Lesson plan and resources for a whole class composition based on sounds of the Rainforest. I have used this with great success in Y3 - 6. Includes MP3 sound clips of rainforest animals, colour photos of those animals for the pupils to handle and pin up on the board, directions for how to put the work together and make your own piece suitable for assembly, concerts, etc. Contains classroom management tips and uses easily available classroom percussion instruments. Lesson lasts 1 hour but can be split into 2 x 30 minutes. No need to be a music specialist to make a brilliant composition including all your pupils. Meets NC listening and composing objectives.
Home learning during covid or for use at school . Powerpoint introducing one new piece of music at a time (embedded into the slide) and simple appreciation question to ponder with parents/ teacher.
Each slide contains one piece of music (classical, pop, etc) to listen to, the name of the composer, the title, a colour photo and a snippet of background information. Click once to play the tune. Either for use at home with parents or can be used as a listening resource eg, whilst children enter assembly or as a quick 3 minute activity at the end of a class music lesson.
Promotes discussion about music. No marking. Can be used for informal assessment.
Home learning during covid or for use at school . Powerpoint introducing one new piece of music at a time (embedded into the slide) and simple appreciation question to ponder with parents/ teacher.
Each slide contains one piece of music (classical, pop, etc) to listen to, the name of the composer, the title, a colour photo and a snippet of background information. Click once to play the tune. Either for use at home with parents or can be used as a listening resource eg, whilst children enter assembly or as a quick 3 minute activity at the end of a class music lesson.
Promotes discussion about music. No marking. Can be used for informal assessment.
Home learning during covid or for use at school . Powerpoint introducing one new piece of music at a time (embedded into the slide) and simple appreciation question to ponder with parents/ teacher.
Each slide contains one piece of music (classical, pop, etc) to listen to, the name of the composer, the title, a colour photo and a snippet of background information. Click once to play the tune. Either for use at home with parents or can be used as a listening resource eg, whilst children enter assembly or as a quick 3 minute activity at the end of a class music lesson.
Promotes discussion about music. No marking. Can be used for informal assessment.
Home learning during covid or for use at school . Powerpoint introducing one new piece of music at a time (embedded into the slide) and simple appreciation question to ponder with parents/ teacher.
Each slide contains one piece of music (classical, pop, etc) to listen to, the name of the composer, the title, a colour photo and a snippet of background information. Click once to play the tune. Either for use at home with parents or can be used as a listening resource eg, whilst children enter assembly or as a quick 3 minute activity at the end of a class music lesson.
Promotes discussion about music. No marking. Can be used for informal assessment.