
Speed Sounds - Set 3 - Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
25+ worksheets over 5 sections. These follow the Read Write Inc learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme. As a stand-alone resource, they are excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and give them the chance to practise blending words.

Speed Sounds - Set 1, 2, 3 - Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
70+ worksheets over 15 sections (each section focuses on four/five graphemes/phonemes). These follow the Read Write Inc grapheme/phoneme learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme.
As a stand-alone resource, they are excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and give them the chance to practise blending words.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds - Early Phonics - Worksheets - Read Write Inc
29 worksheets over 6 sections. These follow the Read Write Inc learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme. As a stand-alone resource, they are also excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and practise blending CVC words.

Speed Sounds - Set 2 - Digraphs & Trigraphs - Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
20+ worksheets over 4 sections. These follow the Read Write Inc learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme. As a stand-alone resource, they are excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and the chance to practise blending words.
This is the fidget spinner version, but you can set a timer instead if you don’t own a fidget spinner!

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Set 1 & 2 Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
Speed Sounds Set 1 & 2 in the order Read Write Inc use. These worksheets are designed to allow children to engage with the graphemes and practise using them in a thorough fashion.
This bundle contains around 50 worksheets.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Group 1 m - a - s - d - t
4 worksheets of activities to help learn the sounds m, a, s, d, t. These are excellent for children with SEN or children struggling to retain their sounds. These worksheets give children the opportunity to engage with the sounds and practise blending CVC words.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Group 5 j - v - y - w
5 worksheets of activities to help learn the phonemes for, and recognise j, v, y, w. These are excellent for children with SEN or children that need extra chances to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets give children the opportunity to engage with the phonemes and practise blending CVC words.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Group 2 i - n - p - g - o
5 worksheets of activities to help learn the sounds i, n, p, g, o. These are excellent for children with SEN or children struggling to retain their sounds. These worksheets give children the opportunity to engage with the sounds and practise blending CVC words.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Group 4 f - e - l - h - sh - r
5 worksheets of activities to help learn the sounds f, e, l, h, sh, r. These are excellent for children with SEN or children struggling to retain their sounds. These worksheets give children the opportunity to engage with the sounds and practise blending CVC words.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Group 3 c - k - u - b - ck
5 worksheets of activities to help learn the sounds c, k, b, u, ck. These are excellent for children with SEN or children struggling to retain their sounds. These worksheets give children the opportunity to engage with the sounds and practise blending CVC words.

Guided Reading/Spelling/Word Building Activities for Lower Abilities or Younger Children
9 worksheets/activities designed to be used independently by children of lower abilities. Can be used for younger children too.

Use Different Openers!
A useful resource for classroom displays.
This resource contains A4 posters encouraging the use of different openers such as: Try using an adverb; Try using a conjunction; Try using an -ing word; Try using a simile or a metaphor; Try using time openers; Try using an -ed clause. It also contains some examples of adverbs, time openers, -ed, and -ing words.

Body Parts - Board Game - Nouns For Learning English - Size A3
Simple, easy to use game for learning the names of body parts. The social aspect promotes group interaction and turn-taking. Plus, it's colourful and fun!
*contains the game in PDF format, which can be printed instantly, and .pub format in case you wish to edit it.
Have fun :-)

Addition and Subtraction Worksheets - Basics - SEN - Low Ability Older Children
Various useful addition and subtraction worksheets. I have used these for older children with SEN.
Includes Learning Objectives, but they can be cut off, or edited to suit your needs.
Each worksheet comes in .PDF and .PUB formats. The reason for this is to give you the flexibility to edit them as you wish.

Speed Sounds - Set 2 - Group 1 - Phonics - FREE
For the whole of Set 2, visit here:
Comes as two file types (PDF and Publisher).

Fractions: Halves and Quarters SEN or KS1/KS2 Lower Ability
These worksheets were designed for lower ability KS2 children and children with SEN. They worked well for me!
Each worksheet comes in two formats (.pub .pdf).
Please see my other resources if you enjoy this one. If you can afford it, buy a resource as it helps me out - my TA wage is quite pathetic, my rent is high, and I don’t get any help despite part-time university study.
For More Resources, Visit my TES Shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Mr_Whitehorn

Money, Change, Finding a Total Worksheets - Basics - SEN - Low Ability Older Children
Various useful money based worksheets. I have used these for older children with SEN.
Includes Learning Objectives, but they can be cut off, or edited to suit your needs.
Each worksheet comes in .PDF and .PUB formats. The reason for this is to give you the flexibility to edit them as you wish.