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AQA Paris Anthology Exam Questions
96 exam type questions!
The file contains 3 questions for every single text from the Paris Anthology.
1 x AS Comparison
1 x AS Recreative
1 x A-Level Comparison
Please note that these don't all match the exam specifics. For example; I've written some questions for A-level on the short extracts which are unlikely to come up in the exam. I just wanted to ensure a full range of coverage.
Hopefully these will be useful for exam preparation and revision.
Macbeth Comprehension Questions for Every Scene
I’ve created this collection of questions because I thought it would be helpful to have them all in one place. I’ve spent too many hours creating quick comprehension quizzes on slips of paper, losing them and having to write them all over again the following year. Although this has taken time to put together it will save time in the long run!
It is a Word document collection of 10 comprehension questions, with answers, for every single scene in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. They can be used as starter activities, homework, plenaries or a quick knowledge check during the lesson. I’ve created them for GCSE but they could also be used for KS3. The idea is for them to provide you with a quick check of your students’ knowledge of the scene and, of course, to save you preparation time. They cover a range of questions from simple comprehension to missing words on key quotations. I’ve deliberately added at least one question for each scene which can be discussed at length after the quiz.
I’ve also turned the questions for each scene into a YouTube video if you would prefer to use that (free) format. They involve no preparation as the answers are included in the video. They can be found on my channel here:
Paris Anthology Consolidation Questions
This document contains five questions for every text in the Paris Anthology for AQA Language and Literature. The questions could be used for a quick quiz, revision or a starter activity.
UCAS Personal Statement Checklist
A checklist for students to work through when preparing their Personal Statements
Blood Brothers Quiz Questions and Answers
A set of 32 quiz questions based on the play. Includes answers.
Blood Brother Context PowerPoint
This resource guides students through a range of activities which will help them to develop a contextual understanding of the play.
An Inspector Calls - Taboo Revision Quiz
A taboo quiz based on key words from An Inspector Calls. I've used this for a starter activity for a revision lesson.
Blood Brothers Key Quotations
A list of 25 key quotations from Blood Brothers. Useful for revision activities.
Ice breaker Questions
A list of questions to use at the start of the term to get to know your students
Whole Class Feedback Template
This is a printable template which helps with the marking load! Print the sheet and add comments as you mark a set of books, then use the sheet to feedback to the class. This saves a huge amount of time and helps with assessment as it becomes easier to identify patterns and act on them.
Blood Brothers - Missing Word Quotation Quiz
A recap quiz which contains key quotations - the students have to guess the missing key word. Answers are at the end of the PowerPoint.
Macbeth Taboo Game
A game designed as a starter activity for Macbeth. The PowerPoint includes the rules.
Parts of Speech Revision Mats
A set of table mats which cover the parts of speech. These can be laminated and put on classroom desks throughout the year to support student revision. Swap them around each lesson so students see them all.
There / their / they're PowerPoint
A brief PowerPoint explaining the differences between there / their and they're. Includes a quiz and the answers. Useful for a quick recap or starter.
Opening portrayal of The Witches note sheet
A simple set of question prompts for students to use when looking at various interpretations of The Witches. Use for the opening scene with a variety of openings.
Macbeth Act 2, Scene ii Quiz
A simple missing word quiz for key quotations from Act 2, scene ii of Macbeth
Blood Brothers Empathy Questions
A range of questions to explore the motivations of the main characters. Could be used as a writing task or a speaking and listening task.
Blood Brothers Item Quiz Starter Activity
A starter activity to use for Blood Brothers revision.
Split the class into two groups and display one of the images. The groups take it in turns to talk about the significance of the image to the play. They get one point for their team for a basic response and two points if they can comment on the image at a more sophisticated level.
You may want to offer three points for a "wow" answer!
Colons Video
A short video (with a quiz and answers) to help students with the rules for using colons.