Hi I am Kev, my wife Belinda and I run Innovative Teaching Ideas. We love to learn, and now have three little learners to guide through life. Above all we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts around our products and can make resources to meet your needs.
Hi I am Kev, my wife Belinda and I run Innovative Teaching Ideas. We love to learn, and now have three little learners to guide through life. Above all we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts around our products and can make resources to meet your needs.
What engages kids even more than listening to a good story? ☀️PARTICIPATING IN IT!☀️ That’s what they’ll be doing with AESOP'S FABLE POWER PACK, which offers a COMPLETE, NO-PREP UNIT.
This HUGE BUNDLE offers a mix of hands-on, printable, and digital media resources. By the time you have finished this pack, your students won’t just be able to READ and COMPREHEND fables, but will also be WRITING their own unique fables with structure and purpose. That’s why this is one of the best reviewed products we have to offer – it keeps kids excited and engaged for over a week as you work through the following areas:
✔ What Is a Fable and Its Purpose?
✔ Who Is Aesop, The Father of Fables?
✔ 12 Famous Interactive Fables by Aesop (Professionally Narrated)
✔ Scripted Fable Theater - Turn These Fables into a Drama Class
✔ Deconstructing Fables for Meaning
✔ Planning and Assessment Rubrics for Writing Fables
✔ Fable Writing Workshop
✔ Character Traits Worksheets and Activities for All of Aesop's Creatures
✔ Digital and Paper Based Resources for Publishing Fables
✔ Fable Glossary and Curriculum Links.
The entire collection is provided to you in EDITABLE PowerPoint and Word formats and also available as a printable PDF eBook. Each lesson is a complete plan that eliminates your preparation time, but if you need to modify the content to suit a particular class, you can easily do so. We even hired a professional voice actor so that you can listen to these fables with your class in style!
Like the sound of this? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES
Year Long Visual Writing Prompts
Fable Power Pack
Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM
Teach your students about technologies that changed the world.
What made them so successful? How did some become completely superseded or obsolete? And what will replace them in the future based upon what we know about history and the wants and needs of our society?
This collection of 20 beautiful past and present technology cards are accompanied with 4 easy to follow activities and lesson plans to get your students thinking like a STEM designer, entrepreneur and innovator.
Want to make poetry FUN, ENGAGING AND RELEVANT? This poetry unit is a complete solution for teaching and learning poetry to students. ❤️ ABSOLUTELY NO PREP REQUIRED ❤️, just download and start teaching in minutes.
With four full weeks worth of work, you can either go all in or return as required throughout the school year. These aren’t just NO PREP, either – our teacher feedback has repeatedly told us these poetry activities are so clear that their students can self-study at their own pace.
We have spent over ten years compiling, refining, and classroom-testing this Poetry unit to get it to the quality that it’s at now. It has been used by teachers around the world in various formats and is now available for the first time as a complete solution to teaching poetry in your classroom in an engaging and professional manner.
Whatever you need to teach we have you covered. We’ve designed activities and lessons for 19 styles of poetry, including:
✍ Acrostic Poems
✍ Ballads
✍ Clerihew Poetry
✍ Diamante poems
✍ Epitaph
✍ Free Verse
✍ Haiku
✍ Irish Limericks
✍ Monody
✍ Monorhyme
✍ The Ode
✍ Palindromes
✍ Pantoum
✍ Quatrains
✍ Shape Poetry
✍ Concrete Poetry
✍ Sonnets and Villanelle.
For each style of poetry you will find:
✏ Visually bright, informative teaching guides designed to appeal to kids
✏ Annotated poetry samples narrated by a professional voice actor
✏ Quality external learning links and resources
✏ Individual templates to download and print in both grayscale and color
✏ Poetry Assessment Rubric to help students produce their own high quality poetry
✏ Curriculum links, including Common Core
This unique bundle of resources, activities, and media comes in a single PowerPoint with dozens of templates and documents for you and your students. You will also gain access to a PDF version with this purchase. However you use it, this packet will ensure that you easily meet Common Core Standard 10 for grades one through five.
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES
Year Long Visual Writing Prompts
Fable Power Pack
Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM
Battleship is a classic game of strategy and logic kids of all ages love to play. Best of all, it is a great to play in your maths class as it teaches students how to use acartesian planeand understand how to use co-ordinates on a grid.
I have made up two PDF versions of the classic battleship game you can download and print
The first one is the traditional battleship game and the second one is the slightly more advanced 4 quadrant version of Battleship which is more suited to secondary students.
"You just sunk my Battleship!"
Massive Update for 2019 - Another 40 pages of content added
An entire unit of INFORMATION REPORT WRITING awaits you. Absolutely no prep required.
This editable PowerPoint bundle will allow you to teach your students how to write excellent Information reports using a proven model based on research skills, writing strategies and engaging content.
The bundle includes 96 PAGES of:
Lesson plans,
Teaching materials
Visual writing prompts
Assessment rubrics
Writing Checklists
Graphic Organizers
Research Tools
Plus much more
All presented in a great looking presentation targeted at students in years 3 - 6.that you can either DISPLAY ON SCREEN, PRINT or use via GOOGLE CLASSROOM
Bring the magic of Roald Dahl's classic story to life with this must-have resource pack. This download contains over 50 pages of fully-prepped, exhilarating activities to get you started in minutes.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of the richest sources for imaginative activities in all of children's literature. But as you know, designing these activities takes a long time. That's why we've done the hard work for you. These lessons were created by real teachers, tested in real classrooms, and organised for maximum effectiveness. All you need to do is open, print, and go.
When you purchase this pack, you will receive:
Lessons and worksheets with assessable outcomes
A multiple intelligences activity grid with 42 self-directed activities
Answer keys
A printable PDF file
You will also get this HUGE set of fully planned lessons:
Lesson 1: Adjectives and Adverbs
Lesson 2: Book Report Tasks
Lesson 3: Cause & Effect in Charlie
Lesson 4: Essay Topics and Tasks
Lesson 5: Fact & Opinion in Charlie
Lesson 6: Haiku Poetry from Charlie
Lesson 7: The Ultimate Charlie Quiz
Lesson 8: Smartie Pants - Getting Hands-on with Charlie and Chocolate
Lesson 9: Story Elements and Concept Maps from Charlie
Lesson 10 Thank You Notes from Charlie
Lesson 11: Compare and Contrast the different “Charlies”
Lesson 12: Vivacious Vocabulary Task
Lesson 13: Who Said That?
Multiple Intelligences Activity Grid with over 42 self-directed tasks
Like the sound of this? If you would like more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES
Year Long Visual Writing Prompts
Fable Power Pack
Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM
About Innovative Teaching Ideas
How to correctly ask questions to search engines on various devices and platforms
How to filter and refine your results to find exactly what you want every time.
Essential Research and critical thinking skills for students
Plagiarism, Citing and acknowledging other people’s work.
How to query, synthesize and record your findings in a logical manner.
Completely updated for 2019 with another 20 pages of content and and new follow up tasks.
This GAMIFIED resource provides teachers and students with the SECRET HANDBOOK of operators, tips and tricks to the worlds most popular website… YOU WILL NEVER USE GOOGLE THE SAME AGAIN.
After presenting this session to thousands of teachers and students, I know most people completely waste their time searching Google, settling for the first thing that pops up instead of what they really need.
This doesn’t have to be the case. In just one lesson, you can turn anyone (teacher, student, even a hardcore web addict) into a GOOGLE SEARCH NINJA who can find exactly what they want the first time, every time. These are the secret tips and tricks nobody has ever told you about, all presented in a fun, engaging, completely editable PowerPoint game.
You owe this to your students if you ask them to use the internet for research. IT IS A LIFE SKILL FOR THE 21st CENTURY.
Related Products
Digital Graphic Organizers / Digital Notebooks (Google Classroom & PowerPoint)
Emoji Writing Bundle
FAKE NEWS UNIT: Teach students to analyze news and get the facts
Fake News Quiz
Which search tool should I use? Classroom Poster
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas -
For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our EMAIL NEWSLETTER, and visit us on FACEBOOK to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
This is a collection of four printable pages designed to help students build a knowledge of all numbers 1 - 100.
Included in the pack is
1 - 100 high resolution poster
Prime Number high resolution Poster
Blank 100 chart for students to complete
Completed 100 chart for skip counting with counters etc.
This is a useful resource for junior mathematicians who want to get a better understanding of numbers, the decimal system, prime and composite numbers.
Twenty weeks of engaging ⭐STEM / STEAM⭐ independent tasks are included in this engaging bundle designed for students aged 8 - 12 years old. This is excellent for covering both DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES and DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES. All with ABSOLUTELY NO PREP REQUIRED!!
Just print out and away you go... All instructions are easy to follow and will involve students completing all tasks at home. Answer sheets included.
✔ Decoding Binary
✔ Visual Representation of Recycling data at home
✔ Understanding Pixels, bytes and Sprites
✔ Algorithmic Sleuths and code breaking
✔ Creating digital images with numbers
✔ Identifying technologies that changed our world
✔ Mapping and co-ordinates with BOLTS
✔ Write your name in Binary
✔ Code Cracking
✔ Technology Keytword search
✔ Following Algorithms
✔ Coding Challenge
✔ Make your won Codes and Encryption
✔ Analyzing data and Inferring
✔ Recording sounds as images.
✔ Bottle Toss Challenge
✔ Timeline of technological evolution task
✔ Paper Plane challenge task
✔ Which shapes are the strongest?
✔ Design a Virtual Reality Controller
Best of all if you buy in NOW you will receive ALL FUTURE ADDITIONS FOR FREE we regularly add more tasks. These additions will incur a greater expense for late adopters as THE PRICE WILL RISE.
Teaching students to write instructions manuals, recipes and science experiments can be a tough ask for the creative writer and teacher… ⭐UNTIL NOW⭐ Because the PERFECT PROCEDURAL WRITING UNIT offers a complete solution to teaching all styles of procedural writing including,
✅ Recipes
✅ Instructions for games
✅ Directions
✅ Science Experiments
✅ Walk Throughs
✅ Tutorials - Including videos
✅ Life Hack’s
✅ Self Help Guides
⭐ And much more NO PREP REQUIRED
Perfect for Google Classroom, Office 365, SeeSaw or other digital platfoms. Also includes a Print version.
This evergreen resource will come in handy for fresh ideas for students to use their spelling words more effectively and creatively.
The matrix is built on Blooms Taxonomy and addresses all areas in simple to understand language for students of all ages.
Best of all it's completely Free!!! A review and Follow would be greatly appreciated
With the festive season almost upon us you might be considering doing some letters to Santa as part of your Christmas writing sessions.
This easy to use template is completely free to download looks great and will definitely inspire young writers to put in plenty of great ideas and effort.
Inspire your students and spark conversations with our bundle of 14 quote posters. No clipart here – these high-res, professionally designed pieces will enhance your classroom with no prep required from you.
Your classroom and staff room will both look amazing with these on the wall – check the preview to see what they look like. We designed these with stunning images and famous quotes about education that will lift your spirits and motivate your kids. Here are the fourteen quotes you will get:
Dalai Lama
When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.
Frank Lloyd Wright
You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.
Victor Hugo
He who opens a school door, closes a prison.
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Eleanor Roosevelt
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
John Locke
The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it.
Robert Frost
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.
John Adams
There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.
Theodore Roosevelt
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The secret in education lies in respecting the student.
This bundle also comes with a PowerPoint slideshow with alternate images, so you can just as easily run it on our digital whiteboard as your wall.
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES
Year Long Visual Writing Prompts
Fable Power Pack
Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM
Teach your students to independently check their own narrative / story writing with these beautiful checklists and rubric.
These editable checklists are specifically for narratives or story writing. We will be creating more for other writing genres in the near future.
There are three age variations in the bundle for Junior (Ages 5 - 7), Middle (7 - 11) and Senior (11 - 15). Each bundle contains both a student checklist for independent assessment and a student / teacher rubric for conferencing. Check the preview for a visual example.
Each age group has been stylised and written to appeal to different age groups.
With six to a page you can easily print these out and distribute to students an re use them over and over.
Best of all they are completely editable if you wish to change any element of it.
Give your students the tools they need for writing great stories.