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The Curse of the Maya - suspense writing
These 4 lessons build up to the children writing and editing their own piece of suspense writing, using The Curse of the Maya by Johnny Pearce and Andy Loneragan. Lessons include skills starters for Y5/6 SPaG.
Lesson 1 - identifying key themes in the book and answering VIPERS style questions on the prologue.
Lesson 2 - identifying features of suspense and tension in the text and answering VIPERS style questions.
Lesson 3 - planning and drafting a narrative that creates suspense and tension.
Lesson 4 - editing a narrative that creates suspense and tension.

Y5/6 VIPERS - The Balaclava Story
Two reading comprehension activities following the VIPERS model from the Literacy Shed.
It’s based on The Balaclava Story by George Layton, where the protagonist faces a dilemma! Higher order skills, such as inference, are focused on.

New class art display based on Wonder (R.J. Palacio)
Need a simple but effective art display for a new class? A perfect getting to know you activity that can produce beautiful results using the front cover of Wonder as inspiration.