A useful, one page resource to help students remember the difference between language and structure. Features are categorised into language or structure.
Students are given a basic story and asked to upgrade the highlighted words and phrases, using exciting adjectives, verbs and adverbs, to make the story more exciting. There are also blank spaces to fill in with their own ideas, to personalise each story.
An extract from Harry Potter accompanied by a writing frame to help answer a language based question in a PEA/PEE style (frame can be easily edited to reflect the one you use).
A short extract from a novel with a language based question and a PEA/PEE writing frame to help support students to answer. Easily edited to reflect the acronym you use.
A Where’s Wally picture with a list of items to find at the side. Helpful for KS2 and SEND children who are securing phonics and blending, as words are easy to decode.
Students need to decide which literary device is shown in each sentence. Half of the sentences have the device highlighted and half don’t to enable them to ‘level up’. Sentences can be printed and cut up to make it a partner game.
A ppt with a background on Duffy, images of war in the places mentioned in the poem and a section by section read through of the poem. The a section by section analysis of the poem looking at language, themes, imagery and wider context.
A ppt with history of Wilfred Owen, images of WW1 and then a section by section read through of the poem. Following that is a section by section analysis of the poem looking at language, themes and the wider context.
A selection of novel openings for students to discuss and compare. Reading a range of examples will help them to form their own successful openings when writing.
A printable sheet of opening lines from different novels. Students can look at what makes them successful and why they might make them want to read on. Can be used to improve their own creative writing skills.
A worksheet to support students to improve their creative writing. 5 simple sentences based on ‘The Reaping’ scence from Hunger Games. Guidance on ways to upgrade the sentences to include:
Dystopian features, sensory language, language features, exciting vocabulary.
To encourage more interesting sentence openers in creative writing, this resource categorizes them into ‘Action, Setting, Senses, Character and Time’. To be used as a prompt, a reminder or as a starting point for students to add to.