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IQ Resources

Average Rating4.42
(based on 29 reviews)

We produce a variety of resources, all of which put the student first. We give clear instructions and wherever possible all the resources needed for a great lesson. The resources we produce are made by teachers for teachers.




We produce a variety of resources, all of which put the student first. We give clear instructions and wherever possible all the resources needed for a great lesson. The resources we produce are made by teachers for teachers.
Rationing & The Rationing Trading Game

Rationing & The Rationing Trading Game

Rationing had a huge impact on the lives of everyone in Britain during the Second World War but often gets overlooked in the curriculum or at least left as a sidebar. This lesson pack aims to explain what rationing was and lets the students have a go at dealing with rationing as people would have had to. The pack contains everything you need to explain rationing and to play the rationing trading game. This really gets the students to actively participate in the lesson and understand the problems that rationing and the Black market could produce.  Aims:  To explain what Rationing was in Britain during and after the Second World War  To explain what the Black market was.  To have a go at a rationing / trading game. To think about the benefits that rationing brought.
Edward VI: Rebellion & Disorder

Edward VI: Rebellion & Disorder

This topic focuses on the difficult and dangerous short reign of Edward VI. It covers all of the major events of his reign but in the context of how this caused rebellion and disorder. Thus the changes to religion are discussed and are then shown to be a cause of a specific problem for Edward and his councillors. This is a complete unit of work with a matching PowerPoint. Therefore it contains everything you need to teach the subject, saving hours and hours of work.
Mary Tudor Unit PowerPoint

Mary Tudor Unit PowerPoint

This very detailed and lengthy PowerPoint is designed for the unit of work available in the Free section. The unit of work gives all the references to the PowerPoint.
Holocaust Memorial Day Activities

Holocaust Memorial Day Activities

This is a sensitive yet challenging collection of activities that can be used by all ages and abilities to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. They require focus on the students thinking about two key areas: 1. Why should we remember the Holocaust? 2. Thinking about the people who were killed in the Holocaust. The students have a range of practical activities available, all of which can be used in some form of display if needed.
Edward VI

Edward VI

This is a very detailed examination of the Reign of Edward VI and in particular the two nobles who ruled with/for him. The work contains a Interactive PowerPoint, handout and sources. This work would takes 10+ lessons to cover and is all self contained.
Maths and the Tour de France

Maths and the Tour de France

This is an excellent way to engage the students with a great sporting event. The activities contained will cover a range of mathematical skills all based around the events, bikes, food and teams of the Tor de France. The students have to plot graphs, use percentages, work out ratios, measure distances and use various other skills all focused on the Great cycle Race. The added advantage of the lesson is that it is easily expandable as the race is live each day. A brilliant way to further develop an interest in the real world and the mathematical understanding of it. All the work is provided, including three detailed and informative worksheets.
20th Century History: My Life @ 14

20th Century History: My Life @ 14

Make History come alive. History is often portrayed as what happened to other people and the students sometimes struggle to empathise with the characters they are introduced to. These activities have the students conduct some historical research on being a 14 year old at different periods over the last one hundred years. Thus the students compare themselves today with their ipads and rights to those children that experienced a vastly different existence during the twentieth century. This activity is not so much about empathising with 14 year olds in the past but more to focus on the idea of change and continuity. The students are investigating their peers of the last one hundred years. What is different, why is it different and is now better? This activity opens up history and encourages the students to see themselves within an historical context. Includes Lesson Plan, PowerPoint and Handouts.
Henry VIII: Rebellion & Disorder

Henry VIII: Rebellion & Disorder

Henry HIII is a titan of English History and this unit focuses on the rebellions he faced in his reign. While the main emphasis is on the two main threats to his power, (The Amicable Grant and the Pilgrimage of Grace) it takes into account the events that would influenced these events as well as the wider issue of security in Henry's reign. The unit has a wide range o teaching styles and puts emphasis on the students creating work themselves. This is a complete unit of work and will save hours of research and work.
Christmas Maths- Santa's Christmas Delivery

Christmas Maths- Santa's Christmas Delivery

On Christmas Eve Santa has to make a magical journey around the world. Without such a feat the children would all be sad on Christmas morning. The students need to work out some of the maths of such an undertaking. What is needed from those reindeers in order to fulfil Santa’s Christmas Delivery. The students will need to use a variety of maths skills is order to find out all of the answers. The skills include: Arithmetic Division Multiplication Averages.
The Cold War

The Cold War

The Cold War is often ignored in Year 9 history because is a perceived lack of resources available or simply that the two World Wars take up so much teaching time. This Lesson aims to give a basic overview of the Cold War and focus on a few examples of how it affected the world. This is such a good topic to cover as it hits so many aspects of the Key Stage 3 programme of study. The nature of the cold war means that it covers more than British history. It also covers many different cultures and the conflict between them. It offers the students an opportunity to see very clearly how historians and people can have different interpretations of events and as such is a good way of showing the risks of using and trusting all sources. Activity Aims: 1. To understand what the Cold War was? 2. To investigate a few examples of the Cold War in practice. 3. To develop the students understanding of propaganda.
Make Your Own Country

Make Your Own Country

History is full of assumptions in that teachers often assume that students have a certain level of knowledge. Topics that are discussed regularly are very rarely explained because it is assumed that students know about them and understand them. One such example is the ‘state’ or ‘country’. ‘A’ level students will have heard the terms many times but will have rarely thought about what such a thing is, what it means and what influence it has. This unit aims to get the students thinking about what a country is and the decisions that go into its creation. The students will discuss and work together to create their own country and then apply what they have talked about to the states and countries that they encounter in their studies.
What is History?

What is History?

The question every student needs to ask but one that is often overlooked. This resource encourages the students to explore just who creates history and who chooses what we remember. This resource allows the students to explore the question using resources and doing some historical research. Contains a PowerPoint, Lesson Plan and Resources.


D-Day is one of the key events of the Second World War and the 20th Century. It is one of those events that people have heard of even if they don’t know the specific details. The students are to complete an investigation into the planning of D-Day and then use a source to look at how the soldiers were motived and prepared for the invasion. These tasks can easily run into several lessons and you will find all of the resources needed are provided. That's 6 worksheets, a scheme of work and a corresponding PowerPoint. Unusually for this kind of lesson, the work includes a look at the German perspective when discussing empathy. Activity Aims: 1. To have an understanding of what Day was? 2. To investigate why D-Day took place where it did? This Lesson contains a variety of activities, some group, that develop a lot of the key skills needed in History as well as exploring a key topic.
KS3 & KS4 History: Code Breaking & Numeracy

KS3 & KS4 History: Code Breaking & Numeracy

This is a brilliantly interactive resource that makes the students think from the very moment the lesson begins. They have to crack various codes in order to work out the next part of the lesson. What's more this is a useful way to discuss numeracy within history as codebreaking has mathematics at it's heart. This is all part of an exercise that encourages the students to think about the activities at Bletchley Park and the breaking of the Enigma code. This works as a stand alone lesson or as part of work on the D Day landings or the Atomic Bomb as it is all about secrecy and codes.
History & Numeracy

History & Numeracy

3 Resources
This bundle of resources addresses one of the hot topics in Education today which is how can numeracy be taught throughout the curriculum. These three lesson packs contain interesting and enjoyable ways of viewing numeracy through historical eyes. What is more they are actually useful skills that will make your students better historians. Each pack is initially aimed at a particular Key Stage but all the skills can be easily adapted to any teaching of history.
History Skills

History Skills

5 Resources
This excellent bundle contains a range of history skills that will ensure your students not only embrace history but excel at it. Each pack is focussed on a different skill and uses genuine Key Stage topics to demonstrate how the skill can be taught and used. The advantage of all of these packs is that that they are not exclusive to any one period or age group. Once used, these skills will create numerous benefits for both teacher and student.
D-Day: An Alternative View

D-Day: An Alternative View

This resource is a counterpoint to the standard view of D-Day in that it focuses on the invasion from the point of view of the Germans trying to stop it. Through three tasks the students will be asked to use their knowledge of the Second World War before 1944 to determine whether or not the D-Day landings were likely to be prevented. The tasks ask the students to develop their arguing skills as well as drawing on evidence they have collected. The key is that it gets the students to think differently and therefore is a vital companion to traditional D-Day teachings.
English GCSE Revision

English GCSE Revision

This pack contains four excellent revision tasks for students studying for their English GCSE. The focus of the revision is on the Reading aspect of the exam and offers several ways of developing the students understanding and showing them where certain skills are needed. Several recommended uses of the handouts are included but all can easily be adapted by teachers if needed to develop their revision. The GCSE Subject Criteria for English stipulates a variety of skills needed to be demonstrated in order to achieve certain Assessment Objectives. These revision sheets and tasks aim to assist the student in revising for their Reading Assessment covered by AO2.
Mary Tudor Unit of Work

Mary Tudor Unit of Work

This unit gives hours of lessons including activities, questions and discussion points about the reign of Mary Tudor. The unit is primarily aimed at the theme of a Mid Tudor Crisis but can easily be used for most Tudor examinations. The corresponding PowerPoint is available in the Premium section.
History Tree

History Tree

This lesson is not on a specific topic nor is it a series of activities. Instead it is a whole class activity based around a major theme or topic in history. The aim is to create a visual summary of an historical event, from the main topic down to some of the key people involved. The Tree can be created as a piece of research on a new topic. The students can add to it as the topic develops. Alternatively the Tree can be created as a conclusion to a major class project. Each student can be given a task and once completed it will sum up all of their work.