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Timeline - Edexcel - GCSE Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917–41
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_gcse_russia_and_the_soviet_union.html]
Timeline - AQA Conflict and Tension: the Inter-War Years, 1918–1939
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_conflict_tension_1918_39.html]
Glossary - Edexcel GCSE Medicine in Britain, c1250–present and the British Sector of the Western F
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_gcse_medicine.html]
Edexcel GCSE Medicine through time, c1250 - present, is a thematic study that looks at the change and continuity of medicine through British history. You will study the main people, events and developments, as well as the significant features of the different ages, from medieval to modern times. In studying the Western Front during the First World War, you will investigate a historic environment that was significant to the development of medicine.
Glossary - Edexcel IGCSE Germany: Development of a Dictatorship, 1918–45
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_igcse_germany_1918_45.html]
Edexcel IGCSE Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918-45 is a modern depth study that focuses on the origins of the Weimar Republic, the challenges it faced and to what extent it overcame them. The course also investigates why and how the Weimar Republic was dismantled by the Nazis, replaced by a dictatorship and then changed by the Second World War. You will focus on crucial events during this period, and study the different social, cultural, political, economic and military changes that occurred.
Timeline - Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations and the Cold War, 1941–91
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_gcse_cold_war.html]
Timeline - AQA America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and Inequality
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili. [https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_america_1920_1973.html]
Timeline - AQA Russia, 1894–1945: Tsardom and Communism
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_russia_tsardom_and_communism_1894_1945.html]
Timeline - AQA Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_elizabeth.html]
Timeline - AQA Britain: Power and the People, c1170 to the Present Day
This timeline is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_power_and_the_people.html]
Glossary - Edexcel GCSE Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_gcse_elizabeth.html]
Edexcel GCSE Elizabethan England 1558-1588 investigates how England was ruled under Queen Elizabeth I. The course focuses on the first 30 years of Elizabeth’s reign. You will focus on crucial events during this period, and study the different social, cultural, political, economic and religious changes that occurred.
Glossary - Edexcel IGCSE The USA, 1918–41
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_igcse_usa_1918_to_1941.html]
Edexcel IGCSE The USA, 1918 to 1941 is an Edexcel iGCSE Breadth Study. It covers the changes in the American society, economy and political system from the end of the First World War to the USA’s entry into the Second World War, covering the economic boom, Wall Street Crash, Depression and New Deal, as well as examining the social changes and political ideas that shaped the period.
Glossary - CIE International Relations: Were the Peace Treaties of 1919–23 Fair?
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/cie_igcse_international_relations_versailles_settlement.html]
The title of the first unit in the Core Content of Option B in the CiE History iGCSE is ‘Were the peace treaties of 1919-1923 fair?’ This unit investigates the post-First World War peace treaties of 1919-1923.
Glossary - Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations and the Cold War, 1941–91
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_gcse_cold_war.html]
Edexcel GCSE Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 is the period study that investigates the causes of the Cold War, three of its key crises and the reasons it ended. You will study the role key individuals played during the Cold War, as well as how it impacted specific countries. You will focus on crucial events during this period, and study the political, economic and military changes that occurred.
Glossary - Edexcel IGCSE Russia and the Soviet Union, 1905–24
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_igcse_russia_and_the_soviet_union_1905_1924.html]
Edexcel IGCSE Russia and the Soviet Union, 1905-24 is the historical investigation that studies why and how Russia was transformed from an autocratic tsarist government to a communist dictatorship between 1905 and 1924. You will focus on crucial events during this period and study the different social, cultural, political, economic, military and religious changes that occurred.
Glossary - Edexcel GCSE Crime and Punishment in Britain, c1000-Present and Whitechapel, c1870-c190
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili.[https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/ed_gcse_crime_and_punishment.html]
Edexcel GCSE Crime and Punishment in Britain c1000 - Present is a thematic study that looks at the change and continuity of crime and punishment across a broad sweep of British history. You will look at the main people, events and developments, as well as significant features of the different ages, from medieval to modern times. In studying Whitechapel, you will investigate a historic environment that was significant to crime and punishment and the events and developments that occurred there.
Glossary - AQA Conflict and Tension: the Inter-War Years, 1918–1939
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili. [https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_conflict_tension_1918_39.html]
AQA Conflict and Tension 1918-1939 is an AQA wider world depth study that investigates international relations. The course focuses on what caused the Second World War. It considers how and why the war happened, and why it was so challenging to find resolutions to the issues which caused it. You will study the roles of key individuals and groups in influencing change, and how they were affected by and shaped by international affairs.
Glossary - AQA Conflict and Tension: The First World War, 1894–1918
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili. [https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_conflict_and_tension_1894_to_1918.html]
AQA Conflict and Tension 1894-1914: the First World War is a wider world depth study that investigates international relations. The course focuses on the causes and course of the First World War. It considers how and why the conflict occurred, as well as why it lasted so long.
Glossary - AQA America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and Inequality
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili. [https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_america_1920_1973.html]
America 1920-1973: Opportunity and inequality is a period study that focuses on the development of the USA over the course of around fifty years. The course covers the inequality in America, with segregation and poverty, and also the opportunity, with economic success, consumerism and entertainment. You will study the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of America in this period, and the role of key individuals and groups in shaping the USA.
Glossary - AQA Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili. [https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_conflict_asia.html]
AQA Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950 - 1975 is a wider world depth study that investigates international relations. The course focuses on the causes and course of the Cold War in Asia. It considers why conflict occurred in this region, as well as how it developed, and why it proved difficult to find a resolution to the tensions. The course examines the roles of key individuals and groups in influencing change, and how they were impacted by international affairs.
Glossary - AQA America, 1840–1895: Expansion and Consolidation
This glossary is an extract from from a Study Guide by Clever Lili. [https://www.gcsehistory.com/bookstore/aqa_gcse_america_1840_1895.html]
AQA America, 1840–1895: Expansion and Consolidation, is a period study that investigates two aspects of the history of the United States in the second half of the nineteenth century. ‘Expansion’ explores the move westwards by settlers and pioneers, and the ensuing conflicts with Native American peoples. ‘Consolidation’ refers to the forging of the United States as a nation, through its political and economic growth. You will study a range of significant events, people and situations, which shaped the United States throughout this period.