My shop is currently being updated. Once it has been updated you will find many useful resources that are used by myself and other members of my department. I primarily teach A-Level OCR Religious Studies and a little bit of GCSE RS too. You may also find Whole School resources here too. Please do not forget to leave a review after download/purchase as it helps me not only help my future purchasers but my students too.
My shop is currently being updated. Once it has been updated you will find many useful resources that are used by myself and other members of my department. I primarily teach A-Level OCR Religious Studies and a little bit of GCSE RS too. You may also find Whole School resources here too. Please do not forget to leave a review after download/purchase as it helps me not only help my future purchasers but my students too.
With the April term about to start, I have put together this assembly to help my Year 11s get through the last ‘push’ before their exams start.
Includes advice regarding how to handle the next few weeks of their lives regarding their revision, lifestyle etc. My top 10 tips!
There is another assembly coming soon :)
I have charged a small amount because alot of effort and energy was put in.
Please rate and comment :)
I used this to help my Year 11's to revise for their November mocks however can be used for any aspect of revision.
Edexcel Religious Stuides B Christianity Unit 1 Creation
Sanctity of life
Jesus' last week
Evil and suffering
I am planning on creating one of these for each unit. Please leave feedback to how I could improve this and tips for my future RS resources.
Thank You! Enjoy
Cyberbullying assembly focused on social media and aimed for ks3 students. However can be used for older and younger.
Pleas rate and leave any suggestions or other resources youd like to see.
I used this with my year 10 students before their end of year mocks; however can be used with any years if applicable. I am creating some other french lessons to upload soon- please comment any suggestions that you have.
Please rate and comment reviews :)
Although "DEAP" is mainly used in English, please do not limit it, you can use it for any lesson. This is a method that my previous school used and it has been very successful at my new school when I brought it across as an idea. I have left a short description of each file below.
DEAP stands for:
D- Describe: What do you need to improve?
E-Explain: Why is this important i improve?
A-Analyse: Why do i struggle with this?
P-Plan: What am i going to do to ensure I make progress?
Lesson Presentation. Named: DEAP-REFLECTION.
SLIDE 1: This is just a quick starter to get the pupils thinking about what metacognition really is and why it is important. * You do not HAVE to use this slide but as I used this whole lesson for my pupils, I just thought I would leave the whole thing.*
SLIDE 2: This is the lesson objectives for the lesson. I am aware that not a lot of schools address this the same way mine does so please do feel free to edit anything you wish to edit.
SLIDE 3: This is just a slide you could show on your SMARTboard to show and help the pupils through this lesson. It includes what the pupils need to do and includes a few tips.
Teacher Example DEAP:
I am also aware that not many schools complete "DEAP", So I have left a completed Example for the teacher to use as a guide. As I said before, I used this specific lesson for a history lesson as you will see when you open the document, but can be used for any lesson what so ever.
I have left two documents of the pupils worksheets. You can give your pupils either one. One has sentence starters, which I tend to give to the pupils who struggle with writing tasks or with ideas.
I hope this has come to good use! :)
This can be used as a classroom resource, or, how I used it, as a revision pack. It includes all key areas of Memory and most importantly the studies that are needed for their GCSE exam. There is also some past GCSE exam questions inside the pack as well. My pupils seem to struggle with Evaluations so on a few studies the evaluations are empty, for pupils to complete.
I hope you enjoy. If you want to see a few more resources let me know. if you also find any errors or have any tips for me please contact me or comment below.
Thank You
Activities based on days of the week.
I have used this resource, after making it for my form a few years ago, for around two years and it has worked well with each group I have had.
There is a more detailed guide of how to use inside the resource.
Hope you enjoy :)
Includes revision activites, planning of an essay and writing an introduction too.
Includes tasks, sheets, hints and challenges.
There will be lots of revision coming out towards this time of the year so please do leave comments of what you would like to see or reviews so that I can add.
Although "DEAP" is mainly used in English, please do not limit it, you can use it for any lesson. This is a method that my previous school used and it has been very successful at my new school when I brought it across as an idea. I have left a short description of each file below.
DEAP stands for:
D- Describe: What do you need to improve?
E-Explain: Why is this important i improve?
A-Analyse: Why do i struggle with this?
P-Plan: What am i going to do to ensure I make progress?
Lesson Presentation. Named: DEAP-REFLECTION.
SLIDE 1: This is just a quick starter to get the pupils thinking about what metacognition really is and why it is important. * You do not HAVE to use this slide but as I used this whole lesson for my pupils, I just thought I would leave the whole thing.*
SLIDE 2: This is the lesson objectives for the lesson. I am aware that not a lot of schools address this the same way mine does so please do feel free to edit anything you wish to edit.
SLIDE 3: This is just a slide you could show on your SMARTboard to show and help the pupils through this lesson. It includes what the pupils need to do and includes a few tips.
Teacher Example DEAP:
I am also aware that not many schools complete "DEAP", So I have left a completed Example for the teacher to use as a guide. As I said before, I used this specific lesson for a history lesson as you will see when you open the document, but can be used for any lesson what so ever.
I have left two documents of the pupils worksheets. You can give your pupils either one. One has sentence starters, which I tend to give to the pupils who struggle with writing tasks or with ideas.
I hope this has come to good use! :)