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La classe de Mme Ianieva

Experienced Primary/Junior/Intermediate qualified full-time French Immersion teacher specialist and private tutor from Ontario, Canada.

Experienced Primary/Junior/Intermediate qualified full-time French Immersion teacher specialist and private tutor from Ontario, Canada.
Insta-Moi: All About Me

Insta-Moi: All About Me

Kick off the school year to a great start by using this Insta-Moi activity—a creative and interactive way for students to introduce themselves on the first day of class! This unique assignment lets students design their very own “Instagram-style” poster on paper, showcasing their interests, hobbies, and personality. Perfect for fostering connections and sparking conversations. y integrating notions of technology, Insta-Moi brings a modern twist to getting to know your new class.
Arts Visuels Projets: L'art Inuit canadien

Arts Visuels Projets: L'art Inuit canadien

Engage your students by making curriculum more inclusive and diverse. With this project your students are certainly bound to learn more about Inuit Canadian Art and to also gain a deeper appreciation for the beautiful art created by these Arctic peoples. Included in this package: an introduction on Inuit Canadians + their art guided research questions to help guide your students research into this topic the opportunity to analyze the work of their choice of the Inuit artist of their choice. an opportunity to reproduce the artwork of their choice of the Inuit artist of their choice. an opportunity to create their own Inuit inspired artwork (with guiding questions). an evaluation rubric. This is an integrated project because it covers Visual Arts expectations as well as French reading and writing expectations. Perfect for French Immersion students in grades 5-8. May also work for intermediate Core French.
Arts Visuels: Le cubisme et le surréalisme (projet + lecture)

Arts Visuels: Le cubisme et le surréalisme (projet + lecture)

Don’t sweat having to teach art in French! You will really enjoy this no prior prep, easy to print/upload package. Perfect for in-class and distance learning. An excellent addition to any teacher’s long term plans… and best of all, your students will be learning a lot. This package fits right in with many art expectations of different styles and time periods. This package covers the following topics: a reading on Cubism + questions an opportunity to interpret and respond to Georges Braques’ earliest cubist painting. a reading on Pablo Picasso + questions a reading on Surrealism + questions a reading on Salvador Dali + questions a research table on various cubist and surrealist artists (students can do a quick research as an extension). a structured research template on Frida Kahlo (another possible extension activity). Guided questions for an art analysis Project: students will create their own cubist or surrealist artwork (guided questions included). This package is designed for junior/intermediate French immersion students (grade 5 and up). Could work for intermediate/high school students in Core French should you wish to add an artistic component to your program. Many of these artists lived/worked in Paris- may certainly add a French dimension.
Black History Month/Le Mois de l'Histoire des Noirs (French)

Black History Month/Le Mois de l'Histoire des Noirs (French)

This product is a very comprehensive unit, with a Canadian perspective on Black History Month. It is a wonderful resource for French Immersion, particularly for the junior and intermediate grades. It touches on everything from the history of Black History Month, slavery in North America, the Underground Railway, the history of Afro-Canadians, the Civil Rights Movement + Dr Martin Luther King Junior, Viola Desmond Davis, Apartheid in South Africa, Contributions of Afro-Canadians, and racisme today in Canada. Included in this unit, there is an exit card for students to complete at the end, a graffiti activity at the beginning in order to launch the unit, and a rubric at the end. Throughout the unit, students have plenty of opportunities to investigate various historical figures, and there is even an optional investigation for those that finish early or who are motivated to learn more. This unit is perfect to work on in-class, to send out for homework, for students going on vacation, and for distance learning. I have created this unit with the Ontario Social Studies/History Grades 5, 6 and 7 curriculum in mind as it touches upon various expectations.
L'action de grâce à travers le monde/ Thanksgiving around the world

L'action de grâce à travers le monde/ Thanksgiving around the world

This resource is geared towards junior students in the French Immersion program. In this resource, I have discussed harvest festivals in general, I have alluded to link some aspects of this to Canadian symbols, human interactions in the world, parliament, and immigration. I have also sought out to show that there are more similarities than differences in these celebrations and among humanity as a whole. This booklet discusses Thanksgiving in Canada, the Harvest Festival in Britain, the Yur’ya feast that is celebrated in a small area of southern Belarus, Chuseok in Korea, and Vaisakhi among the Sikh community. Each text comes with some comprehension questions. I have added a reflection and a drama extension at the end. In my classroom, I normally read the text on Thanksgiving in Canada as a whole class, then I assign students in groups and they work on the rest of the texts along with the comprehension questions in groups. The reflection is normally done independently and then the extension can be used as a quick drama mark for the progress report.
Tout sur l'Halloween- Niveau Junior/Intermédiaire

Tout sur l'Halloween- Niveau Junior/Intermédiaire

Here are 28 pages on Halloween that are suited particularly for Junior-Intermediate French Immersion grades. This is not a “baby” unit on Halloween. In this booklet you will find the history of Halloween, the history of Halloween in Canada, black cats, Tick or Treating, Links to Commerce and Government, The Legend of the Jack O’ Lantern, and cross-cultural information on other festivals of the dead. Since I don’t believe in doing things simply because they are fun, I really wanted to link this booklet specifically to the Social Studies curriculum. In this booklet I have incorporated links to Ancient Civilizations, Medieval Times, Government, Immigration, Communities in Canada, Legends, Commerce, Human Rights issues at the international level, and cultural awareness. I have also incorporated technology in one of the text’s comprehension questions. When using this booklet with my class, I also do vocabulary studies and I normally do Halloween at about the time when I do synonyms in French.
Le Jour du Souvenir

Le Jour du Souvenir

Here is my Remembrance Day booklet for Junior/Intermediate levels. This booklet covers topics from: The history of Remembrance Day in Canada, the history of the poppy, World War I, World War II, Aboriginal contributions in the two world wars, the Holocaust, and Remembrance Day around the world. Each topic has comprehension questions. Some of these questions are simple recall questions, others are reflection questions that require critical thinking, and others are research extensions for those students who are either 1) finished too early or 2) gifted and/or highly enthusiastic and curious. This booklet works well with the Social Studies curriculum- more specifically, Government, Canadian identity, Canada and world connections, and First Nations.
Les Jeux Olympiques/The Olympic Games French Comprehension

Les Jeux Olympiques/The Olympic Games French Comprehension

This is my French comprehension package on Les Jeux Olympiques. This package is cross-curricular as it addresses ancient civilizations (les jeux dans l’antiquité +les dieux grecs), it addresses healthy eating (que mangent les athlètes olympiques), it also addresses world connections (modern olympics + political and economic issues with the Olympic Games), and it discusses Pierre de Coubertin +inclusivity (the symbol of the Olympic flag). Each passage comes with comprehension questions. Students also have the opportunity to reflect and to think critically. There is also a mini-biography at the end where the student can go research his/her favourite Olympic athlete.
Le Jour de l'An dans le monde

Le Jour de l'An dans le monde

Here is my ready-to-print comprehension package on New Year around the world. This package includes several texts and comprehension questions related to New Year in different cultures. With regards to the curriculum it incorporates aspects of Ancient Civilizations, communities around the world, and it also touches on the Iroquois and the Nisga’a in Canada. This package comes with a rubric and longer reflection-type questions that allow students to think deeper and practice their research skills. Suitable for junior and intermediate French Immersion students.
Une adaptation à l'histoire d'Anton Tchékhov: Le numéro gagnant (Immersion 5e-8e

Une adaptation à l'histoire d'Anton Tchékhov: Le numéro gagnant (Immersion 5e-8e

This package is a perfect introduction for junior and intermediate immersion students (grades 5 to 8) to classical literature, more specifically the short story genre. The story highlighted in this package is an adapted version of Anton’s Chekhov’s short story “The Lottery Ticket”. The adaptation is faithful to the storyline of the short story, but its vocabulary has been simplified. In this package, students have the opportunity to write a brief biography of Chekhov, to explore the short story genre, and they also have comprehension/reflection questions at the end of various sections of the story. In order to render this package more cross-curricular, there is a Visual Arts task and a drama task for students to do. There are also 3 rubrics included: 1) for the comprehension questions, 2) for the Visual Arts component, and 3) for the Drama component. I use this package in conjunction with my “La Parure” adaptation of Guy de Maupassant’s short story as it provides the students with choice in reading.
Arts Visuels Français Immersion: Pop Art (Junior/Intermédiaire)

Arts Visuels Français Immersion: Pop Art (Junior/Intermédiaire)

Fun and accessible Art project for ALL learners! Tried and tested in my junior Immersion classes. -NO PREP!- Perfect for distance and face-to-face learning. This Pop Art project was very popular and successful with my immersion kids. Best thing: it was accessible to all students in the sense that nobody needed to be enrolled in after-school art lessons or have any particular type of artistic talent to succeed. Pop Art is an art movement that originated in the UK and became quite popular in the US because it challenged traditional norms of fine art. This very definition of Pop Art was very pleasing to students who tend to have high levels of anxiety when approaching art or who tend to put themselves down as being “non artistic” or “uncreative”. Pop Art gave these students a gateway into making the production of art very accessible and into redefining their vision of art. In this package you will find: An introduction about Pop Art A quote by Pop artist Andy Warhol that students can comment on. An opportunity to analyze a work by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Japanese artist Takashi Murakami. Students have the opportunity to search up and analyze a Pop Art work of their choice. There is a table with questions to guide student art analysis. Some reflection questions before students get started on creating their own Pop Art masterpiece + guidelines for their own Pop Art masterpiece. An evaluation rubric. If your students have enjoyed this product, please click the star to follow my store and leave me a comment to let me know how this project worked out in your classroom.
Asian History Month in Canada: French Immersion

Asian History Month in Canada: French Immersion

Tried and tested in my grade 6 Middle French Immersion class. This product is a very comprehensive unit, with a Canadian perspective on Asian History Month. It is a wonderful resource for French Immersion, particularly for the junior and intermediate grades. It touches on everything from the first Asians in Canada, the Chinese Head Tax, Japanese Internment Camps, the history of South-Asian immigration to Canada, the Komagata Maru, David Suzuki, and an opportunity to research Adrienne Clarkson. Also included are opportunities to research contributions made by Asian-Canadians, and racisme today in Canada. Included in this unit, is an exit card for students to complete at the end, a graffiti activity at the beginning in order to launch the unit, and lastly, a rubric at the end. This unit is perfect to work on in-class, to send out for homework, for students going on vacation, and for distance learning. I have created this unit with the Ontario Social Studies/History Grades 5, 6 and 7 curriculum in mind as it touches upon several expectations. A wonderful addition to any inclusive and anti-racist program.
Arts Visuels: Le Groupe des Sept

Arts Visuels: Le Groupe des Sept

Here is an art project that I have done with my junior students. This project was an introduction to my unit on Canadian art. It is meant to familiarize students with the Group of Seven and to explore the style and technique of these artists. This project has three components: a small introduction on the Group of Seven, a research component, a component in which the students are asked to reproduce a piece of art done by one of the members of The Group of Seven and a component in which they are to create their own artwork in the style of one of the members of The Group of Seven. There is an evaluation rubric included in the package. This art project is an integrated project in that it integrates critical thinking, with French writing, and Visual Arts.
Livret de grammaire: Le conditionnel présent (Junior/Intermédiaire)

Livret de grammaire: Le conditionnel présent (Junior/Intermédiaire)

Here is my conjugation package for my French Immersion and stronger Core French students. In this package, you will find complete and concise information, appropriately broken down for your students. I have included not only grammatical explanations in a language format that makes it easier for students to understand, but I have included grammar exercises and quizzes for each section of the package. At the end of the package, there is also a unit test and I have included an answer key. This package is great for homework and also for the first 20 minutes of the French period. I use this package to provide my students with grammatical awareness before moving on to a more integrated approach to teaching language. I have given this package for students who are going to be away on vacation and have used it as a back-up when I have a supply teacher. Included: Verbes être/avoir au conditionnel (exercices + quiz) Les verbes du 1er groupe au conditionnel (exercices + quiz) Les verbes du 2e groupe au conditionnel (exercices + quiz) Les verbes du 3e groupe au conditionnel (exercices + quiz) Exercice de récapitulation/test Explications: conditionnel de politesse + phrases conditionnelles (no exercises included as they go beyond the scope of junior/intermediate). Answer key included *** Please note, that the verb tense discussed in this package is the Conditionnel présent only.
Projet d'Arts Visuels: La Renaissance

Projet d'Arts Visuels: La Renaissance

Don’t sweat having to teach art in French! You will really enjoy this no prior prep, easy to print/upload package. Perfect for in-class and distance learning. An excellent addition to any teacher’s long term plans… and best of all, your students will be learning a lot. This package fits right in with many art expectations of different styles and time periods. This package covers the following topics: a reading on the Renaissance + questions a reading on Leonardo da Vinci + questions Michelangelo + questions a research table on various Renaissance artists (students can do a quick research as an extension). a structured research template on Sandro Botticelli (another possible extension activity). Guided questions for an art analysis Project: students will create their own Renaissance-style art (guided questions included). This package is designed for junior/intermediate French immersion students (grade 5 and up). Could work for intermediate/high school students in Core French should you wish to add an artistic component to your program. There is a French connection in the reading with Leonardo da Vinci who died in France.
Arts Visuels: Le Groupe des sept

Arts Visuels: Le Groupe des sept

Here is an art project that I have done with my junior students. This project was an introduction to my unit on Canadian art. It is meant to familiarize students with the Group of Seven and to explore the style and technique of these artists. This project has three components: a small introduction on the Group of Seven, a research component, a component in which the students are asked to reproduce a piece of art done by one of the members of The Group of Seven and a component in which they are to create their own artwork in the style of one of the members of The Group of Seven. There is an evaluation rubric included in the package. This art project is an integrated project in that it integrates critical thinking, with French writing, and Visual Arts.
Projet d'arts visuels: Le Griffonnage (Doodling); Junior/Intermédiaire

Projet d'arts visuels: Le Griffonnage (Doodling); Junior/Intermédiaire

Fun and accessible Art project for ALL learners! Tried and tested in my junior Immersion classes. -NO PREP!- Perfect for distance and face-to-face learning. Do you have a doodler in your class who would benefit from some recognition of their often under appreciated talent? If so, this is THE ultimate project for them. This Doodling project was very popular and successful with my immersion kids. Best thing: it was accessible to all students in the sense that nobody needed to be enrolled in after-school art lessons or have any particular type of artistic talent to succeed. Doodling is an actual form of art. In fact there are many doodle artists around the world. According to researchers, doodling helps to alleviate stress, increase concentration and memory. It also helps students visualize ideas and live in the moment. Many famous people have been notorious “doodlers”. This fun project is going to hopefully be as much of a hit with your class as it was with my class. Many of my art anxious students became a lot less anxious and more open to art by the time we finished this project and had our in-class Doodle art exhibition. In this package you will find: An introduction about Doodling An opportunity to analyze a work by doodle artists (2 known doodlers, 1 anonymous doodler). Students have the opportunity to search up and analyze a doodle artwork of their choice. There is a table with questions to guide student art analysis. Some reflection questions before students get started on creating their own Doodle art masterpiece + guidelines for their own Doodle art masterpiece. (I do mention to students that although doodling is often unplanned art, this project is an evaluated one, therefore some planning without infringing on creativity is needed for this project). An evaluation rubric. I have only tried this project with my immersion grades 5 and 6 students. If you have a Core class, this project should be able to work- but you may need to explain the French in more detail. If your students have enjoyed this product, please click the star to follow my store and leave me a comment to let me know how this project worked out in your classroom.
Projet arts visuels: June Clark, une artiste Afro-canadienne (junior/inter)

Projet arts visuels: June Clark, une artiste Afro-canadienne (junior/inter)

De-colonialize art by including multiple voices, perspectives, and by adding more female artists into your art program. This integrated art project is perfect for incorporating both Canadian Art and integrating an Afro-Canadian voice into the art curriculum. Students are able to engage with this project either in-person or fully online. It is also a great little package to give to students who are going on vacation. Touches on grade 6 Social Studies (Communities in Canada) and gives you an Art, Social Studies, and French mark all at once. This project consists of a series of guided questions. Students do require an internet connection because they are required to do their own research. Students are provided with guided questions to structure their research. They will not only research June Clark’s artwork but also the artwork of other Afro-Canadian artists. For the final task, students will be required to not only reproduce one of June Clark’s artworks but to also create their own artwork based on elements of either June Clark’s artwork or those of another Afro-canadian artist. A rubric is included to facilitate marking. Further fun extension: Teachers can organize a student art exhibition on Afro-Canadian inspired art.
Le 14 juillet: La fête nationale (Bastille Day)

Le 14 juillet: La fête nationale (Bastille Day)

Ever wonder about France’s national holiday and why it is so important? This resource will explain it all to your students. No prep, informative in that it addresses a French community/country and brings in historical and cultural elements from that country. Great for homework, a class activity/assignment, or to assign to students going on holiday. Topics covered include: What is July 14th?, the adoption of July 14th, How it is celebrated in France, La Marseillaise, Symbols of France, an inquiry on King Louis XVI and his wife Marie-Antoinette, a commentary/discussion of some famous quotes dating from around the French Revolution, and a “would you rather” oral communication game. This resource is perfect for grade 6 immersion and up. It also works for grade 9 and up Core French.
Arts-Visuels: Les portraits dans l'Art occidental

Arts-Visuels: Les portraits dans l'Art occidental

Introduce Western Portrait Art into your classroom. Tried and tested in my junior Immersion classes. -NO PREP!- Perfect for distance and face-to-face learning. Throughout the course of this project students are able to examine and analyze different European portraits of historical figures that were relevant both to France and to Quebec (New-France)- therefore adding a cultural and historical aspect to any French Immersion classroom. After examining a series of 3 portraits (one of Marie-Antoinette, Jacques Cartier, and Napoléon Bonaparte) students will be given the opportunity to select the portrait of their choice to examine and analyse. Lastly, following guiding questions, students will have the opportunity to create their own portrait. In their portrait they will use colours, lines, shading, and symbols to represent their subject. This task is a Visual Art task and a French writing task. It can be extended by having a class-wide portrait exhibition and having the students present their work of art. In this package you will find: An introduction about portraits An opportunity to analyze a portrait of Marie-Antoinette, Jacques Cartier and Napoléon Bonaparte. Students have the opportunity to search up and analyze a portrait of their choice. There is a table with questions to guide student art analysis. Some reflection questions before students get started on creating their own portrait masterpiece + guidelines for their own portrait masterpiece. An evaluation rubric. If your students have enjoyed this product, please click the star to follow my store and leave me a comment to let me know how this project worked out in your classroom.