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English KS3/4 Comparing Multi Modal Texts and Writing Frame
This is an excellent resource to use for KS3/4 when completing comparing and contrasting essays. The task asks children to compare two mobile phone advertisements. Within, it includes a writing frame and key points to focus on such as looking at the colour, layout, image and font in each advertisement.
Scaffolded plan, helping children to structure and analyse clearly and in-depth.
CCEA Unit 4 English Language Revision
This booklet offers teachers and pupils a breakdown of the Unit 4 English Language exam, which has been scaffolded in a way that is very easy to comprehend. It includes:
A breakdown of Personal Writing for task 1,
A breakdown of Comparing and Contrasting for Task 2 and a simple set of steps to help students think of how to analyse texts (Positive/Negative Language, AFOREST Techniques, Narrative perspective, Themes and Sentence Structures).
How to read and infer past paper questions and using Point Evidence Explain (PEE) to answer tasks 3 and 4.
Some coloured tables for revision, including language techniques, some examples and their meanings.
CCEA Unit 1 English Language Revision Booklet
This booklet offers teachers and pupils a breakdown of the Unit 1 Language exam, which has been scaffolded in a way that is very easy to comprehend. It includes:
some of the writing structures needed for the writing task 1 (how to write a speech, article and letter),
how to read and infer past paper questions and using Point Evidence Explain (PEE) to answer tasks 2 and 4.
an explanation of completing task 3 questions
a list of presentational features to use for task 5 (colour, image, layout and font)
some tables including AFOREST techniques and their meanings
PPQs with scaffolded steps
CPLD BTEC Unit 1 Exam Theorists Revision Notes
This Powerpoint has been a great tool to help summarise the key theorists for the Unit 1 Exam.
Health and Social Care Life Stages Display Posters
Colorful icons and text, outlining the main life stages humans go through and the ages these occur.
Health and Social Care Unit 3 Health and Well Being
This presentation covers one topic in Health and Well Being (Concepts of Health and Well being) aimed at AS level students.
Health and Social Life Stages Revision Table
PIES Revision tables for each life stage:
Early Adulthood
Middle Adulthood
Later Adulthood
Speaking and Listening Task KS3
This resource s a great homework task for KS3 in developing their speaking and listening skills, in preparation for GCSE English Language Speaking and Listening Tasks.
Pupils can take tasks home and complete these with family members at dinner time, during a drive, or whenever suits to develop their skills for speaking and listening.
There are a mixture of challenges included, which target individual speaking skills, group debates and role play activities, giving them an informal way of developing communication skills and giving personal feedback.
Growth Mindset Display pack
Growth Mindset display pack
Fixed and Growth Mindset phrases
Poster of brain
Word format for editable use
Btec Media Studies Unit 1 Media Representations
Booklet comprising of various advertisement texts and new terminology from unit
Lesson Starters for KS3
A collection of thought-encouraging starter activities for KS3 students