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French KS3 Scheme of Work

French KS3 Scheme of Work

Created based on research, current updated textbooks, new GCSE spec in mind. All lessons are based on answering a key question that pupils must be able to answer in French. Maps include topics taught to Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.
French Year 9 KO Daily routine

French Year 9 KO Daily routine

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Daily routines aimed for the 2nd unit taught in year 9. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary and model text to answer the questions: • C’est comment une journée typique au collège? What is a typical school day like? • Qu’est-ce que tu fais apres l’école? What do you do after school? • Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier? What did you do last weekend? • Qu’est-ce que tu feras pendant les vacances de Noël? What will you do during the Christmas holidays?
French Year 9 KO Social Media/Technology

French Year 9 KO Social Media/Technology

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Social Media and Technology aimed for the 1st unit taught in year 9. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary and model text to answer the questions: • Tu utilises les réseaux sociaux? Do you use social media? • Quel est ton application préférée? What is your favourite app? • Qu’est-ce que tu as fait sur ton portable hier? What did you do on your phone yesterday? • Qu’est-ce que tu aimerais regarder sur Youtube ou Netflix? What would you like to watch on Youtube or Netflix?
French Year 8 KO Celebrations

French Year 8 KO Celebrations

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Celebrations aimed for the 5th unit taught in year 8. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: • C’est quoi la Fete Nationale ? What is Bastille Day ? • Tu voudrais participer dans la Fete de la Musique? Would you like to take part in La Fete de la Musique? • Quel film a gagné au Festival de Cannes ? What film won at Cannes? • C’est quoi la Chandeleur ? What is Pancake Day ?
French Year 9 KO France/Territories

French Year 9 KO France/Territories

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: France and Ivory Coast aimed for the 5th unit taught in year 9. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary and model text to answer the questions: • C’est comment la géographie? What’s the geography like? • Quel est la relation entre la France et la Côte d’Ivoire? What’s the relationship between France and the Ivory Coast? • C’est comment la population française? What makes up the French population? • C’est comment la nourriture? What’s the food like?
French Year 9 KO Lifestyle/Environment

French Year 9 KO Lifestyle/Environment

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Lifestyle and Environment aimed for the 4th unit taught in year 9. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary and model text to answer the questions: • En quoi consiste une alimentation saine? What is a balanced lifestyle? • Est-ce que le régime français est sain? Is the French diet healthy? • Tu avais des vices dans le passé? What bad habits did you have in the past? • Tu feras des résolutions dans le futur? What will you change in the future?
French Year 9 KO Jobs

French Year 9 KO Jobs

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Jobs aimed for the 3rd unit taught in year 9. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary and model text to answer the questions: • Pourquoi il est important d’apprendre une langue? Why is it important to learn a language? • Quelles matières tu étudieras l’année prochaine? What subjects will you study next year? • Quel travail font tes parents? What job do your parents do? • Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire comme travail? What job would you like to do?
Key Knowledge organiser Year 7

Key Knowledge organiser Year 7

Knowledge organiser based on the key grammar aspects that all pupils need to know at the end of Year 7, in order to succeed in future years. This resource matches the SOW available to buy.
Key Knowledge organiser Year 8

Key Knowledge organiser Year 8

Knowledge organiser based on the key grammar aspects that all pupils need to know at the end of Year 8, in order to succeed in future years. This resource matches the SOW available to buy.
French KS3 KO Full SOW

French KS3 KO Full SOW

Year 7 to Year 9, 5 topics per year, curriculum maps with knowledge organisers for all topics with model texts. All created from scratch by me, based on current research, current textbooks and experience in the classroom.
Key Knowledge organiser Year 9

Key Knowledge organiser Year 9

Knowledge organiser based on the key grammar aspects that all pupils need to know at the end of Year 9, in order to succeed in future years. This resource matches the SOW available to buy.
French Year 7 KO Introducing yourself

French Year 7 KO Introducing yourself

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Introducing yourself aimed for the 1st unit taught in year 7. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: Q1. Tu habites où? Where do you live? Q2. Tu as quel âge? How old are you? Q3. Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ? When is your birthday ? Q4. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? What do you like? Q5. C’est quoi ton animal préféré? What is your favourite pet?
French Year 7 KO Describing yourself

French Year 7 KO Describing yourself

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Describing yourself aimed for the 2nd unit taught in year 7. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: Comment est ta personalité? What is your personality? Tu es comment physiquement? What do you look like? C’est quoi ton objet préféré? What is your favourite object? Comment étais-tu quand tu étais plus jeune? What were you like when you were younger?
French Year 7 KO Describing your family

French Year 7 KO Describing your family

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Describing your family aimed for the 3rd unit taught in year 7. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: C’est quoi une famille? What is a family? Comment est ta famille physiquement? What does your family look like? Comment est la personnalité de ta famille? What is your family like? Ta famille te décris comment? How does your family describe you? Comment était ta famille? What was your family like?
French Year 7 KO Sports

French Year 7 KO Sports

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Sports aimed for the 4th unit taught in year 7. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: Il fait quel temps? What is the weather like? Tu aimes le sport? Do you like sport? Tu préfères quels sports? What sports do you prefer? Qui est ta célébrité sportive préférée? Who is your favourite sports celebrity?
French Year 7 KO School

French Year 7 KO School

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: School aimed for the 5th unit taught in year 7. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: Quelle est ta matiere préférée? What is your favourite subject? Qui est ton prof préféré? Who is your favourite teacher? Qu’est-ce que tu portes au collège? What do you wear at school? Quelles sont les règles de mon collège? What are the rules of your school?
French Year 8 KO Describing your town

French Year 8 KO Describing your town

Knowledge organiser based on the topic: Describing your town aimed for the 1st unit taught in year 8. This resource matches the SOW available to buy. Includes vocabulary to answer the questions: • Où est ta ville? Where is your town? • Qu’est-ce qu’il y a/avait dans ta ville? What is in your town? • Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire dans notre ville? What can you do in your town? • Tu penses quoi de ta ville? What do you think of your town?