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GCSE Judaism - The Mitzvot

GCSE Judaism - The Mitzvot

This lesson looks at the nature and importance of the Mitzvot and the relationship between the Mitzvot and Free-will. Main task is a rotation task. Students use the relevant information to fill in the boxes on their worksheet. Lesson includes a ppt, activity, worksheet, starter and homework.
GCSE Judaism Beliefs - Moses and The Decalogue (2 Lessons)

GCSE Judaism Beliefs - Moses and The Decalogue (2 Lessons)

Aimed at GCSE students - Two Lesson give the history and nature of the Covenant at Sinai - first lesson focuses on the role of Moses. Second Lesson discussing different understandings of the Decalogue and it’s importance for Jews today. Lessons include presentations, brief starter, worksheets, and a variety of activities.
GCSE Judaism - The Covenant of Abraham (2 Lessons)

GCSE Judaism - The Covenant of Abraham (2 Lessons)

The first lesson tells the story of Abraham - links to clips from YouTube. Class can then do put the story in order task. Lesson has ppt, starter, handouts, homework included. The second lesson looks at evaluating the Covenant with Abraham - introducing how to evaluate a (d) part question - starter, handout, planning task, d part template and homework included. With lesson ppt as well.
GCSE Judaism - Messiah & Messianic Age (2 Lessons)

GCSE Judaism - Messiah & Messianic Age (2 Lessons)

Two lessons are included here. One focused around the Messiah and then the Messianic Age. You could combine resources perhaps and put it into one lesson. There is a starter, worksheets and handouts. There is a starter activity but its quite time consuming so I would only do part of it
GCSE Judaism - Shekhinah (2 Lessons)

GCSE Judaism - Shekhinah (2 Lessons)

First lesson introduces tests knowledge from the previous lesson, the idea of Shekhinah and includes a task to search for quotes in the Torah (I used a class set of Bibles). The second lesson starts by looking at divergent views within Judaism - introducing Liberal/Reform and Orthodox views. As well as introducing Maimonides as a source of Wisdom and Authority. This then links to different views about the Shekhinah.
GCSE Judaism Beliefs - The Nature of the Almighty (2 Lessons)

GCSE Judaism Beliefs - The Nature of the Almighty (2 Lessons)

Lesson for the Almighty includes a keyword test, information about characteristics of the almighty, draw the line task and a template to complete the © part question. This lesson includes a keyword test which I told students to revise for homework in a previous lesson. In this previous lesson I got students to decorate their new exercise book and back it before discussing the keywords and setting the homework - I’ve added these resources too (ppt, keywords to decorate, homework) Finally in a third lesson I went into a little more detail with Jewish Beliefs about the Almighty and did a rotation task and students were asked to fill in a sheet. This ppt, worksheet and rotation information is included. Hope you find it useful. We do Edexcel Exam but it could be useful for other examboards.
NEW EDEXCEL GCSE 60 Catholic Christianity Keyword Revision Cards (15 for each topic)

NEW EDEXCEL GCSE 60 Catholic Christianity Keyword Revision Cards (15 for each topic)

This revision resource can be used in class or can be given to students to make into revision cards. Sets of cards can be printed on different coloured card, cut out and stuck back-to-back with keyword one side, definition the other. Alternative if you like to play ‘I have the answer’ with a class you make these cards so that a student reads out the keyword (or definition depending on how you like to play) and another student responds if they think they have the definition on a different card - this takes a little planning to ensure that you choose a path through the keywords that covers all but its good fun.