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AQA 8145 Elizabeth I  - Causes of the war with Spain

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Causes of the war with Spain

A differentiated GCSE lesson in which students explore the causes of the war with Spain. Students will practice the skills necessary for a 16 mark essay question and link their knowledge here to their prior understanding. Students will categorise the causes and consider the role of long and short term factors.
AQA 8145 Germany - Naval Laws

AQA 8145 Germany - Naval Laws

Lesson 3 for Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship. This lesson covers both the causes and the consequences of the naval laws. This is relevant for students studying GCSE.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How successful was the Religious Settlement?

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How successful was the Religious Settlement?

A GCSE lesson which works well as a summary to religious threats to Elizabeth's throne. Students will form an argument by evaluating the successes and failures of Elizabeth's Religious Settlement. Students will need to recap their previous learning on the topic. Includes preparation for an 8 mark 'write an account' question.
AQA 8145 Germany - Challenges to the Kaiser

AQA 8145 Germany - Challenges to the Kaiser

Lesson 2 for AQA GCSE for Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship on the problems faced by the Kaiser during his rule. This lesson covers industrialisation, growth of socialism and rise of parliamentary democracy.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I  - 1601 Poor Law

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - 1601 Poor Law

A GCSE lesson for the unit on Elizabeth I focusing on the success of the 1601 Poor Law. This covers initial Elizabethan laws before studying the 1601 law in some depth.
Slavery - Slave resistance

Slavery - Slave resistance

A KS3 lesson in which students understand and evaluate the methods of resistance used by slaves on plantations. Students will have to prioritise the methods according to different criteria to gain an understanding.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The Theatre

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The Theatre

A GCSE lesson in which students understand why the theatre became more accepted and popular during Elizabethan England. Students will study the key features of the Globe theatre and popular Elizabethan playwrights such as Shakespeare and Marlowe.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Causes of poverty

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Causes of poverty

The first in a 3 lesson series on poverty in Elizabethan England. Students will categorise the causes of poverty and explain how these caused an increase in the number of poor people. Students will analyse these causes by making links between categories to reach a judgement on the significance of factors.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The issue of marriage

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The issue of marriage

A GCSE lesson examining the reasons why Elizabeth never got married. Students will evaluate the pros and cons of Elizabeth's suitors in order to prepare for an 8 mark 'write an account' question on the issue of marriage.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Voyages of Discovery: benefits

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Voyages of Discovery: benefits

A GCSE lesson on the benefits of voyages of discovery for Elizabethan England. Students will study the voyages of Drake and Raleigh in more depth and understand their contribution. They will reach a judgement on who was more significant for Elizabethan England. Links to a GCSE interpretations question on the motives of Drake for going on voyages of discovery.
AQA 8145 Germany: Who was powerful in the Kaiser's Germany?

AQA 8145 Germany: Who was powerful in the Kaiser's Germany?

Lesson 1 on the AQA GCSE specification for Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship. This lesson introduces the power structure within Germany and the Kaiser's role. Students will be able to form a judgement on the relative power of each influencing factor.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Domestic Catholic Threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Domestic Catholic Threats

A GCSE lesson in which students examine the threats to Elizabeth's rule from within England. Students will apply their understanding of the threats to decide if Elizabeth's religious settlement was successful or not. Students will also gather information about the positive impact of Elizabeth's settlement.
How did the Domesday Book help William keep control of England?

How did the Domesday Book help William keep control of England?

A KS3 lesson on the Domesday book and its role in helping William keep control. Best taught after the Feudal system as contains a comparative analysis for students to reach a judgement on the most effective method of control. Includes interactive student activities and team exercises.
Abolition of Slavery

Abolition of Slavery

A KS3 lesson in which students categorise the reasons for the ending of slavery. Students will gather evidence and begin to consider the most important factor in ending slavery.
British Empire: to be proud of?

British Empire: to be proud of?

A KS3 lesson in which students consider different interpretations of the British Empire before reaching their own judgement the key question. Students will use character cards to explore why interpretations of the Empire may differ.
British Empire - Gandhi and Independence

British Empire - Gandhi and Independence

A KS3 lesson in which students evaluate the methods used by Gandhi to protest against British rule. Students will reach a judgement about the most important reason why British rule was ended in India.
AQA 8145 Medicine - Development of Penicillin

AQA 8145 Medicine - Development of Penicillin

A GCSE lesson in which students explain and evaluate the role of key factors in the discovery and subsequent development of penicillin before using their understanding to complete an 8 mark 'compare' exam style question.