
The Aberfan Disaster
KS3 lesson on the Aberfan disaster and the importance of coal mining in Wales.
Activities are differentiated with a range of independent and group work.

The Middle East -16 lesson SOW for KS3
Fully differentiated lesson scheme of work tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography, an end of unit assessment and feedback lesson. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, homework, revision sheet and is fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Location of the Middle East
Climate in the Middle East
Life in the desert
Population distrubution in the Middle East
Development in the Middle East
Development in Yemen
The UK’s relationship with the Middle East
Oil in the Middle East
Tourism in the UAE
Coastal processes
Palm Island
Sustainable Dubai
2022 World Cup - Qatar
Feedback/Dirt Lesson

AQA GCSE Geography Revision Lessons/SOW
A series of 21 revision/recap lessons and resources/worksheets with 3 lessons on each of the following topics:
The Living World
Ecosystems, Food Webs, Food Chains
The Western Desert
The Amazon Rainforest
Changing Economic World:
Reducing the development gap
Transport in the UK
Rural Change (Cambridge and Stornoway)
Tourism in the Isle of Arran
Urban Issues and Challenges:
Key terms/Urbanisation
Resource Management:
Natural Hazards:
Types of Volcano
Case Studies - Gorkha and L’Aquila

China- 12 lesson SOW for KS3 Geography
Fully differentiated scheme of work tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography and an end of unit assessment. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Locating China
Is China a HIC, NEE or LIC?
TNCs in China
China’s Population
Internal migration in China
Factors affecting birth and death rates in China
Demographic transition model and China
Population pyramids
China’s One Child Policy
How sustainable is China
The Loess Plateau
End of unit assessment

Asia SOW - 20 lesson SOW for KS3 Geography
Fully differentiated 20 lesson scheme of work tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography, an end of unit assessment and feedback lesson. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Locating Asia
Wealth in Asia
River Processes
Three Gorges Dam
Flooding in Bangladesh
Structure of the Earth
Causes of the Japanese tsunami
Impacts of the Japanese tsunami
Responses to the Japanese tsunami
Development in India
Kerala’s population policy
Sustainable Singapore
Tourism in Thailand
North Korea’s policies
The Bhopal Disaster
Endangered animals in Asia
Revision lesson
DIRT/Feedback lesson

Harmful sexual behaviours - Sexual harassment
Fully resourced powerpoint used for KS4 PSHE/RSE lessons looking at harmful sexual behaviours and public sexual harassment.
Key definitions
Videos with discussion questions and prompts
Activities on who might be affected by PSH, key statistics and how PSH can be tackled on a range of scales
Signposting support

Africa - 24 lesson SOW for KS3 Geography
Fully differentiated 24 lesson scheme of work tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography and an end of unit assessment. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Introducing Africa
Underdevelopment in Africa
Development indicators
How technology is improving lives in Africa
7 & 8) Life in the Horn of Africa
The Great Green Wall
Formation of Victoria Falls
Development in Kenya
Mass tourism in Kenya
15 & 16) Ecotourism in Kenya
Formation of the Atlas Mountains
Land use of the Atlas Mountains
Mount Nyirangongo formation
Effects and responses of the 2021 eruption
Blood diamonds
Somalian pirates
End of unit assessment

KS3 Geography Schemes of Work - Africa, Asia, Russia, Middle East, China, Oceans
Included in this bundle:
Fully differentiated scheme of work on Africa, Asia, Russia, The Middle East, China and Ocean Environments tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography and an end of unit assessment. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Over 100 lessons to add to your KS3 curriculum!
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Introducing Africa
Underdevelopment in Africa
Development indicators
How technology is improving lives in Africa
7 & 8) Life in the Horn of Africa
The Great Green Wall
Formation of Victoria Falls
Development in Kenya
Mass tourism in Kenya
15 & 16) Ecotourism in Kenya
Formation of the Atlas Mountains
Land use of the Atlas Mountains
Mount Nyirangongo formation
Effects and responses of the 2021 eruption
Blood diamonds
Somalian pirates
End of unit assessment
Locating Asia
Wealth in Asia
River Processes
Three Gorges Dam
Flooding in Bangladesh
Structure of the Earth
Causes of the Japanese tsunami
Impacts of the Japanese tsunami
Responses to the Japanese tsunami
Development in India
Kerala’s population policy
Sustainable Singapore
Tourism in Thailand
North Korea’s policies
The Bhopal Disaster
Endangered animals in Asia
Revision lesson
DIRT/Feedback lesson
Russia’s Geography - Human and Physical features
Climate in Russia
Russia’s biomes
Plant and animal adaptations
Glaciation - Corrie formation
Population distribution in Russia
Is Russia European or Asian?
Why does Russia want the Arctic?
Energy and the Chernobyl disaster
Is Russia a global superpower?
The Salisbury poisonings
Russia’s economy
The Russia/Ukraine conflict
Revision lesson
End of unit assessment
Locating China
Is China a HIC, NEE or LIC?
TNCs in China
China’s Population
Internal migration in China
Factors affecting birth and death rates in China
Demographic transition model and China
Population pyramids
China’s One Child Policy
How sustainable is China
The Loess Plateau
End of unit assessment
Introduction to oceans
The Dead Sea
Kelp Forests
Ocean adaptations
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
6 & 7) The Aral Sea
Sea level rise
Ocean pollution
Shark fin soup
Rice fish culture
Salmon farming
Marine Parks (Computer lesson)
Feedback lesson
Introduction to oceans
The Dead Sea
Kelp Forests
Ocean adaptations
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
6 & 7) The Aral Sea
Sea level rise
Ocean pollution
Shark fin soup
Rice fish culture
Salmon farming
Marine Parks (Computer lesson)
Feedback lesson

Oceans - 17 lesson SOW for KS3 Geography
Fully differentiated 17 lesson scheme of work tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography, an end of unit assessment and feedback lesson. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Introduction to oceans
The Dead Sea
Kelp Forests
Ocean adaptations
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
6 & 7) The Aral Sea
Sea level rise
Ocean pollution
Shark fin soup
Rice fish culture
Salmon farming
Marine Parks (Computer lesson)
Feedback lesson

China's South-North Water Transfer Project & Hitosa's Gravity Fed Water Project
Full lesson based around the case studies of China’s South-North Water Transfer Project and Hitosa’s Gravity Fed Water Project - Part of the Resource Management (Water) topic of the AQA GCSE Geography syllabus.

Typhoon Haiyan Case Study Lesson
Typhoon Haiyan case study lesson and writing mat/frame resource, corresponding with the AQA GCSE Geography Syllasbus.
Fully resourced lesson including a range of activities such as map work, categorising impacts/responses, unpicking an exam answer and an exam style question.

Factors affecting development - AQA GCSE Geography
Fully resourced and differentiated lesson covering the factors that influence a countries development.
Lesson designed to cover the AQA GCSE Geography specification, section B - The changing economic world - Causes of uneven development: physical, economic and historical.

Russia - 16 lesson SOW for KS3 Geography
Fully differentiated 16 lesson scheme of work tailored for the KS3 Geography curriculum - The SOW includes a range of human and physical geography, an end of unit assessment and feedback lesson. The SOW includes a range of activities and resources, WAGOLLs, fully differentiated for SEND/LAP pupils throughout.
Lessons included in this SOW include:
Russia’s Geography - Human and Physical features
Climate in Russia
Russia’s biomes
Plant and animal adaptations
Glaciation - Corrie formation
Population distribution in Russia
Is Russia European or Asian?
Why does Russia want the Arctic?
Energy and the Chernobyl disaster
Is Russia a global superpower?
The Salisbury poisonings
Russia’s economy
The Russia/Ukraine conflict
Revision lesson
End of unit assessment

Nigeria and TNCs - Shell Case Study
Powerpoint lesson resource with a card sort activity and 9 mark answer writing frame for the AQA GCSE Geography Scheme of Work - The Changing Economic World.

GCSE GEOGRAPHY (9-1) Deltas and Estuaries
AQA GCSE GEOGRAPHY (9-1) Lesson on the formation of deltas and esturies including a recap of key terms and landforms found in each course of the river.

Flooding in Somerset case study lesson
Case study lesson on the Somerset floods designed for the AQA Geography (9-1) curriculum.
Range of individual and paired activities, key terms help sheet, exam question and success criteria included.

Paper 1 AQA (9-1) Geography Connect 4 Revision
**Connect 4 activity designed to recap and revise al GCSE AQA (9-1)l Paper 1 content.
Case studies mentioned - Amazon, Western Desert, Hitosa, China’s SNWTP, Medmerry, Boscastle, Bangladesh and Somerset. Can easily be adapted in word to suit other examples/case studied.**

Impacts of an ageing population
KS3 whole lesson and resources on the positive and negative impacts of an ageing population.
Lesson includes a variety of independent and paired activities and is differentiated for different abilities.

Isle of Arran - Glaciated Environments
Case Study lesson focusing on the Isle of Arran and the impact/management of tourism.
AQA GCSE Geography - Glaciated Environments

The Amazon Rainforest Case Study
Fully resourced lesson on the Amazon Rainforest for the AQA GCSE Geography Syllabus.