCSE content and key ideas as well as printing sheets to summarise learning and MWB quizzes to help check for understanding.
Any feedback would be appreciated and hope you find the lesson useful

KS3 Solar system lesson (suitable in school and distance learning)
Lesson I made for my Year 7 class about our solar system, as a distance learning lesson but can be adapted to be an interactive classroom lesson.
Contains 3 compulsory activities as well as an optional one at the end which if used in a school, could be used as homework.
Makes links to History in terms of brief overview of how the planets are named as well as English as one task is writing to persuade.

A-Level Chemistry Edexcel Topic 4a workbook
Based on the Hodder Education/Dynamic learning A-level Chemistry test book.
Possible ways to use;
Students can either fill in the gaps on their own for revision
Teacher/lecturer can go through with students to fill gaps under a visualiser
This is my first time making a resource like this so feedback is appreciated.