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The WWII Aryan Master Race Breeding Plan / Hitler's Eugenics - Reading

The WWII Aryan Master Race Breeding Plan / Hitler's Eugenics - Reading

This Reading Comprehension worksheet gives a detailed account of Hitler’s “Aryan” race propaganda and his plan to breed a German “Master Race” through positive and negative eugenics programs such as the sterilization of those deemed of “genetically inferior”, his anti-Semetism propaganda, the Lebensborn program and the Germanisation program. The text is suitable for advanced intermediate to proficient ESL learners and native English speakers. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, True or False exercises, multiple choice exercise , a definitions-match exercise and a fun crossword. This worksheet can also be used for IGCSE, TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Answer Key included Total number of pages: 7
What Is a Pandemic? - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

What Is a Pandemic? - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the spread of pandemics, how they spread and declared, how governments can impose anti-spread measures and what can be done to help stop a pandemic from spreading. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including true or False exercises, a fun crossword, multiple choice exercises and a fill-in-the-gaps exercise. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes (medical). This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 7
A Brief History of Pandemics - Reading Comprehension Text

A Brief History of Pandemics - Reading Comprehension Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the history’s worst pandemics from the Antonine Plague to the HIV pandemic in the late 20th century. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including true or False exercises, a fun crossword, multiple choice exercises and a fill-in-the-gaps exercise. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes (medical). This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 7
The Declaration Of Independence  / Independence Day  Reading

The Declaration Of Independence / Independence Day Reading

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text describes the events that led up to the signing the Declaration of Independence from British rule thereby forming the basis for an independent U.S. government. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th 1776 (US Independence Day ). After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: multiple choice exercises, True or False exercises, and a fun word search. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. Total no. of pages: 5
A Brief History of the Gay Rights Movement & LGBT Community  - Reading Comprehension Text

A Brief History of the Gay Rights Movement & LGBT Community - Reading Comprehension Text

This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the gay rights movement in the United States from Henry Gerber’s 1924 foundation of the Society for Human Rights to president Trump’s new transgender policy announcement for the military in 2018 (that banned most transgendered people from military service). After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, a definition match, multiple choice exercises and a crossword. The text can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. Total number of pages: 7 Answer key included
The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic - Reading Comprehension Informational Text

The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic - Reading Comprehension Informational Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the spread of the Spanish Flu / Influenza pandemic of 1918 and why it was the deadliest and strangely most forgotten medical calamity in history. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including true or False exercises, a fun crossword and multiple choice exercises . The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes (medical). This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 5
How are vaccines made? - Reading Comprehension Informational Text

How are vaccines made? - Reading Comprehension Informational Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text provides a description of how vaccines are made, how they work, how they have evolved since the early immunization days and other related concepts such as what is herd immunity. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including true or False exercises, a fun crossword, a definitions match and multiple choice exercises . The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes (medical). This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 6
COVID-19: Why is it so hard to develop a vaccine? - Coronavirus Reading Comprehension text

COVID-19: Why is it so hard to develop a vaccine? - Coronavirus Reading Comprehension text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher intermediate to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores why the world is still in search for a licensed coronavirus vaccine and why the research, development, manufacturing and distribution of a vaccine against COVID-19 is such an arduous process. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: a multiple choice exercise a fill in the gaps exercise on “Covid-19: How to protect yourself and others” a crossword based on the text 8 comprehension questions The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes (medical). This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 7
Life Aboard a Slave Ship  - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

Life Aboard a Slave Ship - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for beginner to proficient ESL learners. A summary of Markus Rediker’s book “The Slave Ship”, the text explores the history of the slave trade across the Middle Passage and the horrors pf life aboard a slave ship. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a True or False exercises, a definitions match, a multiple choice exercise and a fun crossword. This worksheet can also be used for IGCSE, TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 7
What Really Happened at Fukushima? -  Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text

What Really Happened at Fukushima? - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the events that occurred before and after the 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear accident. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, a true or false exercise, a fill in the gaps exercise, an in class discussion and a fun crossword. The text can be used for IGCSE and TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key included. Ideally this handout can be used with a #Google Expedition virtual reality trip.
Black History: A History of Juneteenth - Reading Comprehension Text

Black History: A History of Juneteenth - Reading Comprehension Text

This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the emergence and history of Juneteenth - the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865. On June 19th the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. The celebration of June 19th was coined “Juneteenth” and grew with more participation from descendants. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a titles match, a True or False Exercise, a definition match,a word search, a multiple choice exercise and a crossword. The text can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. An ideal activity for June 19th or during Black History month. (celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, and in October for the Netherlands & the United Kingdom) Total number of pages: 7 Answer key included
The Life and Work of Nelson Mandela  - Black History Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

The Life and Work of Nelson Mandela - Black History Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text describes the life and work of social rights activist, politician and philanthropist Nelson Mandela - who became South Africa’s first Black president from 1994 to 1999. After becoming involved in the anti-apartheid movement in his 20s, Mandela joined the African National Congress in 1942. For 20 years, he directed a campaign of peaceful, nonviolent defiance against the South African government and its racist policies. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: title match exercises, comprehension questions, a definitions match, a multiple choice exercise and a crossword. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. A full answer key is included, Total number of pages: 7
The Tulsa Race Massacre - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

The Tulsa Race Massacre - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text

This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the events that led up to the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921, during which up to 300 black Tulsans were murdered by white residents, and a thriving neighbourhood was burned to the ground. The text also gives an account of the aftermath of the Tulsa Massacre, the segregation of the community, the rise of the KKK, the deleted history records and the search for possible mass graves over a century later. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a definitions match , comprehension questions, multiple choice exercises and a crossword. The text can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. Total number of pages: 7 Answer key included
Understanding the Black Lives Matter Movement - Reading Comprehension Text

Understanding the Black Lives Matter Movement - Reading Comprehension Text

This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores modern-day racial discrimination and social injustice issues that led to the founding of the Black Lives Matter movement as well as what kind of social and political reforms are necessary to finally stop discrimination and bring to account groups and individuals responsible for human rights violations. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, a definition match, multiple choice exercises and a fun crossword. The text can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. Total number of pages: 7 Answer key included


This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text gives an account of the fight against the "separate but equal" doctrine in the post-slavery S.America. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including 10 comprehension questions, 10True or False exercises and an in class discussion. This informational tect can also be used for vocabulary building purposes.
The Media’s Effect On Body Image - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text

The Media’s Effect On Body Image - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the effects of the media and social media in particular, on body image. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a comprehension questions, True or False exercises, a title-match exercise and engage in an in-class discussion. The text can be used for IGSCE / TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included.
What is the Danse Macabre? -  Reading & Comprehension Exercises

What is the Danse Macabre? - Reading & Comprehension Exercises

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the concept of Danse Macabre and how it was used throughout history. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a true or false exercise, discussion prompts and a fun crossword, a fill in the gaps exercise and a definitions match exercise. The text can be used for IGCSE and TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key included. Total number of pages: 4
Is Plastic Surgery the Answer to Bullying - Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Is Plastic Surgery the Answer to Bullying - Reading Comprehension Worksheet

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners. The text discusses cyberbullying and bullying phenomena that have led teens to resort to desperate measures. There is even an NGO offering free plastic surgeries for children with deformities and a lot of teens are now applying to get otoplasties and rhinoplasties in an effort to stop the bullying. But can plastic surgery really be a solution to bullying? After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: questions and True or False exercises. The vocabulary used in the texts is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE, TOEFL or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. The handouts can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
COVID-19 and Mental Health | Coronavirus Reading Comprehension text

COVID-19 and Mental Health | Coronavirus Reading Comprehension text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for intermediate to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the effects that Covid-19 and lockdowns can have on mental health and lays out different ways of coping with anxiety and stress while in quarantine. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: -7 comprehension questions -a multiple choice exercise -a crossword based on the text The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 6
The History and Love Story of the Taj Mahal - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text

The History and Love Story of the Taj Mahal - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text

This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the history of the world’s most intricate mausoleum, the Taj Mahal. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including true or False exercises, a fun crossword and a fill in the gaps exercise. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included. Total number of pages: 6