Sharing the resources I created for myself and have used as part of my teaching practise. I have been a nursery school teacher (4 months - 5 years), a science teacher (KS3-KS5) with biology specialism, a forest school leader, vocational award assessor for Childcare and I am now a specialist SEND teacher. As a result I am able to share a wide range of resources.
Sharing the resources I created for myself and have used as part of my teaching practise. I have been a nursery school teacher (4 months - 5 years), a science teacher (KS3-KS5) with biology specialism, a forest school leader, vocational award assessor for Childcare and I am now a specialist SEND teacher. As a result I am able to share a wide range of resources.
The theorist Piaget was the first person to define the term subitising
as the ability to instantly recognise the number of objects in a small
group without needing to count them. This simple game helps children
to learn this key skill. Take the pattern for the number three on a dice,
children can recognise that this represents the value of three even if
they can’t read the number ‘3’. Children can also see numbers within
numbers using dot patters. For example, they can see the numbers
two and one within three.
When we played this game, children took turns to choose a counter
and match it to the number pattern. It proved to be very popular!
I created these tins for use in my former nursery where they were enjoyed by
children aged 2.5 years to school age. On one side are the ladybirds with 0 - 5 spots
and on the reverse the number is written. The tins were left on one of the radiators
and the children accessed them when they chose. Sometimes I would find some very
curious things in the counting boxes but more often than not the quantity would
match the number of spots on the ladybird.
Keywords: EYFS, Curriculum for Excellence, Early Numeracy, Numbers, Counting, Nursery, Reception
I work as an SEN assistant and am employed to work one-to-one with a three year old child who has global developmental delay. Whilst she has very limited verbal communication, I have discovered that she is great at playing memory and enjoys playing the game. We have been focusing more recently on colour and shape so I have created this memory game to specifically support her learning.
The game consists of 32 colour cards. The shapes are square, circle, triangle and star printed in pairs in each of four colours: red, blue, yellow and green.
I do not play the game using all 32 cards and currently use either all of one particular shape in all of the colour variations or one of each shape in different colours. She now recognises the four different shapes. But you can adapt the game to play in any way which you see fit. Because the game uses pairs of cards it can be played either as memory or snap.
I will shortly be publishing a black and white version of this game to support those children who work better using this colour scheme.
Keywords: SEN, memory, shapes, colour, game, learning through play, snap, EYFS, Curriculum for Excellence, numeracy,
Coins for early maths skills development. Just print out and stick the appropriate ‘head to tail’ and laminate. It may not feel like the real thing but they look the same albeit on a bigger scale.
Created for Valentine’s day, but can be used any time. Match the two halves of a broken heart using the written number and a dot (heart) pattern.
Differentiate by printing on different coloured piece of paper for each page or the same coloured paper for more challenge.
Repair broken hearts by matching the number on each half. Written in two different fonts, it helps children to recognise and read numbers when written in different ways. Can be printed on a different colour for each page for differentiation, print on the same colour paper for greater challenge.
This resource is linked to
Help develop understanding of size and amount by using these proportionally sized ladybirds. The more spots (1-10) they have, the bigger they are.
Hide around the room to be discovered. Once found, the children can be encourage to line them up in size order and/or using the number of spots. Print our a couple of sets and have a race, who can organise them the quickest. Is it quicker to do it by size or by counting the spots?
An easy resource to learn and play with to develop early numeracy skills.
Numbers whose height is proportional to their value. For example, two ‘fives’ are the height of one ‘ten’. Can be used to develop understanding of size and amount as well as being a tool to develop understanding of number bonds.
The figures also have dots on which are equivalent to their value, so support development of understanding of value and amount. Also helps to develop the skill of subitising.
How to use:
Print out (on plain or coloured paper/card)
Cut around the rectangular shape
Use like this - Can be used to create matching patterns, can be coloured in or drawn on.
Alternatively laminate for longevity.
When laminated can also be used as a wipe clean writing tool.
Create challenges eg Can you choose numbers which when added together are the same height as the number 10?
Explore numbers, developing an understanding that they represent quantities and use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
Skill development supported by this resource include:
Match numeral and quantity.
Recognition of numerals 1-5.
Make comparisons between quantities.
Use some language of quantities, such as ‘more’ and ‘a lot’.
Develop subitising skills.
Number order.
Use some number names accurately in play.