A unit of work for KS3, giving students an overview of the Cold War. Included is a thorough SOW and accompanying resources. The unit builds students to GCSE level knowledge and understanding focusing on importance for international relations (Edexcel GCSE History in particular). The unit uses GCSE grades as learning objectives but is designed for KS3 students as a transitionary or bridging unit between KS3 and KS4. Included is a one A4 page knowledge organiser and knowledge organiser tests. Each lesson assesses the tension rating between the USA and USSR with students filling in a bar chart of rising and falling tension across the Cold War. Lessons include:
Capitalism v. communism
The end of WW2
The atomic bomb
The Berlin Wall
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The space race
Reagan and SDI (star wars)
The fall of the Berlin Wall
A Crime and Punishment (including Whitechapel) bunting display ready to print double sided. Includes 29 key events from the Medieval, Early Modern, 18th and 19th Centuries and the Modern period as well as late 19th Century Whitechapel. The display is developed for the Edexcel GCSE History 9-1 specification specifically. Simply print double sided, laminate, trim, hole punch and thread through string to create bunting for your own classroom.
A full 7 week scheme of work for the Civil Rights section of the paper The USA, 1954–75: conflict at home and abroad. It includes a full scheme of work with differentiated learning objectives linked to the 9-1 grade criteria and full resources for every lesson. It also includes a personalised learning checklist for students to self assess themselves against the content of the specification, a bluffers guide on how to answer the exam questions and peer/self assessment sheets for the 8, 12 and 16 mark questions. It uses the Hodder 9-1 textbook but could be easily adapted to suit other textbooks/resources. The PowerPoints are wide screen, so do not show correctly in the preview, however will show correctly on any computer/screen when downloaded.
A full 12 week scheme of work with differentiated learning objectives linked to the 9-1 grade criteria. Includes fully resourced lessons, peer/self marking sheets for all exam questions, a personalised learning checklist for students to self assess themselves against the specification content and a bluffers guide to help with structuring exam questions. The scheme of learning uses the new Hodder textbook but could be easily adapted to suit other resources. The PowerPoints are wide screen so do not show correctly on the previews but once downloaded will show correctly and can be used on any computer or screen.
A full lesson addressing the significance of changing ship types in the Royal Navy 1763-1914.The lesson forms a part of the teaching of Edexcel A Level History - Britain losing and gaining an Empire, and the breadth study of the changing nature of the Royal Navy. The lesson uses the pearson textbook but could be adapted to suit other resources/textbooks. Includes differentiated learning objectives.
A walking talking mock using the edexcel sample assessment material for paper 3, based on opposition and support for the Vietnam War in the USA. The walking talking mock guides students through section B of the exam paper. Clear advice is given on how to answer the ‘how useful are sources B and C’ exam question as well as the interpretations exam questions. Each exam question is explained and then students answer the questions in timed conditions. The walking talking mock is well timed for use in a double lesson. Also included is a ‘bluffers guide’ on how to structure each exam question which can be used with weaker students during the walking talking mock.
Two revision timelines for students to complete to revise for paper 3 the USA at home and abroad (Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE). The Civil Rights timeline is two sides of A4 and the Vietnam War timeline is also two sides of A4. These can be used in class with dictation from the class teacher or for independent class/ home work.
A bank of exam questions for the Anglo-Saxons and Normans paper 2 exam (Edexcel 9-1 GCSE History). This covers the whole specification and includes example 4, 12 and 16 mark questions with space for students to plan out their answers.
A Cold War bunting display ready to print double sided. Includes 29 key Cold War events from 1943 (Tehran Conference) to 1991 (collapse of the USSR) developed for Edexcel GCSE History 9-1 specifically. Simply laminate, trim, hole punch and thread through string to create bunting for your own classroom.
Full lesson resources, assessment, peer marking sheets, key terms and a PLC (personalised learning checklist) for the the US Congress section of paper 3 Edexcel A Level Politics (comparitive politics) reformed A Level specification. Examples of US Politics are up to date as of October 2018 (and for later lessons include beyond this). Covers all aspects of the US Congress section of the specification. Lessons use the Pearson textbook but could be adapted to suit other resources/textbooks.
A unit of work for KS3, giving students an overview of the Vietnam War. Included is a thorough SOW and accompanying resources. The unit builds students to GCSE level knowledge and understanding using GCSE grades as learning objectives but is designed for KS3 students as a transitionary or bridging unit between KS3 and KS4. Included is a one A4 page knowledge organiser and knowledge organiser tests. Lessons include:
Causes of the Vietnam War
VC tactics - booby traps
VC tactics - underground tunnels
US tactics - Operatiion Rolling Thunder, chemical weapons and seach and destroy
The My Lai massacre
The Tet Offensive
Opposition in the USA
The end of the war
Full lesson resources for the birth of British Australia depth study for Edexcel A Level History (paper 3
Britain: losing and gaining an empire). Covers all aspects of the specification and includes peer marking sheets for both knowledge and source questions. Uses the pearson textbook but could be adapted to suit other resources/textbooks.
5 lessons fully addressing the content and exam skills of the Whitechapel section of the Crime and Punishment paper 1 exam. All lessons have differentiated learning objectives linked to the 9-1 grades. Included is a list of sources students could use for any 4 mark ‘follow up’ question. Additionaly a bluffers guide on how to structure exam questions and a personalised learning checklist for the entire crime and punishment unit for students to self assess their progress against the specification’s content are included. The lessons use the pearson textbook but could be easily adapted for use with other resources. The PowerPoints will view correctly once downloaded.
Full lesson resources for the British in India 1829-58 depth study for Edexcel A Level History (paper 3
Britain: losing and gaining an empire). Covers all aspects of the specification and includes peer marking sheets for both knowledge and source questions. Uses the pearson textbook but could be adapted to suit other resources/textbooks.
Full lesson resources for the British in the Nile Valley 1882-1898 (Egypt and Sudan) depth study for Edexcel A Level History (paper 3 Britain: losing and gaining an empire). Covers all aspects of the specification and includes peer marking sheets for both knowledge and source questions. Also includes a case studies overview lesson for students to summarise all 5 case studies in the specification. Uses the pearson textbook but could be adapted to suit other resources/textbooks.
5 lessons fully addressing the content and exam skills of the 20th Century section of the Crime and Punishment paper 1 exam. All lessons have differentiated learning objectives linked to the 9-1 grades. Also included is a bluffers guide on how to structure exam questions and a personalised learning checklist for the entire crime and punishment unit for students to self assess their progress against the specification's content. The lessons use the pearson textbook but could be easily adapted for use with other resources. The PowerPoints are widescreen so do not show correctly on the previews, but once downloaded will show correctly on any computer/screen.
A lesson analysing the social composition of US congress in 2017/18. The lesson addresses the representation of women, non christians, ethnic minorities and LGBT Americans in US congress.
A lesson weighing up the evidence to decide whether the Tudors were racist. Students will be able to explain their opinion on how racist the tudors were by the end of the lesson.
A full set of lesson resources fully addressing the changing economy section of the Edexcel A Level History paper 1F specification (can also be used for teaching AS History). The lessons cover: the impact of boom, bust and recovery, the impact of the Second World War, post-war
affluence and growth and the challenges of the 1970s. Also included is a peer marking sheet for 20 mark essay questions. The lessons use the edexcel textbook 'searching for rights and freedoms in the 20th century' and other resources/textbooks but can be easily adapted for use with other resources.