Italy and Fascism - Matteotti Crisis
An A-level lesson on the Matteotti Crisis. Students will evaluate the extent to which the Matteotti crisis enabled Mussolini to establish a dictatorship. The lesson enables students to plan their answer to an essay question.
Russia - success of War Communism and NEP
A lesson in which students review their learning on War Communism and NEP to consider the more successful policies. Students will analyse success by considering their achievement according to criteria such as unity in the Bolshevik party, and increasing agricultural production. Students are required to reach judgements as to which policy was better according to each before reaching an overall conclusion about which was better for the Bolshevik party. This enables students to consider success from a different perspective beyond economic success.
Slavery - Life on Plantations
A KS3 lesson examining key areas of life on plantations. Students will gather information by becoming an expert in one area, and then use this to answer a 'how useful' question in the style of a GCSE question. Includes differentiated resources for lower ability students.
Why did Britain want an Empire?
A KS3 lesson on the reasons for an Empire. The lesson includes a game in which students must 'scramble' to gain territory in Africa, after which they prioritise reasons for building an Empire.
AQA 8145 Medicine - Health and the People Revision Guide
A revision guide tailored to the AQA Health and the People specification for GCSE. The guide is split in to three main themes in line with the 16 mark question: Understanding Causes and Cures; Public Health and Surgery. Includes practice questions and quizzes to aid revision. The information is broken down to make it easier for students to use in their own revision, and pictures and acronyms will help students to recall the information ready for their GCSE exam. Students will also find a guide to the key factors throughout the guide to help students prepare for the 16 mark question.
AQA 8145: Conflict and Tension Cold War - U2 Crisis
A GCSE lesson in which students will analyse evidence to reach a judgement as to why the Paris Peace Summit failed. Includes exam practice and source analysis tasks to develop the necessary skills for their GCSE exam.
AQA 8145 Germany - Naval Laws
Lesson 3 for Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship. This lesson covers both the causes and the consequences of the naval laws. This is relevant for students studying GCSE.
How significant was the industrial revolution?
A KS3 lesson on the significance of the industrial revolution. Includes differentiated tasks for lower ability students. Students will use criteria in order to assess the significance.
AQA 8145 Medicine: Health and the People - Revision games
3 revision games which can be used in class for the whole lesson, or for a few minutes. Includes articulate cards and a board which are organised in to themes of causes, cures and treatments; public health; surgery and key people. Also includes a game of memory match and a board game (dice needed) with key questions.
AQA 7142 Making of Modern Britain - Women 1950s
An A-level lesson in which students examine the extent to which the lives of women were changed during the 1950s. Students will analyse the extent to which lives have changed for women economically and socially.
What was Tudor England like?
A KS3 introductory lesson to the topic of the Tudors. Students will gain an introduction to key themes and a sense of period as they understand life in Tudor England.
Russia - Stalin's defeat of Trotsky
An A-level lesson looking at how Stalin defeated Trotsky in his rise to power. Students will compare the relative strengths of Stalin and Trotsky by completing a set of Top Trumps cards (included in the PowerPoint) in order to evaluate the relative strengths of the two leadership contenders. Students will reach judgements on their strengths in areas such as their positions within the party, their ideology and their ability to position themselves as Lenin’s successor. Ultimately, students will reach judgements on the roles of Stalin and Trotsky in the outcomes, and compare the relative importance of a range of factors. Includes a retrieval task from their previous learning.
Middle East - first Intifada Y321
An A-level lesson for OCR Y321 focused on the theme of Zionism, Israel and the Palestinian Issue. Students will consider the causes and consequences of the first Intifada by considering the role of Jewish settlements in occupied territories, and the significance of the Intifada for the Palestinian issue. Students will have the opportunity to compare the significance of this event to those they have already studied and begin to consider where the greater turning points are.
Italy and Fascism - Growth of Fascism
An A-level lesson in which students analyse the reasons for growing support for fascism in the post-war years. Students will analyse the reasons why different groups within Italy supported Mussolini and the fascists and examine how support grew over time.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How did Elizabeth become Queen?
An introductory lesson looking at Elizabeth's early life. Students will gain and understanding of her background and how that influenced her as a leader.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Puritan threats
A GCSE lesson in which students will gain an understanding of the threat posed by Puritans to Elizabeth's religious settlement. Students will evaluate the extent to which puritans posed a threat to Elizabeth's rule.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How was Mary, Queen of Scots, a threat to Elizabeth?
A GCSE lesson in which students examine the plots against Elizabeth that Mary, QofS was involved in. Students will reach a judgement on the severity of the threat posed by Mary, QofS. Students will apply their understanding of this topic to an 8 mark 'write an account' question.
Slavery - Slave Ship Zong case study
A KS3 lesson on the case study of the slave ship zong. Students examine evidence in order to reach a verdict on the case. The lesson is differentiated with different tasks for lower ability (orange), middle ability (blue) and higher ability (yellow) students, so is easily adaptable for either mixed ability or classes that are set.
AQA 8145 Germany - Kaiser Wilhelm
A 3 lesson series for the AQA specification at GCSE on 'Democracy and Dictatorship'. These lessons cover the first part of the course on Kaiser Wilhelm.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth - Religious Threats from Abroad
A GCSE lesson examining the religious threats faced by Elizabeth from abroad. Students will begin to analyse the success of the religious settlement in preventing threats. Should be taught after threats at home.