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Follower by S. Heaney (with annotations)
Lesson PPT which includes a starter activity, notes on the poet and annotations on each stanza of the poem ‘Follower’ by Seamus Heaney (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry).

Porphyria's Lover (3 Lessons - With Annotations)
Three lessons on ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ by Robert Browning (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry) which includes detailed annotations on the poem.
Lesson 1: Context and understanding of the poem
Lesson 2: Demonstrate understanding through creating a storyboard
Lesson 3: Analysis of language and structure
Annotations are included within the PowerPoint.

Cambridge IGCSE ESL Revision Booklet & Past Papers
This resource includes guidance on the Cambridge IGCSE
English as a Second Language 2024-2025 (syllabus code: 0510).
Booklet includes:
Course overview
Useful websites
Reading exercise 1
Reading exercise 2
Reading exercise 3
Reading exercise 4
How to write an email
How to write an article
How to write a report
How to writer a review
Practice tasks
Guidance on the Listening examination (Paper 2)
Guidance on the Speaking examination (Paper 3)
Past papers at the end.

Cambridge IGCSE 0510 (English as a Second Language)
This is a unit of work which includes lessons to help prepare students for the Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening examinations (2024 Cambridge ESL IGCSE).
This resource includes the following:
Lesson PowerPoints
Starter activities
Exam practice
Mark schemes
Teacher’s notes for the speaking assessment
Topic cards for the speaking assessment
Audio for listening practice
Literacy activities

Neutral Tones Lesson (with annotations)
A complete lesson on ‘Neutral Tones’ by Thomas Hardy (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry) which includes a starter acitvity, a copy of the poem, notes on the poet and annotations on the poem.

Eden Rock Annotations
Annotations on the poem ‘Eden Rock’ by Charles Causley (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry).

Before You Were Mine (with annotations)
Lesson PPT on the poem ‘Before You Were Mine’ by Carol Ann Duffy (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry) which includes annotations.

Climbing My Grandfather (with annotations)
A complete lesson on ‘Climbing My Grandfather’ (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry). Slides include notes on context, structure and language.

Mother, Any Distance Annotations
Detailed annotations on the poem ‘Mother, Any Distance’ by Simon Armitage (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry). The PPT also includes notes on the poet and a summary of the poem.

Letters From Yorkshire (with annotations)
This PowerPoint includes a starter, information about the poet, activities and annotations on the poem ‘Letters From Yorkshire’ by Maura Dooley.
Annotations include exploration of language and structure. The PPT can be split into two lessons.

Walking Away Lesson (with annotations)
Complete annotations on the language and structure of ‘Walking Away’ by Cecil Day Lewis.

Singh Song! (2 Lessons - With Annotations)
This resource includes two PowerPoint lessons which explore the poem Singh Song! by Daljit Nagra.
The PowerPoints include the following activities:
making predictions based on words from poem
title prediction
glossary of words in the poem
contextual information on the poet
video of poet discussing the poem
cloze summary of the poem
comprehension questions
matching quotes to images
drawing activity
annotations on language/structure

Comprehension Booklet
Four texts included with comprehension questions. This resource is most suitable for KS3 students.

When We Two Parted (with annotations)
A complete lesson on ‘When We Two Parted’ by Lord Byron (AQA Love and Relationships Poetry) which includes notes on context, a video-clip activity and annotations on each stanza of the poem.

Non-Fiction/English Language Unit (KS3)
This a 6-7 week English Language unit. The scheme of work links to the Cambridge ESL IGCSE and includes Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening activities.
This is perfect to use for low ability Secondary classes.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson PPTs which includes LO, starter, main activity and plenary
Resources/worksheets to accompany PPT
SPAG activities have been embedded throughout the unit
Each week focuses on a different theme (‘Space’, ‘Endangered Animals’, Role Models’, etc.)
Heavy focus on how to write a letter, diary entry and persuasive article
Spelling lists for 7 weeks
SoW/termly plan.

Sonnet 29 Lesson (with annotations)
A complete lesson on ‘Sonnet 29’ by Robert Browning (AQA Love and Relationship Poetry) which includes the following:
starter activity
notes on context
summary of the poem
lesson activities
annotations on language and structure (which includes notes on Petrarchan Sonnets)
worksheets with questions to help guide student analysis

Cambridge IGCSE 0510 Paper 2, Listening Practice (English as a Second Language)
This is a one week PPT which includes all Exercises of the IGSCE ESL Paper 2 (2024 Cambridge specification). The lessons are planned using the most up-to-date specification and syllabus.
Content includes the following:
Lesson PPT
Audio/Recording (52 mins)
Question paper for students
Answer sheet (which are also included in the PPT)

Love's Philosophy (two lessons)
This PowerPoint includes two lessons on Percy Bysse Shelley’s ‘Love’s Philosophy’.
Leson 1: context surrounding the poem (information about the poem and the Romantic movement)
Lesson 2: analysis on the language and structure of the poem.
Annotations are included within the PPT.

Diverse Poetry (6-Week Unit)
Cultural Poetry From Across the World
This is a 6-week unit which includes lessons on the following diverse poems:
• Island Man by Grace Nichols
• Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker
• Nothing’s Changed by Tatamkhulu Afrika
• Presents From My Aunts in Pakistan by Moniza Alvi
• Limbo by Edward Kamu Brathwaite
Some of the lessons can be split into two lessons. Annotations are included.
Lessons include introduction to poetry, starter activities, comprehension questions, context, analysis on language and structure, writing activities and plenty of visuals to aid learning.
PPT is 131 slides long and each lesson is clearly distinguished.