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10-A-DAY - Entry Level Maths - Starter Questions

10-A-DAY - Entry Level Maths - Starter Questions

I use these worksheets with students before they are ready for the ‘corbettmaths’ Bronze 5-a-day sheets. The A sheet ( level 1-2) 10-a-day questions - the type of questions stay the same (e.g. halving, doubling x10, x 100) but the numbers change. Work well with manipulatives like a ‘10 row rekenrek’ or ‘Numicon’ To update the numbers in the questions go to the ‘Formula’ tab and select ‘calculate now’ The B sheet - slightly more challenging - including trebling The C sheet -slightly more challenging again - includes the 9x table based questions, round a simple decimal to nearest 1 The D sheet - tables work The following sheets cover different Entry Level topics: The E sheet - money The F sheet - calendar and time The G sheet - measures The H Sheet - geometry The I sheet - statistics The J sheet - ratios
Directed number line on A4 sheets

Directed number line on A4 sheets

Just numbers from -12 to 12 with a slight shadow on A4 - I printed the negatives on pale blue ,0 on pale green and positives on pale red and then laminated the sheets