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Fun End Of Term / Year Awards Ceremony On PPT
This is a fun and creative end of term / year awards ceremony. This allows learners to be praised, acknowledged for their hard work, resilience and achievements in a light – hearted humorous approach. This awards ceremony helps encourage and promote trust, good communication and helps learners bond with each other via mutual respect and tolerance.
There are 11 categories for example; ‘Best Team Player’, ‘Best Smile’, ‘Best Reader’ etc. There is a space to insert the name of the winner. Additional award categories can be added to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages. Format is on PowerPoint Presentation.

Ice-Breaker Game on PPT
This Colourful Facts Game helps encourage and promote trust, good communication and helps learners bond with each other via mutual respect and tolerance. Three versions on how to play this ice-breaker game is provided.
Format is PowerPoint Presentation, can adapt to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages.

Meal Planner and Grocery List Worksheets
A meal planner & grocery aisle List is the perfect approach to making effective decisions to ensure a healthy, balanced meal is achieved on a weekly basis. Make your week straightforward and save time and money by planning ahead and creating healthy, delicious meals. Features: clear, structured grocery aisle List with additional notes section. The meal planner format is in landscape allows more space to write, categories consisting of; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks & Water.
This helps encourages critical thinking, time management skills, and promotes awareness around healthy eating / lifestyle choices, perfect for both learners & teachers. Format WORD, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Would You Rather Ice-breaker Game on PPT
This popular game consists of fun would you rather questions and learners select either option A or option B. This game helps encourage and promote trust, good communication and helps learners bond with each other via mutual respect and tolerance.
Format is PowerPoint Presentation, can adapt to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages.

Fun Ice-Breaker - Last One Standing Game on PPT
This fun, creative ice-breaker game consists of a set of 10 questions, in which learners will decide if it applies to them, if it does, then they will need to sit down; the last person standing up is the winner. This game helps encourage and promote trust, good communication and helps learners bond with each other via mutual respect and tolerance.
Instructions on how to play this game is provided. Format is PowerPoint Presentation, can add additional questions and adapt to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages.

Employability, Interview Worksheets
This lesson starts begins with an informal classmate interview activity to build trust and good communication with each other. Second activity, to watch online interview videos and identify the do’s and don’ts during a job interview. Then learners self-reflect on strengths and weaknesses then lastly, carry out the mock interview activity.
Format is Word, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game PPT - Cognitve Psychology
This popular, interactive game can be adapted as a revision activity. Learners can play individually, in pairs or in groups and select answers by writing on a mini-whiteboard or something similar. This game can be played in various ways.
This helps reinforce knowledge and identify areas that need to explore further. Format is PowerPoint Presentation, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Positive Wellbeing Wordsearch
This wellbeing wordsearch consists of 1 worksheet with 12 positive thinking words. This helps to encourage learners to develop an attitude that promotes a strong and resilient mindset.
Format is Word, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Acts of Kindness Worksheets
Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Uplift others with simple acts of compassion and goodness. Embrace the simple gift of kindness all year round, however big or small the gesture every little helps to make a difference in the world. Research has suggested being kind can help reduce stress, anxiety, boost self-esteem and increase happiness. Features: A clear, structured approach to record acts of kindness and can be dated and numbered for personal reference. My reflections table consists of; type of act, recipient of the act, their reaction and how it made you feel.
This helps encourage compassion, generosity, self-reflection and helps increase self-love and self-worth, perfect for both learners & teachers. Format WORD, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Positive and Wellbeing Worksheets
This activity helps promote positive attitude and thinking and general wellbeing. Learners can write in the heart shape things they love and like about themselves and someone else. An example of how this can be used is provided. Format WORD, can adapt to suit individual needs / suitable for all ages.

Gratitude, Appreciation and Positivity Worksheets
Developing a healthy, grateful & positive mindset takes time but with practice like anything, it can become a beneficial habit to foster better mental health and general wellbeing. This gratitude, appreciation activity is the perfect to promote reflective mindfulness and build a stronger, healthy & productive attitude to appreciate all the amazing things in your life. As a by-product of developing grateful, positive mindset research has suggested it can improve self-esteem, lower stress levels, improve sleep, enhance empathy and increase happiness.
Perfect for both learners & teachers, an example of how this can be used is provided. Format WORD, can adapt to suit individual needs / suitable for all ages.

Reading List / Log Worksheets
A reading list / log is perfect to keep track and record one hundred books. The first part allows you to fill in the table comprising of potential book titles, completed date, to-be-completed by date and reading experience rating. Followed by, a clear, structured table allowing you to record the reading experience details and to capture the true memory of the book.
This helps encourage and share reading experiences, perfect for both learners & teachers. Format Word, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Daily To-Do List Worksheets
A clear and effective way to keep track and write down all the tasks to do. Each page consists of; 1) Top 6 priorities tasks, 2) tasks to be listed, 3) Level of urgency; ranging from low, medium and high, simply write in this section the allocated level of urgency. 4) Completed or complete by, in this section fill in whether the task has been completed, if a task is uncompleted you can allocate a possible complete by date. Lastly, notes section for additional information to remember and observations/ideas to jot down.
This helps promote better time management and ensures more productivity for both learners & teachers. Format WORD, can adapt to suit individual needs.

Positive Self-talk and Wellbeing Worksheets
This activity helps promote positive attitude and thinking and general wellbeing. Learners can identify in pairs the benefits of positive thinking, and then turn negative self-talk statements into positive self-talk statements. Then learners will individually self-reflect and identify their own negative self-talk and transform them into positive self-talk.
Perfect for both learners & teachers. Format WORD, can adapt to suit individual needs / suitable for all ages.

End of Term / Year, Maze Running Game
This fun and exciting maze running game consists of four mazes; learners can play and compete with each other under time conditions to win (prize optional). Answers to the mazes are included with this activity. This game can be played individually, in pairs or in groups. This helps encourage and promote critical thinking, resilience, team work, good communication & confidence.
Format is Word, can adapt to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages.

Fun End Of Term / Year Class Certificates On PPT
This fun, creative end of term / year class certificates allows learners to be praised, acknowledged for their hard work, resilience and achievements in a light – hearted humorous approach. These fun certificates help encourage and promote trust, good communication and helps learners bond with each other via mutual respect and tolerance.
There are 11 categories for example; ‘Best Team Player’, ‘Best Smile’, ‘Best Reader’ etc. There is a space to insert the name of the learner. Additional categories can be added to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages. Format is on PowerPoint Presentation.

Read All About Me / Transition
This fun and creative activity is a wonderful way to build trust, good communication skills and help develop reading, writing and listening skills. This activity is loosely designed around a newspaper theme article. Learners will draw themselves, write about their favourite colour, hobbies, draw their own Superhero costume and explain their unique Superpower. There is also extra space for additional information for learners to add about themselves.
This is perfect for helping learners to get to know each other, can be used during transition stages even as ice-breakers. Format is Word, can adapt to suit individual needs / suitable for all ages.

Spelling and Vocabulary Building KS2 Game on PPT
This fun and creative game is an engaging way to help improve spelling and build literacy skills. This vocabulary building game for KS2 helps develop reading and speaking skills as well. This ‘Ready Steady Reveal’ game consists of 5 vocabulary building words, on each slide a word is covered by a shape and gradually the shapes disappear at random and learners need to say the word before the word is fully revealed, first learner to answer correctly wins. Variations to this game can be implemented.
Format is PowerPoint Presentation, can add additional questions aimed at different ages groups and adapt to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages.

Gratitude, Appreciation Game on Word
This gratitude, appreciation game helps promote and encourage a positive mindset and increases happiness. Also prompts reflective mindfulness and builds a stronger attitude to appreciate all the amazing things in your life.
This could be used as an ice-breaker activity or a general fun activity to do with the class. Format is Word, can adapt to suit individual needs / suitable for all ages.

Positive Affirmations and Wellbeing Cards
These colourful positive affirmations help to promote a positive attitude and general wellbeing. These affirmations can be printed on cards or turned into a poster, essentially can be adapted to suit individual needs/ suitable for all ages. Format is Word.