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Mark Making - Formal Element Line
This 3 page resource includes examples of different Mark Making patterns, a sheet for students to practice Mark Making on and some questions for students to answer as an extension.
Line - Mark Making
Resources for Line mark making lessons.
One file has 3 pages and links to the powerpoint
Art Quiz (Key Stage 3)
15 Question Art quiz - Mainly aimed towards Year 7 students but could be used for Year 8 & 9.
Powerpoint & Answer sheet attached for students.
Formal Elements Continuation Game
This resource is intended to be used during the Formal elements project. Each student is given a card and its a game of continuation. The first student will read out a definition and another student with the answer will shout their answer, then read their definition.
This should follow around the classroom until all students have provided an answer and definition.
This document can be edited for questions and answers of your choosing.
Plickers step by step user guide
This document has been created as a step by step guide on how to use Plickers. You can share this within your school/department.
** Students names and faces have been blacked out due to GDPR
Critique Sheets - Art & Photography
Critique sheets to use in peer assessment lessons. Works really well at GCSE & A Level for students in Photography and Art to help share and develop ideas.
Tone & Shading practice activity
Two page activity sheet to practice tone and shading with an option for peer assessment at the end.
Antoni Gaudi Wordsearch
Starter or pleanary designed for KS3 students based on Antonio Gaudi
Little Planet step by step guide
This powerpoint goes through a step by step guide on how to create a little planet style photography image using panoramic pictures.
This is created using Serif Photoplus editing software but can easily be transferred over to Photoshop.
Minus Photoshop
This powerpoint is designed to support students who have no access to photoshop. It gives artists and ideas for how students can do physical and digitial manipulation to further their coursework