All resources

A resource designed as a discussion point about safeguarding. This resources has been designed for use with pupils and has a number of different scenarios for the children to consider.

Gothic Horror Features
A PowerPoint leading on from a lesson about Gothic Horror features. Used to generate discussion about Gothic Horror and to start exploring vocabulary that is suitable for the genre.
Used as a resource for SEN group but can be adapted to suit any ability group.

Word class matching
A selection of activities to revise nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and pronouns.
Could be used as revision or consolidation.

Gothic Horror Suspense
A PowerPoint about creating suspense when writing Gothic Horror.
Originally designed as an SEN resource but could be adapted for any ability.

Arithmetic PPT
A differentiated PPT with tasks for pupils displayed on each slide. Designed for mixed ability Year 5 class but could be edited for other year groups or abilities.

The Highwayman SEN resource
A resource designed to support SEN learners during a topic about The Highwayman. This resource is designed to help them plan a diary entry.

Comparing King Richard and King John
A resource designed for KS3 pupils to consider the differences and similarities between King John and King Richard.

Gothic Horror Reading Task
A Gothic Horror Reading comprehension activity which I used for a SEN Y8 group.

Morning activities English and Maths
A morning resource to be displayed on the whiteboard to help establish routines as well as supporting consolidation of Maths and English learning. I have added an additional box sometimes for learners who are not able to access the content on the slides. It has really helped my class get into good routines in the morning as well as creating extra time for Maths and English.

The Highwayman SEN resources
SEN resources designed to support pupils in a mixed ability group in Year 5. Focus is on conjunctions but also has activities for reading on too.

Medieval Castles
This resource is designed to encourage pupils to think about the impact that castles had on different groups.

Multiplication revision PPT
Year 5 resource used for revision on multiplication.
Topics covered include:
LO: Solve multiplication problems involving 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Ch: Explain my methods for multiplication.
LO: Solve multiplication problems involving 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Ch: Explain my methods for multiplication.
LO: Identify prime and square numbers.
Ch: Define the terms: prime number, multiple, square number, factor and cube number.

Green Ship Mini Guided Reading Activities
A set of short activities based around the book ‘The Green Ship’.

Morning activities English
A couple of English resources based on English skills. These have a little freedom for the pupils to write independently then share what they've written. I use these in afternoon registrations while I run interventions.

Division - chunking
An introduction to using a number line for division. Worksheet for 3 levels of ability. Lower (lions), Middle (monkeys), High (hippos).

Year 2 Maths Activities (1)
A set of 9 different short activities based on the Year 2 National Curriculum for Maths.