An enthusiastic and passionate English teacher sharing ideas with the teaching community.
Over 12 years' experience teaching. Taught in a variety of settings including a PRU, mainstream Secondary and FE.
My experience of teaching SEN learners their GCSE English has allowed me to produce excellent resources to help those students progress.
An enthusiastic and passionate English teacher sharing ideas with the teaching community.
Over 12 years' experience teaching. Taught in a variety of settings including a PRU, mainstream Secondary and FE.
My experience of teaching SEN learners their GCSE English has allowed me to produce excellent resources to help those students progress.
2 lessons that are aimed at Y11 Eduqas English Language GCSE students.
Looks at the key elements of narrative and uses an example story (Journey By Night) which is a very engaging short story. The story is used as a springboard to help learners write something of their own. A focus on getting them to enjoy a story and a twist.
Has a full set of questions and answers based on narrative elements and hooks.
Vocabulary builder task and writing task included.
Good for lower ability learners due to choice of tasks and the way this is approached. Works well for reluctant writers.
An A3 designed for learners who need a lot of support.
Pre teaching needed of connotatinon/ annotations/ synonyms for answering the language question.
This is good to get learners to become more confident with answering the exam style questions.
Modeled example and heavy guidance/ exploration.
Christmas descriptive writing using descriptive devices.
Looks at a famous feasting scene in Harry Potter with film clip.
Differentiated for stretch and challenge.
Peer marking and clear objectives.
An A3 resource sheet to guide your class through the exam question.
Designed for learners who need a lot of support and guidance.
Broken down for learners and modeled example using SQI
2 worksheets designed for lower ability to learners to be guided and to answer Q1 and Q2 of the past paper above. Works well as it is short and snappy but enough to help build confidence.
Exploration of this key extract in which Pip meets Magwitch.
A full booklet of activities that focus on breaking the exract down.
Focus on understanding and vocabulary, leading on to inference and an impressions question (Eduqas) . A Q4 evaluate for Edexcel/Eduqas - can easily be adapted for all exam boards.
Booklets are sometimes great to engage those who are hard to reach. Gives learners a goal to work towards. The safety of a booklet and predictability seems to work well for them.
Designed for those who need a slower pace and things breaking down more and a variety of activities to help aid understanding, Model example included for Q4 and models throughout.
Variety of activities included and at least 5 lessons for school/ 2-3 for FE re sit.
Action and adventure theme- great article for exploration of language and structure.
Pre teaching of synonyms and language ans structure needed- this is to pick up for exam practice. Designed for lower level learners who need support but challenge. This structure allows them to build confidence with the exam question.
Lots of exploration and modeling throughout. Students engaged well with the theme of the article.
Video clip too from Youtube.
Writing task as an extension included and scaffold there too!
Used for Eduqas GCSE English Language practice but can be adapted to suit other exam boards ‘evaluate’ question.
Includes worksheet for exploration of article focusing on evaluate question- again helps to guide and build confidence.
ncludes a model answer for Eduqas- gets learners to focus on putting it in the correct order rather than a static task. Good for lower level learners.
Quiz and group work - Low ability GCSE
Fully differentiated or all learners with writing frame and booklet.
3 hours worth of learning- Language and structure for A03
Modeled examples and exam style question.
SAS who dares wins theme- popular with learners. Clip from youtube too!
A handy resource for your students. I have used this for lower ability learners at KS4 and KS3.
I use this to help them plan a well structured story. Learners can sometimes struggle with the classic ‘narrative arc’ structure. This helped them remember how to plan.
You can edit this (Word Doc) to suit your preferred style.
2-3 lessons complete with Power Point and resources. Ready to print and go!
Explores a key extract from Jane Eyre and explores understanding/vocabulary which leads on to a Q4.
Designed for lower ability learners who need scaffolding and a variety of tasks to lead them up to an evaluation.
Comprehension questions and answers included.
Model answer included!
A3 extract for annotation
A3 scaffolded PEE grid
Match up tasks for writer’s methods included
Great for exam technique and building confidence for learners who struggle with analysis/ reading and English in general.
The worksheets give learners focus and they don’t have to keep focusing on powerpoints. Their time and energy is used on pure exam practice.
Gives teacher the option to guide learners through.
Uses the box and zoom method to help learners plan and get ideas together. I find that learners struggle with this the most.
Models the process of how to plan and organise using box and zoom.
Asks learners to complete their own plan and descriptive piece.
I have also included a model example for description using the box and zoom method.
Aimed at learners that just need to start putting pen to paper and build their confidence. High expectations but lots of support.
Resources include a starter quiz on descriptive devices- pre teaching required.
Uses sources from an AQA past paper. This is 2-3 lessons depending on class ability- definitely 2!
2-3 lessons based on the above.
Full PPT and all associated resources included.
Helps students focus on understanding/vocabulary and how to answer an exam question- great for revision as pre teaching required.
Model answer included - stretches the higher ability!
Scaffolded PEE grid for those who need support
Writing task- interesting and creative for those who want to stretch themselves.
Full lesson for Q3- can be used with my other free resource Q1 and Q2
Can be used for revision or for exam practice.
Includes a recap of structural devices.
Aims to build confidence- learning is chunked and good for all abilities.
Includes model answer
Includes all activities/ worksheets
An exam style paper with indicative content that will help with model answers for teaching after paper completed with pupils.
Quite a challenging paper and would consider for Nov resit or higher ability as may overwhelm some pupils.
Section A and B included.
This will help lower ability learners answer the Q4 .
This can be used with my other free resources for the Woman in Black past paper questions.
Glue and stick activity that helps learners think about the Q4 andd the writer’s methods ( getting them to zoom in to language) for those who need support and to pick marks up as easily as possible.