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Bossing English with Mr F

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Head of English with 16+ years of classroom experience sharing PPTs, printables and visual aids to get students of all ages skilled up for AQA GCSE + OCR A-Level




Head of English with 16+ years of classroom experience sharing PPTs, printables and visual aids to get students of all ages skilled up for AQA GCSE + OCR A-Level
Advanced DAFOREST template + 3 model examples

Advanced DAFOREST template + 3 model examples

A very useful higher-level DAFOREST template and 3 model example slides suitable for KS3/KS4 English Writing to Argue/Writing to Persuade tasks. The model examples are for: Home-schooling (perfect for Skellig with KS3) Death penalty (good for Year 9) LP2 Q5 June 2017 question (KS4) Files: pdf and a PPT which can be adapted.
Unseen Poetry Scaffolded Worksheet

Unseen Poetry Scaffolded Worksheet

KS4 resource to help support unseen poetry with scaffolded analysis and writing framework of ‘Children’s Song’ (AQA specimen paper poem) for lower ability students. Can also be used for: self-study homework task distance learning
Shakespeare Macbeth Pretzel Paragraphs

Shakespeare Macbeth Pretzel Paragraphs

A useful resource to support KS3 and KS4 low ability analysing Shakespeare in ‘pretzel’ paragraphs designed to help them hit the AOs at AQA GCSE Literature: question for Macbeth opening scene model paragraph writing frame Bonus writing frame for Lady Macbeth & Macbeth relationship Q.
Comparing Poems Answer Plan Follower + Mother...

Comparing Poems Answer Plan Follower + Mother...

A plan for students doing AQA GCSE Literature Paper 2 to help them structure a poetry comparison response with the focus on ‘Follower’ and ‘Mother, Any Distance’ Helps studentstructure long-form comparison Writing prompts including A/B switching between poems Focus on AOs e.g. language and structure
Rhetoric and Speeches KS3/KS4

Rhetoric and Speeches KS3/KS4

4 Resources
A great mix of actitivites perfect for introducing persurasive writing and DAFOREST at KS3 or to support KS4 Language Paper 2 Question 5 speeches. Can also be used to support GCSE Spoken Language Endorsement. Differentiated Worksheets All links and YouTube videos embedded High-level version of DAFOREST for top grades
Rhetoric and Speeches - KS3

Rhetoric and Speeches - KS3

A ready-made Scheme of Work in PPT form on **Rhetoric and Speeches ** which is easy-to-adapt, and which contains embedded YouTube videos and homework tasks, and a differentiated writing frame. Perfect for KS3, can be adapted to KS4 Language Paper 2 Question 5 speeches or the Spoken Language Endorsement. All links embedded to speeches Clear and visually appealing for students A range of speeches including Martin Luther King, Emma Gonzales, and Winston Churchill
AQA English Language Paper 1 Walkthrough (June 2018)

AQA English Language Paper 1 Walkthrough (June 2018)

A clear, visually-appealing step-by-step guide for AQA June 2018 Language Paper 1 breaking down questions into simple steps and writing frames for analytical paragraphs. Includes: **model answers integrated exam mark scheme breaking down questions in simpler steps writing frames visual aids Scaffolded version of PPT Review of all Q5 forms *printable slides
Q3 Structure & Q4 Evaluation (AQA June 2018)

Q3 Structure & Q4 Evaluation (AQA June 2018)

A walk-through of how to answer Structure and Evaluation Questions in Language Paper 1 (June 2018, Mr Fisher). Includes: step-by-step question breakdown printable prompt slides for lower-ability students model paragraphs peer-assessment visual aids writing frames
A Christmas Carol Opening as LP1 Q3 Structure

A Christmas Carol Opening as LP1 Q3 Structure

A great way to teach structure to KS3 Year 9s or KS4 students by doubling up A Christmas Carol and Language Paper 1 Question 3 includes: PPT with prompts for how to analyse structure Printable Source (Opening 9 paragraphs of ACC) Printable Worksheet with structure prompts for each paragraph
Writing To Describe/Narrate LP1 Q5 AQA

Writing To Describe/Narrate LP1 Q5 AQA

A great visual aid / printable resource with images, planning prompts, model answers, highlighting tasks and tips for hitting the AQA mark scheme: Big range of ready-made **Question 5s ** for describing and/or narrating Planning techniques and prompts Printable writing crib sheet for varying writing and hitting the markscheme Model answers + highlighting and peer-review tasks
A Christmas Carol - Key Quotes Staves 1-5

A Christmas Carol - Key Quotes Staves 1-5

A colourful visual aid to have on the screen when reading A Christmas Carol as a class, but also doubles up as a revision booklet of key quotes and some analysis for every Stave. Colourful visual aid of key quotes page numbers for Penguin version to help students Can be printed off as a revision booklet Includes some analysis and cross-chapter links for students to prompt discussion
AQA Language Paper 1 Walkthrough (June 2018)

AQA Language Paper 1 Walkthrough (June 2018)

A clear, visually-appealing step-by-step guide for AQA June 2018 Language Paper 1 breaking down questions into simple steps and writing frames for analytical paragraphs. Plus a focus on descriptive writing for Question 5. Includes: **model answers integrated exam mark scheme breaking down questions in simpler steps writing frames visual aids *printable slides Includes FULLY SCAFFOLDED VERSION for low-ability
AQA Language Paper 2 Walk-through (June 2017)

AQA Language Paper 2 Walk-through (June 2017)

A clear, visually-appealing step-by-step guide for AQA June 2017 Language Paper 2 breaking down questions into simple steps and writing frames for analytical paragraphs. Includes: **model answers integrated exam mark scheme breaking down questions in simpler steps writing frames visual aids Review of all Q5 forms *printable slides
AQA Poetry Comparison Q + Writing Frame

AQA Poetry Comparison Q + Writing Frame

A poetry question using Love’s Philosophy and When We Two Parted with planning/writing frame to help lower-ability students structure their response: guided writing frame reinforces planning and structure of essay-responses designed to hit different mark scheme AOs
KS3 Intro to Analysing Poetry Worksheet

KS3 Intro to Analysing Poetry Worksheet

Great for introducing literal and deeper,metaphorical meanings to poems with KS3 or low-ability KS4, as well as scaffolding of poetry devices. I often blow up as A3 and do this as a group/table task printable scaffolded task extension task Can be done as a group task