Used in year 4,5 and 6.
5 Lessons about Gospel in
What is Gospel?
Are prayers always to God? Prayers to the people - intro to the Grace (letter)
Baptism in Christianity
How does The Grace help Christians to follow the religion?
Understanding the holy trinity - is it more like the parts of a Twix or 3 states of water?
Used in Year 4/5 mixed all able to access and understand.
Does include videos so ensure sound is available.
Neither the pictures nor the videos belong to me and are referenced in the powerpoint and planning.
A great WAGOLL for character profile/ character description.
Detailed information including relative clauses, interesting vocabulary and detail about the character.
Based on Beowulf.
Visit to local Church focus on children identifying how each part of the church (pews, alter, lectern etc.) demonstrate God’s qualities.
With supporting table to complete and key questions to consider.
No photos belong to me, all collected from internet searches, but all worksheets created by me.
I have created a list of 42 apps for use across Primary school, including what the app does as well as how it can be used in class.
These are apps we have found useful or were recommended to me.
Hope it helps!
Perfect for Y5 English Science Curriculum,
Lesson plan details and shows video inspiration for the lesson (to show to class for what they will be doing)
Also explains what will be needed and how to carry out the lesson.
Instructions to be given to a group leader who will be in charge of measuring out the TP.
Roles to be given out to children.
Step by step instructions explaining how to multiply two decimal numbers together.
Perfect to provide for parents or to give children who struggle/ in a carousel etc.
Perfect for Year 5 Forces as well as adaptable to other investigations and year groups.
Differentiated for ability with sentence starters and fill in the gap activities for lower-attaining students.
Used for group of lessons based on a parachute investigation where pupils had to create 3 different parachutes they could change the shape, material or size of the parachute, then timed their descent.
Explains each part of how and why each step is completed for multiplying fractions.
Perfect to give to children in a carousel activity or as extension/ for those struggling.
Year 5 multi-step word problems with money.
Animated powerpoint using bar models to teach how to solve:
Mara is in a bookshop. She buys one book for £6.99 and another that costs £3.40 more than the first book. She pays using a £20 notes. What change does Mara get?
With a question for students to try following this.
Lesson 1 - hook including drawing activity and precision of instructions. Features of instructions including group work for ordering example instructions into a diamond nine
Lesson 2 - Imperative verbs and commands/questions/exclamations/statements. Using time adverbials to improve the writing. Writing instructions from lego picture instructions
Lesson 3 - Identifying main and subordinate clauses, using time conjunctions. Given instructions that need to be improved and rewritten.
Lesson 4 - Identify word classes including noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, determiner, pronoun, conjunctions.
Lesson 5 - plan and write your own instructions. Based on the book The Arrival but is just about moving to a different country