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USA - A Divided Union: The Birmingham Campaign

USA - A Divided Union: The Birmingham Campaign

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and one Word Document that examines Martin Luther King’s Birmingham Freedom Marches of 1963 as part of the wider Civil Rights Movement. It considers the consequences of the campaign and whether it can be judged a success or a failure. Activities include Starter activity in which students order the stages of the non-violent direct action tactic. Reading and comprehension activity on the events of the Birmingham Campaign. Source inspired discussion on the morality of the Children’s Crusade. Source analysis activity on a Kennedy quote about Bull Connor. Ranking activity on the consequences of the Birmingham Campaign. Interpretation question to write or discuss whether the campaign can be judged a success. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
USA - A Divided Union: The Women's Movement

USA - A Divided Union: The Women's Movement

2 Resources
Two lessons on the causes and achievements of the Women’s Movement in America in the 1960s and 1970s. The lessons consider the roles of Betty Friedan, Eleanor Roosevelt, NOW, and the Women’s Liberation Movement. Issues such as access to abortion and equal pay are also considered. Resources are made up of two PowerPoints and three Word Documents. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Lengths: 45min & 1 hr depending on pace.
Mid-Tudor Crisis: The Lady Jane Grey Plot

Mid-Tudor Crisis: The Lady Jane Grey Plot

PowerPoint (6 slides) and three Word Documents that examines the Lady Jane Grey Plot including why Edward VI named Jane over Mary Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor, Mary Queen of Scots or Francis Grey, the role of the Duke the Northumberland, the reasons why the plot failed and the issue of who was the rebel; Jane or Mary. Activities include Analysis of the Tudor Family tree to complete a table on the suitability of potential heirs to Edward’s throne in 1553. Source analysis of Edward’s Device for the Succession to consider how the document changed and why. Comprehension activity on the events of the plot to identify causes of failure and three overarching factors Evidence based discussion / debate on who was the rebel in 1553; Jane or Mary? Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr x 2 depending on pace.
USA - A Divided Union: The Montgomery Bus Boycott

USA - A Divided Union: The Montgomery Bus Boycott

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and a worksheet that examines the actions of Rosa Parks, the resulting Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1956 and the end to segregation in bus transportation. Activities include Quick Quiz recapping previous learning on the murder of Emmett Till. Discussion to probe pre-existing knowledge on bus segregation and Rosa Parks’ role in challenging it using two photograph prompts. Reading and comprehension exercise covering the details of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and its outcome, including the Supreme Court ruling on Browder vs. Gayle. Discussion with photograph prompt on why the tactic of a boycott was particularly effective. Debate on whether the bus boycott was more significant than Brown vs Board of Education for the improvement of civil rights. Plenary conclusion in which pupils write whether the NAACP or the Montgomery Improvement Association were more important in ending bus segregation. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Henry VIII: Wolsey's Domestic Policy

Henry VIII: Wolsey's Domestic Policy

PowerPoint and worksheet that examines the extent of success Thomas Wolsey achieved in his administration of English domestic policy during the reign of King Henry VIII. The lesson considers his administration of Justice, Finance, Parliament, the Privy Chamber and the Church in England. Activities include Reading and comprehension task to highlight examples of success and failure in Wolsey’s domestic policy. Matching task connecting Wolsey’s abuses as a clergyman with the correct definition. Pupils add evidence to a table looking at the extent that his domestic policies were beneficial or detrimental to the King, the nobility, the common people and Wolsey himself. Plenary ranking activity to stimulate discussion on the relative success Wolsey achieved in different areas of domestic policy. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
USA - A Divided Union: Watergate

USA - A Divided Union: Watergate

PowerPoint and four worksheets that examines the causes and consequences of Watergate. Material covered includes Richard Nixon’s personality, the key events of the scandal and the roles of Nixon, CREEP, the Plumbers, FBI informant Deepthroat, the Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, James McCord, White House lawyer John Dean, Federal Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Congress, President Gerald Ford and President Jimmy Carter. The consequences of Watergate for American politics, journalism and Nixon himself including key laws passed by Congress in the wake of Watergate. Activities include Source analysis activity to establish Nixon’s personality. Reading and comprehension activity to identify any actions by Nixon or his supporters that were illegal or might make him unpopular with the American public during Watergate. Matching activity to connect key groups and individuals with their role in the scandal. Pupils to label a visual web of the scandal to show how the key figures were connected to each other. A linking activity to match the new laws passed by Congress in the wake of Watergate with their purpose. Pupils to use their knowledge of the scandal to judge who emerged from Watergate as winners of losers and complete a table of supporting evidence. Ranking activity on who was most responsible for the end of Nixon’s presidency with several sources to stimulate discussion. Optional 8 mark question on the effects of Watergate that could be set for homework. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Length: 2hrs depending on pace.
King Henry VIII vs Suleiman the Magnificent

King Henry VIII vs Suleiman the Magnificent

PowerPoint & two worksheets that compares the reigns of King Henry VIII and his contemporary Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire. This lesson is a great way to continue to teach the Tudors at Key stage 3 but also to diversify the history curriculum. Activities include Starter activity to identify which quote is not about Henry VIII (a positive amongst negative judgments). A gap fill covering key areas of Henry’s reign that have likely been considered in earlier lessons to establish a baseline for the comparison. A comprehension activity to identify evidence of Suleiman’s foreign relations, his religious policies, his treatment of wives, family members and advisers, his management of finance, and whether his policies benefited the people of his empire. Have completed a comparison table pupils judge whether Henry and Suleiman were similar or different in their polices, actions and achievements. Source analysis and accompanying questions on which monarch best lives up to Erasmus’ judgment on ideal kingship. Extension task on whether a comparison of the Monarch’s achievements using a 16th century map as stimulus might not be fair. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
The First World War: General Haig

The First World War: General Haig

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and one worksheet that examines the actions of General Douglas Haig during the First World War and the impact this has had on his reputation. The lesson covers the Battle of the Somme in 1916, the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917 and the Hundred Days Offensive in 1918. The lesson also considers the competing views of Haig as a ‘butcher’, an incompetent General or a victim of circumstance who was ultimately a successful commander. Activities include: A reading and comprehension exercise in which pupils highlight successes and failures in a passage on Haig’s career. A ranking exercise on Haig’s biggest failure as commander of the British Army. A source analysis activity to establish the differing views of General Haig. A true or false activity in which students judge various statements true or false and provide evidence in support of their view. A concluding paragraph / plenary discussion in which pupils argue in favour of the most convincing interpretation. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 A1 The Origins and Course of the First World War, 1905-1918. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace
China: The Boxer Rebellion

China: The Boxer Rebellion

PowerPoint with five slides and two Word Documents that examines the causes and consequences of the Boxer Rebellion. The lesson also considers the nature of Self Strengthening Reforms which followed the rebellion and the extent of their success. Activities include Reading and comprehension exercises to identify and categorise the causes of the Boxer Uprising. Discussion on whether the Boxer Uprising made the Qing more or less popular with the people of China. Connection activity on the benefits and drawbacks of the Self Strengthening Reforms. Conclusion on whether the reforms were enough to save the Qing. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 Breadth Study B4 China: Conflict, Crisis and change, 1900-89. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Medieval World: The White Ship

Medieval World: The White Ship

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) that examines the consequences of the White Ship disaster of 1120. The lesson covers King Stephen, Empress Matilda and (briefly) the Anarchy. It also offers an opportunity to consider the issue of gender in medieval Europe. Activities include Starter activity in which students write a definition of illegitimate. Analysis of a list of King Henry I’s children to identify why the White Ship disaster presented such a problem. Analysis of King Henry’s family tree to identify a suitable heir to the throne (prior knowledge of William Rufus will aid pupils here). Discussion of the pros and cons of Henry I’s decision to name Matilda as his heir. Source analysis to explain why the reign of King Stephen became known as the Anarchy. Analysis of the Treaty of Wallingford to consider who won the civil war. Extension on whether Matilda’s gender was the main reason she never ruled England. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Henry VIII: The Fall of Thomas Cromwell

Henry VIII: The Fall of Thomas Cromwell

PowerPoint and worksheet that examines the causes of Thomas Cromwell’s fall from power including the Anne of Cleves marriage, Cromwell’s religious policies & faction. Activities include Analysis of the view of a secondary historian An evidence based card sort to determine the key factors in Cromwell’s fall Source analysis to determine the relative importance of factors. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Duration: 1hr approx.
China: The Hundred Flowers Campaign

China: The Hundred Flowers Campaign

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and worksheet that examines the causes of Chairman Mao’s Hundred Flowers Campaign in 1957 including the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, economic concerns in China and an attempt to identify and punish opponents of the CCP. The lesson also considers the consequences of the Hundred Flowers Campaign, including the persecution of the Anti-Rightist Campaign. Activities include Quick Quiz Starter on the Thought Reform, 3 & 5 Antis Campaigns Analysis activity focused on the 1956 Hungarian Revolt and what conclusions Mao might draw it. Matching task on the causes of the Hundred Flowers Campaign with the correct explanation. Ranking activity on how convincing the suggested causes for the Hundred Flowers Campaign are. Evidence sorting task to consider whether the Hundred Flowers Campaign was a mistake by Mao or a trap for his opponents. An evaluation exercise to test the validity of an historians view of the Hundred Flowers Campaign given the evidence the pupils now know. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 Breadth Study B4 China: Conflict, Crisis and change, 1900-89. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace
China: The Great Leap Forward

China: The Great Leap Forward

PowerPoint with five slides and two worksheets that examines Mao’s attempts to industrialise China via the First Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward. Reasons for the success of the First Five Year Plan are contrasted with reasons for the failure of the Great Leap Forward. Please note that the lesson refers to collectivisation and the Great Famine but does not delve into the specific causes and consequences of these. Activities include Quick Quiz starter activity focused on prior knowledge of China’s economy and Mao’s agricultural reforms. Reading and comprehension on the First Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward leading to an activity to identify differences between the two. Matching task on the causes of the failure of the Great Leap Forward. Source analysis activity on a speech by Mao on the reasons for failure of the Great Leap Forward. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 Breadth Study B4 China: Conflict, Crisis and change, 1900-89. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace
German Nationalism: 1848 Revolts Bundle

German Nationalism: 1848 Revolts Bundle

4 Resources
A four lesson bundle on the development of German Nationalism in the context of the 1848 Revolts. The lessons consider the causes of revolts, the actions and ultimate failure of the Frankfurt Parliament, events in Prussia during the revolts and the overall reasons for the failure of the revolts. The bundle includes four PowerPoints and six word documents of activities. Each of the lessons is designed to support the teaching of OCR History Y314 and last approximately 1hr depending on learning pace.
USA - A Divided Union: The Crisis at Little Rock

USA - A Divided Union: The Crisis at Little Rock

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and two word documents that examines the causes and consequences of the crisis at Central High School, Little Rock in 1957 as part of a wider series of lessons on the Civil Rights Movement in America. Activities include Quick Quiz recapping previous learning on the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Starter activity on why a photo of the Little Rock Nine attending school is unusual. Reading & comprehension activity on the crisis at Little Rock. Pupils complete a table on the attitudes, aims and extent of success of the key figures and groups involved in the crisis. Discussion on why Governor Faubus pursued the policy he did, linked to prior learning on the obstacles black people faced in the south when trying to vote. Source analysis exercise on the key reason Eisenhower chose to intervene. Plenary discussion on why Little Rock was the key turning point for integrating schools after the initial resistance to Brown vs Board of Education (with supporting statistics). Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
China: Sino-Soviet Relations 1900-1972

China: Sino-Soviet Relations 1900-1972

PowerPoint and three worksheets that examines Sino-Soviet Relations between 1900 and 1972. Material covered includes Russia and the Boxer Revolt, Cominform, the United Front and the Northern Expedition, The Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, Mao’s relationship with Stalin and Khrushchev, Soviet support for the First Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward, the Sino-Soviet Split, the border conflict of 1969 & Nixon’s visit in 1972. Activities include Analysis of a passage on Sino-Soviet Relations to identify evidence to support various statements related to the topic. Pupils to complete a line graph showing the changing nature of Sino-Soviet relations over the period. Gap fill on the labels for the line graph. Discussion on key turning points in the relationship. Ranking activity on how positive/negative different periods of the relationship were over the period. Essay question that could be set for homework. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 Breadth Study B4 China: Conflict, Crisis and change, 1900-89. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
The First World War: Franz Ferdinand & tension in the Balkans

The First World War: Franz Ferdinand & tension in the Balkans

PowerPoint with 7 slides and three worksheets that examines the crises in the Balkans between 1900 and 1914 . The lesson covers the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia in 1908, the Balkan Wars of 1912-13 and the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Please note this lesson does not cover the aftermath of Franz Ferdinand’s assassination such as the Blank Cheque or actual outbreak of the First World War. **Activities include: ** Matching exercise in which the key countries and territories in the Balkan region are matched to descriptions of their status at the start of the 20th Century. Comprehension and analysis activity in which pupils use the information they have learned from activity one to explain the likely attitudes of key countries and territories to new developments in the region such as the 1908 annexation, the Balkan Wars and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Reading and comprehension activity in which pupils read the detailed story of Franz Ferdinand’s assassination and identify evidence that demonstrates the responsibility of elements within the Serbian Government, the responsibility of the Black Hand and the unwitting responsibility of Austria & Franz Ferdinand himself. Plenary discussion on how the assassination in Sarajevo could spark the First World War Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 A1 The Origins and Course of the First World War, 1905-1918. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace
The Stuarts: Persecution of Witchcraft

The Stuarts: Persecution of Witchcraft

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and three word documents that examine the causes of persecution of witches in Early Modern Europe. The lesson covers causes such as poverty, climate change, misogyny, warfare, changing attitudes to magic, the Reformation and the invention of the Printing Press. Specific witch hunts which are considered are the St Osyth witches (1582) the North Berwick Witch trials (1590) and the Manningtree Witches (1645). Activities include Starter activity in which students analyse the mortality records from Cumbria to identify high levels of popular superstition. Matching activity on the causes of witchcraft persecution with the correct explanation. Reading and comprehension of three examples of witch hunts from the early modern period to identify what factors caused persecution to take place. Linking activity to consider how the causes of persecution were interrelated. Source analysis to identify how the rise in scepticism helped end witchcraft persecution. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of Stuart Britain / Early Modern Europe. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
German Nationalism: The Romantic Movement

German Nationalism: The Romantic Movement

PowerPoint and worksheet that examines the extent of the Romantic Movement in the context of German Unification 1789-1919. Activities include -Quick quiz on the Holy Roman Empire in 1789 -Analysis of Sanssouci & what it suggests about the place of German culture in the Holy Roman Empire in the 18th Century. Source analysis of examples from the Romantic Movement to consider how they aided the development of German Nationalism Ranking activity to consider how accessible the Romantic Movement was to Germans in order to stimulate discussion. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
The French Revolution: Napoleon

The French Revolution: Napoleon

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and two word documents that examine whether Napoleon Bonaparte betrayed the ideals of the French Revolution. Activities include Starter activity that requires pupils to discuss what the painting of Napoleon’s Coronation as Emperor in Notre Dame suggests about the success of the French Revolution. Source analysis and comparison exercise on two views of the Coup of Brumaire supported by explanatory text to provide context on the event. Chronology activity to put nine key events in Napoleon’s life in the correct order. Evidence colour coding activity to determine whether Napoleon’s actions betrayed or maintained the ideals of the French Revolution. Concluding paragraph for pupils to formulate their overarching judgment on the enquiry question. Final slide with supporting notes and images for teacher to summarise the end of Napoleon’s reign and the Revolutionary period as a whole. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the French Revolution. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.