What was the impact of British colonisation on the Indigenous peoples of North America? Lesson Plan included
This lesson is suitable for GCSE students studying the AQA Britain: Migration, empires and the people, c790 to the present day Unit.
**Prior learning: **students should have completed a lesson on the impact of colonisation on the Indigenous population of North America – I have included an info sheet that teachers can use if needed.
This lesson is designed to help students develop their answers to 8 mark ‘useful’ questions. It allows students to use prior learning and apply it to the AQA GCSE exam spec.
The lesson includes an attractive PowerPoint presentation that includes differentiated lesson objectives and detailed resources.
The main activity is a group work activity that focuses on students looking at 5 different picture sources from John Smith’s book: Generall Historie of Virginia, New England (1624). The students will be practising their analysis of historical sources in preparation for writing an answer to this 8-mark question: How useful is Source C to a historian studying the impact on the indigenous peoples of the British colonisation of North America (8)
The PowerPoint includes an example front sheet to support student peer marking, self-marking and teachers marking. Sample answers have also been made to support students learning.
A similar AQA mark scheme can be found here: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/history/AQA-81452AC-EX.PDF
Duration: 1 lesson (that can be extended if students are writing and peer marking answers in class)
Any feedback appreciated
Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?
This lesson is suitable for KS3 History students.
It includes a simple yet attractive PowerPoint presentation that includes differentiated lesson objectives, a starter task, a main source task (that is differentiated) and a choice of two written tasks.
The main task comes complete with the answers. There is a choice of written tasks one of which is linked to the ‘why’ interpretations differ (4 mark) question on the AQA GCSE spec.
The lesson teaches students:
• How to analyses historical sources
• How and Why interpretations/sources can differ
• How to link knowledge and source skills in written answers
Duration: Lesson could be taught in an hour or extended over two lesson to include writing, peer assessment and further teacher feedback.
Any feedback people have would be greatly appreciated!
How significant was the Hundred Years War?
This lesson is suitable for GCSE students studying the AQA Britain: Migration, empires and the people, c790 to the present day Unit.
Prior learning: students should have completed a lesson on the impact of the Hundred Years War on both Britain and France before moving onto this lesson.
It includes an attractive PowerPoint presentation that includes differentiated lesson objectives and resources.
The main activity uses Partington’s 5 significance criteria to evaluate to what extent the Hundred Years War was a significant historical event. The lesson then explores how to use these ideas to answer an 8 mark significance question ‘Explain the significance of the Hundred Years War’
The PowerPoint includes an example front sheet to support student peer marking, self marking and teachers marking.
The AQA mark scheme can be found here: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/sample-papers-and-mark-schemes/2018/june/AQA-81452AC-W-MS-JUN18.PDF
Duration: 1 lesson (that can be extended if students are writing and peer marking answers in class)
Any feedback appreciated
What caused the Black Death?
This lesson is suitable for KS3 History students.
It includes a simple yet attractive PowerPoint presentation that includes differentiated lesson objectives, a starter task, a main source task (that is differentiated) and a written task that is linked to the starter activity.
The lesson allows students to see their progress within a lesson as they are asked to apply their knowledge from the lesson when analysing the historical source in the final activity. As this is the same source from the starter task it is an effective way for students to assess their progress.
This lesson has a significant level of challenge within it as it is asking students to also link their knowledge of the period and beliefs to help explain why the Black Death was so deadly.
The lesson teaches students:
• How to analyses historical sources
• Apply and link their knowledge to historical sources
• Develop their written answers
Duration: Lesson could be taught in an hour or extended over two lesson to include writing, peer assessment and further teacher feedback.
Any feedback people have would be greatly appreciated!