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MirrorAssemblies' Shop

Average Rating4.43
(based on 20 reviews)

Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thin




Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thin
Colours of the Rainbow. A story about using your talents for 4-9 year-olds

Colours of the Rainbow. A story about using your talents for 4-9 year-olds

The story explores the themes of working together, appreciating other peoples’ talents and using what we have. There is a shorter version of the story (omit the italics part of the story). Pupils are encouraged to identify with the colours and to do certain actions when the colour name is mentioned, making this a story with audience participation. IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £3, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
The Value of Knowledge - A KS2 assembly about Respect

The Value of Knowledge - A KS2 assembly about Respect

This assembly starts with a very brief story which emphasises different types of knowledge and the different values different people put on different kinds of knowledge. This is used to promote thought and discussion about Respect. This assembly could also fit the Good to Be Me theme, Values Assemblies as well as general primary assembly themes. IMPORTANT If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
Messy Kayla - An assembly for Lower Primary.

Messy Kayla - An assembly for Lower Primary.

Story of a child getting into bother while waiting for her mother to finish the chores to play together. Kayla uses books to inspire her play, but with messy consequences. Her mother solves the problem. CHildren are encouraged to think about the message behind the story. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
The Elephant and The Dog - Whole school age range

The Elephant and The Dog - Whole school age range

This Assembly contains a story that is important to Buddhists. It is an ancient story about friendship that has been retold millions of times. It tells about the power of friendship and how creatures who had been perceived as “natural enemies” can become friends. This story also tells us about the need to tolerate people and creatures that we may not immediately like. This can be used for many assembly themes like “Getting on and Falling out”, “festivals”, “Friends” “Tolerance” etc. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
Self-Control & Anger Management - suitable for Lower Primary age range

Self-Control & Anger Management - suitable for Lower Primary age range

This assembly forms one a a series of assemblies for the SEAL Theme of “Relationships”. It introduces a child who finds self-control hard and a method that his father uses to help his child to achieve control of his anger. This Assembly fits with many Assembly themes including British Values, Good to Be Me, All About Me, etc. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
Joe and the Meercats - Knowing Right from Wrong

Joe and the Meercats - Knowing Right from Wrong

This assembly is about knowing right from wrong. This is based on a story written by someone who was born in Africa. It offers an opportunity to point out the differences between those who live in the country and those who live in towns and cities. It is suitable for Assembly themes like Respect, British Values, SEAL theme of Relationships as well as those about Animals. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
The Brick - learning to Care. For Years 2-6

The Brick - learning to Care. For Years 2-6

This assembly considers how continually “driving fast” can make us unaware of the world around us. It encourages pupils to think about whether they are “going too fast to care”. It also points out that things may not be what they first seem and that we should not make hasty judgements. IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £3, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
The Flood -KS2 - Responding to disasters

The Flood -KS2 - Responding to disasters

This is a child’s retelling of her families experience in a flood. It emphasises the understanding of what is mine is mine, what is yours is yours. It is a good way to look at property, and then one will never be tempted to steal it. The Learning Intentions are: • I can tell you some things that people do when faced with a life-threatening situation. • I know why some people suddenly leave their homes and become temporary refugees. • I can list some things that people consider to be important possessions.
Moving House – a journey with no going back - for KS2

Moving House – a journey with no going back - for KS2

This assembly introduces Upper Primary age range to idea that some journeys are only in one direction – journeying through life. It encourages pupils to see journeys beyond the literal. It is one from the Journeys theme by Mirror Assemblies but it also fits with many common Primary School Assembly themes like, Change, Moving on, Fear of the Unknown etc. If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
The Prodigal Son - A story about an important journey in a son's life. Suitable for Year 2 upwards

The Prodigal Son - A story about an important journey in a son's life. Suitable for Year 2 upwards

This Assembly is adapted for the theme of Journeys. It extends the physical journeys to include journeys in life. It links with many general assembly themes like Relationships, Changes, Families, etc *I know that some people consider life a “journey” I am beginning to understand how life experiences can change people. I can tell you something in my life journey that has changed me. * If you like this assembly and are looking for others for throughout the school year, you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly. Mirror Assemblies also provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk
Tim's First Day at Big School

Tim's First Day at Big School

This assembly is about someone who showed great determination and perseverance in their first few days in reception. Mirror Assemblies provide ready made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm up for the main part of the assembly. IMPORTANT The licence for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school licence. The music licence for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Becky Tries New Things

Becky Tries New Things

These three assemblies relate to how someone feels when they experience new activities and do new things. It is suitable for lower Primary School pupils. Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thinking about the theme for the assembly * to connect to moods and emotions that will be explored in an assembly * to pose questions and invite ideas These Presentations are suitable for the lower primary school age range. IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. The music license for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like these assemblies you will find it more economical to purchase themes from mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Children's Village in Uganda - New Beginnings

Children's Village in Uganda - New Beginnings

This Assembly is one taken from Mirror Assemblies' New Beginnings theme. A Charitable Trust called New Beginnings, aims to offer care, protection and love for some of these orphans and underprivileged children in the safety of our children’s village in Nakasongola district in Central Uganda. They seek to provide a family home as well as education and medical care. Mirror Assemblies provide ready made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm up for the main part of the assembly. IMPORTANT The licence for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school licence. The music licence for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
A New Kid in School  Assembly

A New Kid in School Assembly

Being the new pupil doesn’t have to be quite so scary if everyone is aware of how someone new might be feeling. At the beginning of the autumn term there likely to be many new pupils, but this assembly can be used at any time when a new pupil arrives. In some schools, this is a regular occurrence, but in others, it is relatively rare and pupils may need reminding about how it feels to start somewhere new. Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm up for the main part of the assembly. IMPORTANT The licence for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school licence. The music licence for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Sports Heroes

Sports Heroes

These 3 assemblies from Mirror Assemblies are taken from a larger Collection of Assemblies about people who have influenced or impressed the world, or who have made a difference to the world. There is much to learn from these people. The sporting heroes here are: * Usain Bolt * Julius Yego * Matha de Silva Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. The music license for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Go Wild - 4 Primary School Assemblies promoting balancing screen time with "Wild Time"

Go Wild - 4 Primary School Assemblies promoting balancing screen time with "Wild Time"

The first 2 assemblies are aimed at lower primary age range with the action sections involving the whole school. Children are encouraged to consider why it is important to go outside, and encourages pupils to make changes about what they do outside, both at home and at school. They cover "building confidence, creativity and independence", "healthy mind and body" and finish with "action" where the school can look at how outside time could be used differently. Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thinking about the theme for the assembly * to connect to moods and emotions that will be explored in an assembly * to pose questions and invite ideas This Presentation is suitable for the lower primary school age range. IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. The music license for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Mental Health Day 10th October - Assembly script presentation and MP4 music

Mental Health Day 10th October - Assembly script presentation and MP4 music

This assembly looks at the "5 a day for Mental Wellbeing" and how pupils can apply this to their lives. It also brings up discussion about who they could talk to if things are not feeling right for them. It is important that pupils learn to talk about the mental health as well as physical health. Reference is also made to the Children's Commissioners leaflet for young people. Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thinking about the theme for the assembly * to connect to moods and emotions that will be explored in an assembly * to pose questions and invite ideas This Presentation is suitable for the lower primary school age range. IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. The music license for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Responding to Bullying - Assembly script, presentation and accompanying music in MP4 format.

Responding to Bullying - Assembly script, presentation and accompanying music in MP4 format.

A simple assembly for Lower Primary pupils. focus on what bullying is, what to look for, role of bystanders, power of individuals. Bullying Detectives. Please read Licence requirements below for the music. Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm-up for the main part of the assembly. For more information go to mirrorassemblies.co.uk Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thinking about the theme for the assembly * to connect to moods and emotions that will be explored in an assembly * to pose questions and invite ideas This Presentation is suitable for the lower primary school age range. IMPORTANT The license for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. The music license for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.
Pancake Day Assembly

Pancake Day Assembly

Christians believe is that when they say sorry to God he will forgive them because of Jesus and forget all about the wrong things you have done in the past. And that is what Shrove Tuesday is all about. I hope you remember it when you are eating your pancakes.
New Beginnings For Two Adopted Girls

New Beginnings For Two Adopted Girls

This assembly is about someone who discovered something really unusual about herself and is based on a true story with photos published at the time. Music embedded in powerpoint for pupils to enter and exit assembly. We at Mirror Assemblies believe that those precious moments when children are entering and exiting from assembly each day can be used to : * start the children thinking about the theme for the assembly * to connect to moods and emotions that will be explored in an assembly * to pose questions and invite ideas Mirror Assemblies provide ready-made assemblies including scripts presentations and linked music in the form of a presentation which encourages thought and reflection as a warm up for the main part of the assembly. IMPORTANT The licence for using this assembly in your own class is £2, but if you wish to use this resource for a whole school assembly you will need to purchase the school license. The music license for this assembly only allows you to use this assembly or parts of it, in your own school as many times as you wish, and if you change school you cannot take this resources with you. If you like this assembly you will find it more economical to purchase themes from Mirrorassemblies.co.uk where your school can subscribe to any number of themes for periods from one term to 5 years. This will allow you access to all new assembly materials added to that theme or those themes instantly.