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ChemChem1's Shop

Chemistry teacher based in London. I create lessons and share resources that have helped my students!

Chemistry teacher based in London. I create lessons and share resources that have helped my students!
Group 1 metals (KS3) Lesson

Group 1 metals (KS3) Lesson

This lesson goes with the observation sheet for group 1 metals with water. the slides explain why group 1 elements are called alkaline metals and has activities for writing equations for the group 1 metals.
C9.1 Hydrocarbons

C9.1 Hydrocarbons

Full lesson power point presentation. Explains what hydrocarbons are and describes properties of hydrocarbons. Good for GCSE grade 1-9
C1.1 Atoms

C1.1 Atoms

Lesson goes through structure of the atom, history of the atom and atoms elements and compounds. Lesson summary sheet has also been included with important points for students.
C1 Lesson 1&2

C1 Lesson 1&2

2 Resources
Recap lesson on the periodic table and history of the atom/atomic structure lesson
C1 Lesson 7 & 8

C1 Lesson 7 & 8

2 Resources
These two lessons can be taught in one session with tasks set as home work
C1.7 Atoms Ions and Isotopes

C1.7 Atoms Ions and Isotopes

This lesson explains what an isotope is and challenges students to work out the number of protons and neutrons in isotopes. Students are further pushed to calculate the isotopic mass of elements.