Are you looking to improve your answers for the Up the Line to Death essay in Paper 2 ( AQA English Lit)?
Then look no further!
This is a analytical Band 5 essay titled ‘’ The Up the Line to Death anthology is above all about the destruction of man’s mind. Examine the anthology in light of this statement, ‘’
This essay contains content that abides to the following assessment objectives of the AQA A level English Literature Specification A- WW1 and its aftermath
A01- includes relevant terminology to WW1 and its aftermath, as well as comparative/analytical language
A02- discusses language and structural devices as well as explaining their purpose
A03- Includes relevant context around PTSD/opposition of WW1
A04- includes comparisons with different poems within this anthology
A05- includes alternative, modern and psychoanalytical interpretations
A* exemplar 48/50 A Level AQA English Literature coursework.
Comparision essay between Ibsen’s ‘‘Doll House’’ and Hosseini’s ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’
Bibliography included alongside full references.
First paragraph is highlighted according to the AQA A level English Literature Specification, in order for students to understand the way they can achieve assesement objectives in writing.
2660 word essay, exploring the question ''Compare and Contrast the way that women are presented in ‘’A Doll’s House’’ and ‘’A Thousand Splendid Suns’’
Examine the view that women are destined to be inferior and experience pain.
Here is a detailed, 9 paged example of a summary and reflection page for an AQA EPQ Level 3 project, which scored 47/50 (A*)
The title was ''Should we place limits on the right to Freedom of Expression and was this evident during the Covid Crisis? ‘’
Use this as a guide to identify which assessment objectives are being appropriately used.
This is completely original work therefore do not distribute elsewhere/copyright as your own
This is a grade 9 analytical GCSE Macbeth essay titled ''How is Lady Macbeth presented in Act 1 scene 5? This fits with the AQA GCSE English Literature specification
This essay is analytical and coherent, containing relevant context and literary techniques.
Use this as a guide, highlighting examples of A01, A02 AND A03
This work is completely original, therefore do not copyright or distribute elsewhere.
Are you struggling with knowing what to revise for the AQA A level English Literature Specification A, unseen poetry comparison (Paper 1)
Then this document is perfect for you.
I have studied all the past unseen love poems time periods for the this course, and carefully selected the time periods that have always/and are HIGHLY likely to come up.
This document includes relevant and concise revision content for the following literary periods
-Renaissance Period
-Metaphysical Era
-Restoration Era
-Romantic Era
-The Victorian Era
-Modern Period
-Post- Modern Period
This resource also includes relevant links to all assessment objectives for this course, including
A01- Key concepts/terminology
A02- The popular literary/structural/poetic devices used in the respective period
A03- The relevant contextual links, that link to poets of the time mentalities and attitudes to Love
A04- contains some contextual links between different time periods
A05- Contains a variety of possible, relevant feminist, contemporary, modern, psychoanalytical interpretations that can be used to that respective period.
Hurry Up and get this resource for a great price during Exam Season.
Are you looking to improve in incorporating relevant context, literary connections as well as critical interpretations in A level English Literature, Paper 1, specifically the Measure for Measure Shakespeare question?
Then look no further!
This is an excellent resource, which helps students with understanding General Context (A03), Connections within & across Shakesperean plays(A04), as well as learn the different examples of critics, that are most relevant(A05).
If you are able to smash these assessment objectives alone, that is already 12/25 Marks secured!
Hurry up and get this resource for a good deal, in the peak of exam season.
This document contains
Love poetry through the Ages Knowledge organiser for 7 different time periods. These knowledge organiser contain relevant links to all assessment objectives (A01,A02,A03,A04,A05)
Two A star Unseen Poetry comparisons that sucessfully explore each assesment objectives.
This document contains an A * Grade Great Gatsby comparison with two pre-1900 poems. The question is ‘’ Compare and contrast how authors of at least two texts you have studied present ideas about infidelity
Use this essay as a structural guide.
Read the essay through, and highlight parts you believe relate to the AQA a LEVEL English literature specification A for the Love through the Ages Paper 1 section.
Moreover, analyse key analytical points and see if you can appropriately adapt them into other similar essay titles.
This is completely original,paid resource therefore please do not distribute elsewhere (as this is copyright).
Here, is the powerpoint presentation I used to secure an A* in my EPQ (According to 2023 Grade boundaries). Use this presentation, as a guideline for the general content and level of detail and needed in a EPQ presentation
My title is ''Should we place limits on the right to freedom of expression and was this evident during the Covid Crisis?
Please do not copyright as this is original work.
This document contains an A * ( Band 5) Great Gatsby comparison withtwo pre-1900 poems. The question is ''Compare and contrast how authors of at least two texts you have studied present ideas about romantic comittment.
Use this essay as a structural guide.
Read the essay through, and highlight parts you believe relate to the AQA a LEVEL English literature specification A for the Love through the Ages Paper 1 section.
Moreover, analyse key analytical points and see if you can appropriately adapt them into other similar essay titles.
This is completely original,paid resource therefore please do not distrubute elsewhere (as this is copyright).
This contains 3 analytical, A * essays for the AQA A level English Literature Specification
All of these essays, contain relevant links to each assessment objectives, specified in the syllabus.
The titles included are
Love and class
Romantic commitment
Unrealistic view of Love
Hurry up! As this offer is only for a limited time.
This is an A* graded and marked Unseen Poetry answer for the AQA A level English Literature Love through the Ages specification. The Question is ‘‘It has been said that Lasky’s poem is romantic and intense, whereas Hardy’s poem offers a very different view of love. Compare and contrast the presentation of love in the following poems in the light of this comment’’.
The poems are ‘‘A broken Appointment’’ by Thomas Hardy
and ‘‘Poem to an unameable man’’ by Dorothy Lasky (2015)
Read this essay, and highlight the different assesment objectives used. Some asessement objectives have already been identified in the response.
Disclaimer- I have not written the Question, however I have written the response. Please do not copyright or distrubute the resource on external sites.
AQA A Level English Literature A Unseen Poem Comparison 24/25 from 2023 Paper 1, Question 2, Love through the Ages.
Use this response a guideline on how to achieve the following assessment objectives.
This is an original response, written in exam conditions for the 2023 summer exams. Please do not copyright.
This is a concise 10 slide Powerpoint exploring the John Drydon’s poem ‘’ Ah How sweet it is to love! ‘’
This Powerpoint fits with the AQA A level English Literature Specification A - Unseen Love poetry section
This Powerpoint includes
-relevant autobiographical/literary context to John Drydon and the restoration period he wrote in (A03)
annotated slides of the poems, listing techniques with a few succinct analytical explanations (A02)
Poem Summary, that allows students to understand the poem’s main themes
Form/Structure, as well as a question that can be used for a class discussion(A02)
Possible contemporary and psychoanalytical interpretations of the poem (A05)
This is an analytical A*( Band 5) graded and marked Unseen Poetry answer for the AQA A level English Literature Love through the Ages specification. The Question is Love in Texts is often described as powerful, but in fact, it is more fragile than that.
Compare and contrast the presentation of love in the following poems in the light of this statement.
Hardy’s ‘Neutral Tones’ and ‘One Flesh’ by Elizabeth Jennings
Read this essay , and understand both its strengths and possible weaknesses. The assessment objectives have already been highlighted in this response.
Disclaimer- I have not written the Question, however I have written the response. Please do not copyright or distribute this original resource on external sites.
Are you looking to improve the way you hit assessment objectives in your Great Gatsby/Pre-1900 comparison and hit the band 5/A * mark?
Then look no further!
This document contains an analytical, A * ( Band 5) Great Gatsby comparison with two pre-1900 poems. The question is ‘’ To what extent do the texts you have studied, including at least two poems, demonstrate the speakers unrealistic view of love and how is this presented?
Use this essay as a structural guide.
Read the essay and look at the different assessment objectives that are highlighted throughout
Moreover, analyse key analytical points and see if you can appropriately adapt them into other similar essay titles, when relevant
This is completely original resource therefore please do not distribute elsewhere (as this is copyright). Moreover, please do not sell as if this is your own.
Are you looking for an A star in English Lit A level, and struggling with writing comparative essays? Then look no further!
This resource includes 2 exemplar A star Great Gatsby/Pre-1900 Comparisons and 2 unseen love poetry answers.
This resource is a great deal as it covers 2/3 of Paper 1 Love through the Ages as part of the AQA A level English Lit A specification
Hurry up! As this offer is only on for a limited time
This is a brief but succinct essay plan for the question ‘‘Compare and contrast how authors of two texts you study present ideas about love and disapproval’’. This question links to the AQA A level English Literature Specification’’ Love through the Ages.
This essay plan uses three texts which is The Great Gatsby, La Belle Dame sans merci and Sonnet 116 (as a contrasting poem)
The essay includes
relevant key points (A01)
quotes and literary techniques (A02)
relevant bullet-pointed context (A03)
possible links (A04)
alternative interpretations, critics (A05)
This resource is an exemplar Top Band AQA A-level essay on the topic of 'The importance of cycles in biology’.
As this is a Top band essay, it does contain beyond the specification points
Use this essay as a revision guide, as it contains key processes, from both the A1 and A2 components.
This is an completely original resource therefore please do not distribute elsewhere (as this is copyright).