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GCSE Drama Resources

Producing excellent, high quality and effective resources for teachers, students and parents teaching or studying GCSE Drama.

Producing excellent, high quality and effective resources for teachers, students and parents teaching or studying GCSE Drama.
AQA GCSE Drama Component 1 Complete Exam Breakdown

AQA GCSE Drama Component 1 Complete Exam Breakdown

This lesson is a breakdown of the Component 1 Written Exam for the AQA GCSE Drama course. The lesson breaks the exam down so that students understand the expectations of each section of the exam, the requirements of each of the Assessment Criteria covered in the exam and the knowledge and understanding that will be required from them to do well in the exam. The lesson also goes through the logistics of the exam, such as the time they students have in the exam to answer the questions, how many marks there are per question and the layout of the paper. The students are given a graphic organiser to help them take notes during the lesson and to revise from at the end of the lesson. This is a perfect starting point from which to begin working on the Component 1 Written Exam for the AQA GCSE Drama course and something which you can then refer back to, turn into displays and use as a revision tool throughout the year.
EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 Complete Exam Breakdown

EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 Complete Exam Breakdown

This lesson is a breakdown of the Component 3 Written Exam for the EDUQAS GCSE Drama course. The lesson breaks the exam down so that students understand the expectations of each section of the exam, the requirements of each of the Assessment Criteria covered in the exam and the knowledge and understanding that will be required from them to do well in the exam. The lesson also goes through the logistics of the exam, such as the time they students have in the exam to answer the questions, how many marks there are per question and the layout of the paper. The students are given a graphic organiser to help them take notes during the lesson and to revise from at the end of the lesson. This is a perfect starting point from which to begin working on the Component 3 Written Exam for the EDUQAS GCSE Drama course and something which you can then refer back to, turn into displays and use as a revision tool throughout the year.
AQA GCSE Drama Component 1 How to answer the 2018 Question Paper!

AQA GCSE Drama Component 1 How to answer the 2018 Question Paper!

This is more of a resource than a lesson, although you can of course deliver it as such. It is worth highlighting that the questions in every exam paper remain the same across the five set texts, only the references to the actual text change. Therefore, there is an opportunity for students to work on writing skills that is relevant to all the set texts. This might come in useful as a starting point before you start your set text, or even before you choose your set text. So of course, use this as a whole lesson and deliver it to your students in one go. Doing so might be a good introduction once you’ve delivered the Full Exam breakdown. It might also prove to be useful doing it in this way as a revision tool closer to the exam. We think that the best way to use this resource is to split it up into questions and/or sections and deliver the content over a much longer period. Spend time looking at each question individually, and when you do, use this resource as a starting point to discuss what knowledge and skills the students are going to need to answer the questions. Use this resource in as many ways as possible to get the best value from it. This resource could be printed out for a display or given to students as a handout. All we ask is that you don’t modify the presentation or layout of the information.
EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 How to answer the 2018 Question Paper!

EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 How to answer the 2018 Question Paper!

This is more of a resource than a lesson, although you can of course deliver it as such. It is worth highlighting that the questions in every exam paper remain the same across the five set texts, only the references to the actual text change. Therefore, there is an opportunity for students to work on writing skills that is relevant to all the set texts. This might come in useful as a starting point before you start your set text, or even before you choose your set text. So of course, use this as a whole lesson and deliver it to your students in one go. Doing so might be a good introduction once you’ve delivered the Full Exam breakdown. It might also prove to be useful doing it in this way as a revision tool closer to the exam. We think that the best way to use this resource is to split it up into questions and/or sections and deliver the content over a much longer period. Spend time looking at each question individually, and when you do, use this resource as a starting point to discuss what knowledge and skills the students are going to need to answer the questions. Use this resource in as many ways as possible to get the best value from it. This resource could be printed out for a display or given to students as a handout. All we ask is that you don’t modify the presentation or layout of the information.
EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 2018 Exam Paper Walk Through with example answer for The Tempest

EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 2018 Exam Paper Walk Through with example answer for The Tempest

This is a comprehensive breakdown of an example answer for EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 for The Tempest. The breakdown shows you where, how and why marks were awarded in this complex and challenging written exam. It is a really thorough PowerPoint, covering every aspect of the exam but done so in a concise and knowledgeable way that can be accessed by every student. It can be broken down into sections, delivered in a pace that suits you or can be used a revision nearer the mock or full exam. The resource comes with a printable version of the example answers to hand out to students for both The Tempest and both the design and acting question for the Theatre Review.
EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 2018 Exam Walk Through with examples for The Caucasian Chalk Circle

EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 2018 Exam Walk Through with examples for The Caucasian Chalk Circle

This is a comprehensive breakdown of an example answer for EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 for The Caucasian Chalk Circle. The breakdown shows you where, how and why marks were awarded in this complex and challenging written exam. It is a really thorough PowerPoint, covering every aspect of the exam but done so in a concise and knowledgeable way that can be accessed by every student. It can be broken down into sections, delivered in a pace that suits you or can be used a revision nearer the mock or full exam. The resource comes with a printable version of the example answers to hand out to students for both The Caucasian Chalk Circle and both the design and acting question for the Theatre Review.
EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 Example Answer and Breakdown for The Tempest

EDUQAS GCSE Drama Component 3 Example Answer and Breakdown for The Tempest

A massive 60 page PowerPoint presentation taking you through a complete example practice paper for the 2018 EDUQAS GCSE Component 3 Exam showing where and how marks have been awarded. Each question is broken down to explain what the requirements of each question is, what the students should be expected to write and how each questions is assessed. Each question has an example answer, which is annotated and highlighted to show where and how marks have been awarded. This is a fantastic guide to help students write responses which are going to help them achieve the best they can. The example is taken from The Tempest but the skills are appropriate to all the set texts.