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Miss Smith Teaches

I create a range of lessons using drawings and animations that keep pupils engaged and develops their understanding by relating complex scientific content to relatable every day items and scenarios.

I create a range of lessons using drawings and animations that keep pupils engaged and develops their understanding by relating complex scientific content to relatable every day items and scenarios.
Transpiration and Translocation

Transpiration and Translocation

Explanation of transpiration and translocation presented clearly through drawings and animations. To start the timers, click on the cream circle during presentation mode - the circle will gradually turn purple and a bell will sound when the timer is up.
Dialysis Presentation

Dialysis Presentation

Dialysis presentation with animations and drawings that help students understand the process of dialysis step-by-step. To start timers, simply click on the circle during presentation mode - it will gradually turn purple and a bell will wound when the timer is up.
Efficiency KS3

Efficiency KS3

I simple introduction to efficiency and sankey diagrams for KS3 students with worked examples. To use the timers, click on the cream circle in presentation mode and the circle will gradually turn purple - time is up when the circle is completely purple and the bell sounds.
Diffusion Lesson for KS3

Diffusion Lesson for KS3

Diffusion lesson for KS3 students. Includes useful animations, drawings, and links to real-life scenarios that really help pupils (especially low-attaining students) access the information and stay engaged. Because there are quite a few animations and some of them are automatic, I suggest doing a full run-through of the PowerPoint at least once before the lesson so you can get a feel for what is coming up next. To use the timer on the first page, simply click on it while in presentation mode and the cream circle will gradually turn purple over the five minutes, a bell will sound when the time is up.
Carbon Stores

Carbon Stores

Simple A4 sheet that shows all of the carbon stores. Students can either be handed the sheet and add information about each store as they learn it (e.g. the % of carbon that is stored in each), or the image can simply be used in presentations or as a poster just for simple clarification.
Minibeast Fact File

Minibeast Fact File

A small fact file for lower primary school students who can use it to go outside and identify minibeasts and their habitats.
Food Tests - Visual Revision Aids

Food Tests - Visual Revision Aids

Each slide is a visual representation of the food test for Biology with a drawing to help them remember what’s what: Benedict’s test for sugar - drawing of BENEDICT Cumberbatch as Dr Strange eating a doughnut (sugar). He also has a blue and red costume which can help them remember that the reagent turns from blue to brick red if sugar is present. Iodine test for starch -drawing of iodine being dripped onto an unamused piece of bread (where it turns blue-black) Biuret test for protein - drawing of a purple steak (***P***urple, ***P***rotein) Ethanol test for lipids - drawing of a block of cheese (lipid) getting drunk (ethanol) All slides have a dyslexic-friendly background. I hope you enjoy. (Colours and text go a bit funny in the preview, but will correct themselves once downloaded)