A listening task and translation based on a news report from 2018 when a mass grave was found in Porreres. QR code should link to the video which is on Twitter.
A text on el machismo with a pre-reading task. A follow-up task with agree/disagree statements about Pepe which students should respond succinctly to with evidence to justify their selections.
Made with ChatGPT just for fun, completely subjective.
Tally up the values of your answers and read your personalised description on the last page. Follow up task is to translate your paragraph.
A grid to revise some thematic content.
In column one students clarify what they know about the theme in English. In column two they write down any key vocabulary using vocabulary lists from Hodder/Kerboodle and in column three we write down a fact gleaned from a Boletín using the index to cherry pick editions.
A rather tricky task putting together a family tree based off of people’s explanations of how they are related to Nuria.
A vocab bank on page 2 will help.
Write the name of each family member in the box on the tree (or beside).
Colour code the box according to male/female.
Some boxes will not be filled.
A perfect task before moving onto creating your own family trees.
Note: Some family vocabuary has been left out of the box on page 2. Going over step-parents and siblings will be essential.
A menu of traditional platos típicos with phonetic translations (albeit these are my own). A model for saying what you would like to try at the bottom of page 1.
Over the years I have collected press cuttings from the website todocoleccion. These have never been organised but I’ve put a few together now and highlighed what I think are key phrases and useful bits of information. Obviously there is so much more you can do with this given the texts themselves but as a first lesson I’m going to get my students to build a person profile for Pedro Almodóvar using information gleaned from the multiple texts to find out about him, what makes him tick, what he likes style wise etc etc
I have no idea which magazines these belong to so I’m weary about the copyright here but it’s for an educational purpose so I’m hoping that it’s all okay.
Gist translate the quote from Zafon
Translate vocabulary from exercise 1
Create a mind-map of Almodóvar’s likes/dislikes/influences etc based on Volver