This resource contains six differentiated board games on the topic of telling the time in Spanish. The games are: o’clock times, half hour intervals, quarter hour intervals, mixed times, twenty-four hour clock, analogue clock faces.
All instructions are included as well as ways of supporting and extending the tasks.
Simply print the board(s) you wish to play with. Laminate or print on to card for durability. Print onto A3 or larger if required. A dice template is also provided.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4 and take it in turns to move around the board asking and answering questions in Spanish. (Que hora es? Son las tres y media). A help sheet is provided.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as the time vocabulary.
‘Coach Yourself Study Skills’ is a 50-page PDF workbook for students at GCSE, A-level and in Higher Education.
This resource uses a coaching approach to support students to identify and develop the study strategies that are going to be most useful to them. The focus is not on a prescriptive approach (do this, not that) but on supporting students to uncover their personal strengths, skills, limiting beliefs and barriers to effective studying. The booklet comprises many activities, including reflections on previous experiences, action planning, and challenging unhelpful beliefs. There is also practical advice and suggested strategies for each of the various study skills.
The booklet is suitable for students studying any subject at GCSE level and beyond. It is also designed to be fully inclusive of neurodivergent students with an awareness that not every strategy will work for every student.
The sections include:
Understand your ‘why’ (finding your motivation and enthusiasm for studying)
Understand yourself (uncover your strengths, skills and achievements and discover how these can be used to your advantage when studying)
Time management, focus and organisation
Note-taking and reading
Written assignments
Revision and exams
More about this resource:
Students can work through it independently
Useful for study skills sessions, exam preparation, and at the beginning of a course of study
Suitable for students at GCSE level, A-level and in Further and Higher Education across all subject areas
Designed to take into account individual needs, neurodiversity and different learning styles
Encourages self-awareness and reflection
Supports students to find their own solutions, reflecting and adapting as they progress
This is a presentation which introduces various tenses: the present tense, past tense, present progressive, past progressive, present perfect and past perfect. All are introduced with examples and activities which can be used within a whole class, small groups or as partner work.
There is enough here to cover three lessons:
Lesson one: Introduce the present tense and past tense. Do side one of the worksheet.
Lesson two: The present progressive and the past progressive. Links with side two of the worksheet.
Lesson three: The present perfect and the past perfect. Links with side three of the worksheet.
An answer sheet is also included.
Alternatively, this pack can be used as a revision lesson for classes who are revising for the SATS. The worksheets could be given as a homework task.
Suitable to leave as a cover lesson as the powerpoint is self-explanatory and all answers provided for a non-specialist teacher.
Suitable for: Key Stage 2 (links to SPAG content). Also very relevant as a revision task for Key Stage 3 / 4 and suitable for EAL learners.
This is a detailed powerpoint presentation for a staff CPD session - suitable for primary, secondary and FE. Audience: teachers, teaching assistants, support staff, leaders.
Discusses what is meant by social, emotional and mental health, explores risk and resilience factors. Activity on how to identify pupils with difficulties. Links with SEN and particular difficulties for this group. Facts and figures included on why this is a current issue. Discusses what schools can do to support this group and improve wellbeing. Video links included. Links to useful organisations and websites.
Resources for developing a whole-school approach to speech, language and communication needs.
A powerpoint for staff CPD about: what are speech, language and communication needs, what difficulties may children face, how to identify these needs, universal strategies for the classroom.
Handouts for staff including the information from the powerpoint presentation.
A booklet to send home to parents including easy to implement strategies to support their child's language and communication.
The author is a senior advisory teacher for speech, language and communication needs.
This is a SENCO survival kit to help to implement a whole school approach to SEN.
Included is:
A staff SEND audit (along with descriptions) for you to audit your staff training needs and confidence in working with students with SEND.
A quality first teaching SEND for you to use on learning walks / observations to identify good practice and areas for development.
Two booklets for staff - one on supporting students with dyslexia / literacy difficulties, and one on supporting students with speech, language and communication needs. Focus is on quality first teaching in the mainstream classroom.
A powerpoint about dyslexia to deliver to staff.
A powerpoint about SLCN to deliver to staff.
Suitable for primary, secondary and FE.
The author is a senior advisory teacher, trainer and writer in the field of SLCN.
This is a selection of board games to support the topic of telling the time in German.
There is a choice of five different games which are differentiated: o’clock times; on the hour and half past; quarter hour intervals; mixed times; and analogue clock faces.
Simply print the boards you want to play with. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability.
Full instructions are included as well as ideas for extension and support. Pupils play in groups of 2 -4. A dice template is also included if needed. Players take it in turns moving around the board asking and answering questions. A help sheet is provided.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening, as well as time vocabulary.
This is a CPD pack for staff on speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
Contains a presentation explaining what is meant by SLCN, difficulties students can face and classroom strategies to support these students, and an eight-page booklet with the same information which can be given to staff.
Suitable for KS1, 2, 3 and 4 teachers, teaching assistants and other support staff. Great for whole-school or departmental CPD or as a refresher on SLCN.
The author is a senior advisory teacher for speech, language and communication needs.
This contains six differentiated board games for practising telling the time in French.
Simply print which boards you wish to play with. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. The six boards are: o’clock times; half hour and on the hour; quarter hour intervals; mixed times; the 24-hour clock; analogue clock faces. A template is also included to make dice.
Full instructions are included as well as a help sheet and ideas on how to support / extend the games.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4 players and take it in turns to ask and answer questions about the time.
This is a fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as to consolidate time vocabulary.
This is the Teaching Assistant’s Survival Kit - a bumper bundle of resources and information useful for all teaching assistants, new and experienced, primary and secondary.
This kit contains 21 different resources. Begin by reading the powerpoint ‘Teaching Assistant’s Survival Kit Overview and Instructions’ which outlines how to use each resource.
Kit contains:
Overview and Instructions Powerpoint.
Task Management Boards
Various Essay Planning Templates.
Pupil Writing Checklist.
Maths Mat or useful Maths facts.
Ten Games to practise topic-specific and general vocabulary.
Narrative bookmarks to aid reading comprehension.
Times Tables fortune tellers - an activity pupils of all ages love.
Working in a group powerpoint, discussion and poster - useful when delivering interventions or doing any group work.
Plenary Dice - prompts to lead discussions about learning.
Phonics / Visual letter recognition games - snap and pelmanism.
Information booklet about how to support pre-reading skills.
Information booklet about supporting reading skills.
Information booklet about supporting spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Learning Self-Audit Profile to support students’ independence.
Blank wordsearch grid.
Information Sheet and activity for students about revision and examination technique.
Oral Presentations planning sheets and self-evaulations for students.
Goal Setting Template to support students to work towards goals.
Presentation for use in staff CPD sessions which includes a brief introduction to dyslexia and twenty easy-to-implement classroom strategies (quality first teaching) to enable dyslexic students to access the curriculum.
Also included a PDF booklet with the same strategies which can be given out to staff as handouts.
Suitable for teachers and teaching assistants at KS2,3, 4 and 5. Great as a whole-school or departmental refresher session on dyslexia.
The author is a senior advisory teacher, trainer and writer in the field of special educational needs.
Enough SEN CPD to last all year!
A presentation on supporting dyslexic students in the mainstream classroom - with a booklet for staff containing the same information.
A presentation on supporting students with speech, language and communication needs - again with booklet for staff containing the information.
A presentation on supporting students with social, emotional and mental health needs.
A presentation on social communication skills - along with two activities.
Suitable for primary, secondary and FE. Teachers, school leaders and teaching assistants.
The author is a senior advisory teacher, writer and trainer in the field of SEN.
Bundle of resources on German months and dates.
Powerpoint introducing the months including lots of games and activities.
Worksheet on spelling months of year in German.
Blank template to create own calendar of the months.
Anagrams game.
Powerpoint introducing the numbers 13 - 31 and how to use ordinal / cardinal numbers.
How to write dates in German.
Powerpoint on how to ask and answer - Wann hast du Geburtstag?
This resource contains several different games to practise speaking and listening skills in different tenses talking about hobbies, free time and sports.
Full instructions are provided about the games and different variations. There are also help sheets provided and templates for dice. Simply print the boards you wish to play with. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. There are seven or eight different games which can be played so this resource can be re-used with many different classes and for different topics.
The games include: Talking about hobbies in the present tense, talking about what you have done in the past tense, talking about what you will do in the future tense, using mixed tenses, adding extra detail to sentences such as (who with, when, how often, where, why?).
A powerpoint is also included which introduce all of the present tense phrases.
These games are great to complement the topic of hobbies / free time and also any work on tenses. They also work very well as speaking and listening practice for exam revision.
This is a powerpoint presentation on word types - nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs and adverbs. Each word type is introduced with examples and there are activities for the whole class (group work or activities with a learning partner).
There is then a worksheet for pupils to work through with a section on each word type. An answer sheet is also provided.
This is designed for KS2 pupils as part of the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) curriculum. It can be used as a revision lesson as well as to introduce the topic. It would also be suitable as a revision activity for Key Stage 3 or Key Stage 4 pupils, including those with SEN.
Everything within this resource is self-explanatory and answers provided so this would also be suitable to leave as cover work for a non-specialist to deliver. If all activities are completed there is enough work for two lessons. If pupils are being introduced to the topic for the first time, this resource can also be split up into individual sections (e.g. work on nouns for lesson, work on verbs for another).
Presentation to be used for a staff CPD session. Brief introduction as to what is meant by dyslexia followed by twenty easy-to-implement classroom strategies, which will require little or no additional planning. Suitable for teachers and teaching assistants at KS2, 3, 4 and 5. Focus is on quality first teaching strategies and enabling dyslexic students to access the curriculum.
Suitable for a whole school or department refresher or initial training session on dyslexia and aimed at those who have little / no prior experience of the topic.
Writing by a senior advisory teacher, trainer and author in the field of special educational needs.
This is a big bundle of resources containing everything you'll need to teach the topic of 'house and home' in German.
Several powerpoints intrducing vocabulary - rooms of the house, furniture, prepositions, how you help at home, activities in the home.
Worksheets and other activities within the powerpoints.
Lots of games for whole-class and small group work.
Battleships games for partner work - to practise word order and prepositions.
Word loops which can be used as a whole class speaking activity, or printed and used as match up dominoes.
This is a speaking and listening board game to practise talking about pets.
Full instructions included with ideas on how to support, extend and differentiate.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4. They will need counters and a dice - a dice template is included in the powerpoint if needed. Pupils move around the board asking and answering the question ‘As-tu un animal?’
A help sheet is provided, as well as powerpoint slides introducing all of the vocabulary which will be needed.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills as well as the vocabulary. Introducing the vocabulary and playing the game several times will be enough for the main part of a lesson on the topic.
This is a presentation for use in staff CPD sessions. There is a detailed introduction to what we mean by speech, language and communication needs, why this topic is important and how it affects students. Different area of SLCN are then highlighted including how to identify students in these areas and easy-to-implement classroom strategies to support these students as part of quality first teaching.
Suitable for teachers and teaching assistants at KS1, 2, 3 and 4. Great as a whole-school initial training session or refresher session.
The author is a senior advisory teacher, trainer and writer in the field of speech, language and communication needs.
A bundle of 16 different resources covering: greetings in French, numbers, months, dates, birthdays, animals, colours, weather, clothes, sports, hobbies, places in town, food. Mainly powerpoints with some worksheets and games incorporated into the powerpoints.
Great resources for primary teachers / non-specialists teaching French - plenty to keep you going for the first terms of basic vocabulary.