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Addition and Subtraction posters
These posters are to be used alongside the teaching of addition and subtraction. Ideal for working walls. Very helpful in year 3 where the rhymes have really helped children especially when looking at column subtraction.
Maths Display
A pack of colourful maths display which includes; counting in tens, number bonds to 10, days and months of the year. Perfect to excite any young learners.
My Hundred Square Activities
This is a booklet of activities to use with hundred squares.
This is a group of activities
revolving around hundred squares.
-> Hundred square
-> 5 versions of fill in the hundred square activities
-> 2 versions of colour in the multiples activity
-> 1 generic colour in the multiples activity
Place Value Printables
An interactive way for children to learn place value.
Hundred blocks
Ten blocks
One/unit blocks
Table for children to create numbers and work out calculations
A fun game for children to help when learning place value.
Ice cream cone bases
Scoops with ones/units from 0 - 9 (words and digits)
Scoops with tens from 10 - 90 (words and digits)
Scoops with hundreds from 100 - 900 (words and digits)
A selection of blank ice cream scoops
These can be used with adults or as a child led activity.
Reusable mental and oral times table starter
Two activities for getting children's times table skills up.
Laminate a set of these sheets and use with whiteboard pens and a timer to see how well your class does.
I have used it and it works really well especially if you get the children to beat their personal best.
These are edited resources that I have found.
Completing Hundred Square
This is an activity whee children are able to complete a hundred square as some of the numbers are missing.
Class Rules on Bee's
10 rules on bees (each A5 size) reminding children what behaviour they should have.
These rules are what my reception class came up with on transition day to year 1.
Be confident
Be respectful
Be yourself
Be good friends
Be safe
Be honest
Be good listeners
Be hard workers
Be kind and caring
Be respectful
Quick times tables tests
Tests for times table and answer sheets.
Level 1 Available for 2,5,10 times tables
Level 2 includes 3, 4, 6, 11 times tables
Each test has 50 questions. There is a test for each of the given tables above and then one mixed test