PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and in depth analyses/notes on IGCSE and AS Level Music Set and Core works.
Music Theory and Composing lessons and worksheets.
PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and in depth analyses/notes on IGCSE and AS Level Music Set and Core works.
Music Theory and Composing lessons and worksheets.
In depth PowerPoint presentation on the 2nd movements of Smetana's Ma Vlast - Vltava. Features excerpts from the score and detailed notes pointing out the most important information as well as suggested exam essay questions.
Everything you need for an in depth analysis of all three movement for Haydn's Trumpet Concerto in Eflat major, currently on the AS Music Syllabus.
Included is a Powerpoint with score excerpts, notes and suggested essay questions. Score annotations - which cover all three movement bar by bar pointing out important information. Listening Guide - a simplified and easy to follow guide alerting the listener to the most important pieces of information.
Everything you need for an in depth analysis of all four movements for Mozart's Symphony no 39 currently on the AS Music Syllabus.
Included is a Powerpoint with score excerpts, notes and suggested essay questions. Score annotations - which cover all three movement bar by bar pointing out important information. Listening Guide - a simplified and easy to follow guide alerting the listener to the most important pieces of information.
In depth PowerPoint presentation on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th movements of Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique. Features excerpts from the score and detailed notes pointing out the most important information as well as suggested exam essay questions.
These 6 composition worksheets will bring students from composing a 4 bar rhythm into a 4 bar melody. Each worksheet builds upon the knowledge gained from the previous one so students can learn to compose a simple phrase step by step.
Everything you need for an in depth analysis of all four movements for Beethoven's Fifth Symphony currently on the AS Music Syllabus.
Included is a Powerpoint with score excerpts, notes and suggested essay questions. Score annotations - which cover all three movement bar by bar pointing out important information.
Everything you need for an in depth analysis of the third movement of Beethoven's Trio in Bflat Major currently on the AS Music Syllabus.
Included is a Powerpoint with score excerpts, notes and suggested essay questions. Score annotations - which cover all three movement bar by bar pointing out important information.
This includes a detailed PowerPoint presentation, worksheets and notes.
The PowerPoint breaks down each movement into smaller sections, highlighting important information to be found in each section complete with examples from the score. It covers all movements 1-4.
Each Movement then has a series of worksheets. Each worksheet has a range from simple to harder questions, catering for different levels of ability, and allows the student to identify key points within each movement themselves. Student will also be able to practice transposing sections of the music, or writing from Alto Clef to Treble.
Each movement has a worksheet that corresponds to each section, for example Ritornello 1, Episode 1 etc. The only exception is Movement 2 as it is quite short and all the information is included in the summary notes.
The summary notes essentially give the answers to the worksheets, and very clearly state key points in each section. These are concise and ensure the student has covered all important aspects of this analysis to be asked in the IGCSE exam.
This pack, accompanied with listening to the piece, is everything you need to teach your IGCSE class the Brandenburg Concerto and prepares them for the exam. Teaching can take between 20-40 forty five minute classes.
This resource contains 6 exam-style questions for the Brandenburg Concerto no.1 which is on the 2018 IGCSE curriculum.
Each question displays one line of melody or accompaniment with questions such as identifying instruments, keys, modulations, time signatures, cadences, compositional techniques.
The 6 questions total 100 marks and would take about an hour to complete if each excerpt is played three times with writing time in between. Can also be used as class exercises.
An answer sheet is included.
This PowerPoint introduces students to Time Signatures and covers the topic quite comprehensively.
The resource covers the following:
What Time Signatures are
How they are read
Time Signature origins and American note names
Common and Cut time
Simple Duple, Triple and Quadruple Time Signatures
Compound Duple, Triple and Quadruple Time Signatures
Common and uncommon time signatures
Typical characteristics of the most used time signatures
Mixed time signatures
This resource also contained four slides of exercises so students can put their theoretical knowledge into practice. The answers appear on the slide after each exercise.
This PowerPoint details everything you need to know about the first movement of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A, which is on the 2019 IGCSE Music syllabus.
It covers a brief background of Mozart, the context of the piece, the instrumentation and the structure of the first movement. Then it provides a detailed score analysis, section by section, pointing out themes and important features to listen out for.
There is some space in the first few slides to add your own photos of Mozart or Instruments used in this movement, if desired.
Worksheets are included which focus on select sections of the movement and asks students to identify various compositional devices and features themselves. 8 pages in total.
These worksheets are already included in the Mozart Clarinet Concerto resource package along with a powerpoint detailing each section.
8 pages of worksheets which break down the first movement of this clarinet concerto into various sections and asks students to identify various compositional devices and features themselves.
This is an empowering way to encourage students to analyse and find music features on their own.
These 8 worksheets are designed for students to analyse the William Tell Overture on the IGCSE Music syllabus for 2020. The questions direct students to key points in each section of this score, allowing them to investigate and therefore analyse the piece of music for themselves.
Worksheets available in both Word for editing, and PDF.
An Answer sheet is also provided for teachers.
A full and detailed musical analysis of all 4 sections of the William Tell Overture by Rossini, which is on the 2020 IGCSE Music syllabus.
Key features are highlighted and colour coded:
Red - Sections
Green - Harmony
Orange/Brown - rhythm
Purple - Score marking translations
Blue - compositional devices/general musical features.
These handouts are ideal to give to students after they have completed my other worksheets which allow students to find these features themselves.
This hand out covers all bases and student can check if they have missed anything doing the other worksheets.
Available in both PDF and Word (if you would like to edit).
Four IGCSE Exam style questions on the 2019 set work Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A. Each question contains a skeleton score and analysis questions on compositional devices, keys, modulations, cadences form etc.
Answer sheet included with audio selections from youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7U28KtPvb0 (I do not own this video).
A marking scheme is also included totaling 50 marks which can be used as a class assessment, or class exercises.