A set of four A3 revision sheets originally created for the previous specification but which are still applicable for 2015 onwards.
My students have found these an invaluable resource for end of topic revision.
Within the classroom, I use them for differentiation tasks.
This pack includes the following:
3 A3 revision sheets
1. The Emergence of Youth
2. Theories of Youth Culture
3. Youth Deviance
Secondly, 5 essay structure handouts. They have starters for each paragraph and guidance on what to include for evaluation. These also help with structuring essays. I find them particularly useful for differentiation both inside and outside of the classroom and for revision activities.
Colour coded A3 revision sheets on social inequality and difference.
1. Feminism
2. Functionalism
3. Marxism
4. Postmodernism
5. Weberianism
Each revision sheet considers the following topic areas:
1. Overview of society
2. Class
3. Age
4. Gender
5. Ethnicity
This is a complete set of power points for the sociology of Youth which cover the whole of the specification for this topic.
They include a range of activities (including starters), exam questions and are based on the OCR GCSE textbook.
A set of 8 flashcards which cover both sections of this exam paper. These are great for last minute revision but also differentiation, exam practice and classroom aid.
Cards 4 and 8 are guides on how to answer every question on this paper.
My students find these extremely useful.
Print double sided and laminate. Once cut, use a treasury tag to allow students to easily flip between the cards.
Attached is a complete set of revision slides for the Education specification.
Although I have labelled this as a presentation, I use them as flash cards, I have included a picture of them in the format that I use, my students currently have them laminated and are secured with a ring clip (bought from eBay).
They are particularly useful for differentiation in the classroom, I allow my lower ability students to use them in some timed exam questions to give them confidence and practice at writing for extended periods or during group work so that they can make higher level contributions to the group.
The following topic areas are covered:
1. Role of Education
2. Social Policy
3. Ethnicity
4. Social Class
5. Gender
As always with my resources they are colour coded - purple for key concepts, green for theory and red for studies.
The methods in context section is currently available on my free resources section as this section was adapted from another sharing website.
Please let me know how you find this resource, in what ways you have used it and how it could be improved.
A pack of revision resources which includes the following:
Potential questions for family, crime and youth sections of B672. These are based on areas which have not been covered in examinations. They are based on 24 marks but can also be easily converted to 8 mark questions.
Exemplar essays for family and crime (I will add youth shortly).
A student friendly mark scheme for 24 mark questions, I have used this with both Yr 10 and 11 students and students have found it very accessible for both peer marking and self-assessment.
An A3 revision sheet for youth.
As an experienced teacher in both outstanding and requires improvement schools, I have found these sheets extremely useful for both the conscientious student and those who need targeted last minute guidance.
A colour coded quick revise handout for AQA AS Level Sociology.
1. Education on the role of education looking at functionalism, Marxism and New Right theories.
2. Social policy 1880 onwards.
These are great to use to consolidate the end of each unit, group planning exam questions and revision.
My students really like using these quick revision sheets, they are brief and are accessible for E grade students and can be used to challenge higher level learners. My lower ability students use them to structure essays and then use their more detailed handouts to build in the depth needed. My higher level learners use these sheets as pointers, to help remember their prior learning.
A3 revision sheets which cover social inequality and difference for:
1. Class
2. Ethnicity
3. Age
Each sheet considers theory and a range of topic areas to ensure that students are able to access both the 20 and 40 mark essay questions.
A complete set of revision flashcards for the Attachment unit in the new AQA Psychology A Level Specification, they can, however, also be used for alternative exam boards.
Slides are fully editable.
Each slide is colour coded - studies are red, key terms are purple, approaches are green.
Subtopics have their own slide, with evaluation immediately after.
These are designed for students to use alongside their own revision material.
Also included are a set of A3 revision sheets for students to complete. These follow the same order as the revision flashcards.
I have adapted these revision cards from some that were put on TES by another member. They were originally part of revision for Crime and Methods in Context.
I print these as two slides per page and back to back so that they can be laminated and cut out to create flash cards hence the slides being ordered differently - they print fine!
As with most of my resources they are colour coded (green for theory, red for sociologist, purple for concepts).
Please review my resources and let me know if I've made any typing errors or if you have any ideas on how to improve these.
An essay plan, designed to gain full marks on this question. Included are suggested paragraph starters and possible evidence based on the May 2016 examination series.
An essay plan, designed to gain full marks on this question. Included are suggested paragraph starters and possible evidence based on the May 2016 examination series.
This is a 20 mark essay plan for the above OCR Unit.
It includes guidance on how much you need to include dependent upon which grade a student is trying to achieve.
A cover sheet for the setting of assignments.
Page 1 - title and date for hand in (I give this sheet out when setting the assignment).
- teacher feedback and student response
Page 2 - a mark scheme adapted using the AQA A Level (2015 onwards) specimen mark scheme.
- I usually highlight/underline the areas students have achieved. In the narrow column I just tick this so that the student is aware of which level they are achieving for each assessment object.
- the top empty boxes on this page I use in two ways:
1. Group feedback - students to write in what evidence they could have included and then they use this to help up-level
2. If I'm limited for time, I complete this table and then students stick it over the top of the existing table.
If you have any thoughts on how this resource could be improved any feedback would be much appreciated!
Please let me know what you think.