Revision self-assessments in the form of practice questions and answers, following exam board specification points. The resources are aimed at GCSE/IGCSE Sciences to provide extra practice as quick revision lessons, homework, cover lessons etc.
Created by a Lead Physics Teacher and Examiner
Revision self-assessments in the form of practice questions and answers, following exam board specification points. The resources are aimed at GCSE/IGCSE Sciences to provide extra practice as quick revision lessons, homework, cover lessons etc.
Created by a Lead Physics Teacher and Examiner
AQA Combined Science Trilogy (Physics) Topic 5 - Forces
There are a total of 195 questions organised into subtopics as listed below. There are 15 questions in each assessment form. The self-assessments are created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the Topic.
A Contents page and Answer sheet are provided, so students can mark their answers and write their totals on each assessment form.
List of Assessment forms:
Scalars and Vectors
Contact, Non-Contact & Resultant Forces
Weight, Mass & Terminal Velocity
Centre of Mass
Work Done
Forces & Elasticity
Newton’s Laws of Motion (First, Second & Third Laws)
Speed & Distance-Time Graphs
Acceleration & Velocity-Time Graphs
Analysing Motion Graphs (HT)
Equations of Motion
Forces & Braking (Thinking, Braking and Stopping Distances)
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
Each self-assessment forms has 15 questions and ranges in marks from 15-35 marks in total. It should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through each form independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
Each assessment form are for both higher and lower tiers. On the learning objectives, I have labelled ‘Higher Tier only’ for those points that are only required for those students taking the Higher Tier exams.
AQA GCSE Physics (Combined Science: Trilogy) Complete Revision Questions & Exams Booklet.
There is a exam style question & answer paper for each unit of all 7 topics - over 50 revision question forms. In total there is approximately 900 Questions.
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Energy - Conduction and Thermal Conductivity Revision Questions & Answers
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Electricity - IV-Graphs & Resistors Revision Questions & Answers
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Electricity - Electric Current & Charge Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE/IGCSE AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Forces - Principles of Moments & Calculations Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE/IGCSE AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: GCSE Forces - Vectors and Scalars Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Electricity - Mains Electricity & Plugs Revision Questions & Answers
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy (Physics) Topic 2 - Electricity
There are a total of 165 questions organised into subtopics as listed below. There are 15 questions in each assessment form. The self-assessments are created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the Topic.
A Contents page and Answer sheet are provided, so students can mark their answers and write their totals on each assessment form.
List of Assessment forms:
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Electric Current & Charge
Potential Difference and Resistance
Series Circuits
Parallel Circuits
I-V Graphs & Resistors
Electrical Energy
Electrical Power
AC DC And National Grid
Transformer EMF Equation (HT)
Mains Electricity & Plugs
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
Each self-assessment forms has 15 questions and ranges in marks from 15-35 marks in total. It should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through each form independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
Each assessment form are for both higher and lower tiers. On the learning objectives, I have labelled ‘Higher Tier only’ for those points that are only required for those students taking the Higher Tier exams.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy (Physics) Topic 6 - Waves
There are a total of 90 questions organised into subtopics as listed below. There are 15 questions in each assessment form. The self-assessments are created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the Topic.
A Contents page and Answer sheet are provided, so students can mark their answers and write their totals on each assessment form.
List of Assessment forms:
Transverse & Longitudinal Waves and Properties
Wave Speed and Wave Period
Refraction & Wave Front Diagrams (HT)
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Uses of Electromagnetic Waves (Radio, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible Light)
Uses of Electromagnetic Waves (Ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma Rays)
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
Each self-assessment forms has 15 questions and ranges in marks from 15-35 marks in total. It should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through each form independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
Each assessment form are for both higher and lower tiers. On the learning objectives, I have labelled ‘Higher Tier only’ for those points that are only required for those students taking the Higher Tier exams.
Topic: Forces - Momentum Calculations Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Energy - Energy Efficiency Revision Questions & Answers
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Forces - Newton’s First, Second, Third Laws Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Energy - Conduction & Thermal Conductivity Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE/IGCSE AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Particle Model of Matter - Density Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE/IGCSE AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Waves - Wave Speed & Wave Period Calculations Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE/IGCSE AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Topic: Electromagnetism - Electromagnets Self-Assessment Form
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE/IGCSE AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Please leave a review, which will help me to continue to deliver the free resources
AQA Combined Science Trilogy (Physics) Topic Energy - Subtopic: Energy Stores
Self-assessment of 15 questions, created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, or end of topic test - It is an extra resource of questions, aside from the common past paper questions, that can help students consolidate their understanding of the topic.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
Each self-assessment forms has 15 questions and ranges in marks from 15-35 marks. It should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through each form independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
The assessment form are for both higher and lower tiers. On the learning objectives, I have labelled ‘Higher Tier only’ for those points that are only required for those students taking the Higher Tier exams.
Please leave a review, which will help me to continue to deliver the free resources
Topic: Particle Model of Matter - Internal Energy Revision Questions & Answers
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.
Please leave a review, which will help me to continue to deliver the free resources
Topic: Waves - Magnets and Magnetic Fields Revision Questions & Answers
This unit is part of the specification: GCSE AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) and GCSE Physics
The self-assessment is created in a way that can be completed by students independently - as homework, revision lesson, cover lesson, end of topic test - It is an extra resource of practice questions that can help students consolidate their understanding of the unit.
An Answer sheet is provided, so students can mark their answers and write their total mark attained.
Can be printed as 2 pages per A4 sheet to save paper.
The marks for questions are shown as points (1 point is equivalent to 1 mark).
The self-assessment has 15 questions, and should take 20-30 minutes to complete.
Students can work through it independently and check their answers using the answer sheet provided.
If you have any questions or need help with Physics revision or lessons, let me know and I will do my very best to answer.