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Planet Geography

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Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography




Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography
The Niger Delta - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

The Niger Delta - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to locate the Niger Delta using compass directions and also lines of latitude and longitude. Student will then be reminded of the key geographical terms such as confluence, tributaries and watershed. Then students will be asked to recap the water cycle and its key features. Finally students will identify what a delta is along with it key features and how it forms, including using transportation and deposition to explain how. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1: Describe the location of the Niger Delta using compass direction and lines of latitude and longitude Task 2: Describe the key terms associated with rivers. Task 3: Recap on the key terms of the water cycle. Task 4: Label the correct definition of erosion and transportation on the sheet. Task 5: Explain the formation of the Niger Delta. Task 6: Plenary: Introduction of new home learning Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Physical Features of South America

Physical Features of South America

7 Resources
For KS3 geography, this bundle is great for Year 8 in their first term back at school. This helps to get students familiar again with physical geographical concepts of rivers, coasts, climate. This bundle also contains a tutorial on GIS mapping for students to have a go mapping South America to see its physical features. This bundle contains 7 lessons that are fully resourced, with powerpoints and worksheets. Throughout the series of lessons, students will firstly begin by using GIS to map the physical features of South America and identify its location globally as well as its individual countries. Then students will go through the climate of South America along with creating a climate graph and manipulating and using data. Next students will recap the water cycle, transportation and erosion to learn about meander and waterfall formation, specifically in the case study of the Amazon River. Finally students learn about how headlands, bays and sea stacks formation along the South American coastline. Lesson 1: Mapping South America using GIS Lesson 2: Climate of South America Lesson 3: Amazon Rainforest Characteristics Lesson 4: Deforestation in the Amazon Lesson 5: Water in the Amazon Lesson 6: The Amazon River Lesson 7: Coasts of Brazil Students will gain a variety of skills such as data collection and manipulation along with creation of graphs and reading OS maps. This bundle contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Coast of Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Coast of Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will use some GIS to work along the coastline of Brazil to see the different features present at each location, then students will recap hydraulic action and abrasion. Next students will identify features of the coast on an OS map using 4-6 figure reference. Finally students will investigate how a sea stack forms using weathering and erosion to describe how. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1: Describe the Brazilian coastline using GIS to identify features Task 2: Using the OS map, identify headlands and bays using 4-6 figure coordinates Task 3: Using the photograph, identify the feature present on the coast. Task 4: Main Task: Explain the formation of a sea stack. Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Features of Cold Environments - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Features of Cold Environments - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will firstly start with knowledge retention to recap on what they have previously learnt. Then they will answer 3 questions on their whiteboards about climate, biomes and permafrost to establish a baseline of knowledge. Then they will describe the location of cold environments globally and begin to investigate the polar and tundra environments. Then students will describe the climate of Canada using a climate graph and potentially create their own. Finally they will compare the climate graphs of Canada and Antarctic and explore the similarities and differences of each place. Task 1: Knowledge Retention Task 2: Recap on key geographical terms Task 3: Describe distribution of cold environments Task 4: Creating climate graph Task 5: Compare and contrast arctic and antarctic climate graphs. This download contains an up to date powerpoint and worksheet.
Grid Referencing in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Grid Referencing in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students to start by recapping their learning of core knowledge of the physical features of South America with 5 quick questions. Students are then introduced what OS maps are and why we need them, they will then begin to identify symbols that are commonly used in OS maps. The students get shown how to do 4 figure grid references using different places in Brazil, with increasing difficulty. Then students are shown how to do this in 6 figure grid reference. Task 1: Knowledge Retention Task 2: Identify OS map symbols Task 3: Identify four figure grid references Task 4: Identify six figure grid references Task 5: Independent Practice with a mix of four and 6 figure grid references to test learning. This lesson contains a fully resourced powerpoint and worksheet with high resolution maps for printing.
Inequality in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Inequality in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will identify the inequalities in Brazil, through identifying the urban and rural areas in Brazil and why people migrate to urban areas. This will lead on to urbanisation and its causes. Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning Task 2: Identify the positives and negatives of both rural and urban areas. Task 3: Causes of urbanisation through push and pull factors Task 4: Main Task - Describe how inequality has developed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Task 5: Plenary: Class question- What are some of the social, economic and environmental issues with rapidly urbanising areas Lesson 2 out of 8
Understanding Flood Hydrographs - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Understanding Flood Hydrographs - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on what hydrographs are, how to read them and how to describe and compare them. Students will compare and contrast flashy versus flat hydrographs and explain reasons for why they might be that way, either from human or physical features. Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson. Task 2: What causes physical factors cause flooding Task 3: Calculating discharge and why it is important in flooding Task 4: Students to add annotations to the hydrograph on their worksheet to explain what each part is. Task 5: Identify why the river is more likely to flood and why? Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Describe the difference between the two hydrographs (4 marks).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Match up the labels to each point on the graph. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Flooding - Soft Engineering - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Flooding - Soft Engineering - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on what soft engineering along a river is, and the four management strategies involved. Students will then identify the cost and benefits of each strategy and then will evaluate which is the most effective and why. Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson. Task 2: A quick recap on what soft engineering strategies are and why they are used. Task 3: Students to read through information and analyses what each strategy is and identify their costs and benefits. Task 4: Main Task - Practice exam questions- "Use examples of two soft engineering river flood management strategies to show how it has a limited effect on the environment (6).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Fill your hard hat, describe and identify hard engineering strategies. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Lower Course River Features - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Lower Course River Features - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the features of the lower course. Students will learn about depositional features such as levees, floodplains and estuaries. Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson. Task 2: Field sketch and describe the appearance of a floodplain. Task 3: Create labels on how levees form Task 4: Students to draw and label how a meander forms. Task 5: Describe how the tide causes an estuary to occur. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Describe how a features found in the lower course of a river is formed (4).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Key Term Trade **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Middle Course River Features - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Middle Course River Features - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the features of the middle course. Students will learn about the erosional features and depositional features such as meanders and oxbow lakes. Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson. Task 2: Field sketch and describe the cross-section of a meander. Task 3: Watch a video about how meanders turn into oxbow lakes Task 4: Students to draw and label how a meander forms. Task 5: Students to label the five steps to the formation of an oxbow lake Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Explain how an ox-bow lake could form on the river shown in Figure 1 (6).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Odd one Out **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Erosion, Transportation and Deposition in Rivers  - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Erosion, Transportation and Deposition in Rivers - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the different types of erosion and transportation. Then students will link erosion, transportation, are deposition to velocity and particle size. Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson. Task 2: Watch the video and make notes on what transportation is. Task 3: Using the key terms students sort the transportation descriptions to the key term. Task 4: Students then label the key terms on a diagram to cement knowledge. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “How does velocity affect transportation and deposition (4).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Write down four pieces of knowledge they have gained today. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Intro to Changing Economic World - Home Learning - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Intro to Changing Economic World - Home Learning - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

These home learning/ homework sheets are a good way to test students knowledge and comprehension of the “changing economic world” topic. Each sheet provides upwards of 7 research questions, with two AQA specified exam questions to ensure that students are applying their knowledge correctly. It is recommended giving 1-2 weeks for students to complete the sheet (depending on student ability) This home learning sheet is specifically designed for the Changing Economic World lessons that are also on Planet Geography, so if you want some engaging and challenging lessons, head over to the lessons and get them too!!
Importance of Nigeria - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Importance of Nigeria - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on an introduction into Nigeria. Students will be able to describe the location of Nigeria, the importance of Nigeria, both globally and regionally along with explaining how the changing demographics have resulted in Nigeria developing into an NEE. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Recap on how ox-bow lakes are formed Task 2: Geography Skills: Describe the location of Nigeria (4 marks) Task 3: Watch the video on facts about Nigeria Task 4: Students to describe the population structure of Nigeria using a population pyramid (4 marks) Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Nigeria is becoming a NEE”. To what extent do you agree? (6 marks) High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - True or False about Nigeria **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
International Aid in Nigeria - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

International Aid in Nigeria - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on types of aid in Nigeria. Students will be able to describe why Nigeria needs aid, why international aid is useful for the country and why it is not always used effectively. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Exam question on how an ox-bow lake is formed Task 2: Geography Skills: Describe the trend in aid received by Nigeria (3 marks) Task 3: Students to priorities which they think is the main reason for aid and why. Task 4: Geography Skill: Graph Analysis: Identify how much aid Nigeria gave and how much the EU gave. Task 5: Main Task - Describe the living conditions in the figure, explain how aid should be spent in the area and then justify why small scale projects are more likely to be successful in Nigeria. Task 5: Plenary - Revision for next geographical process, levee and floodplain formation. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
UK's Connection to the Wider World - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

UK's Connection to the Wider World - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on how the UK is connected to the wider world through several different ways. In this lesson students will learn about how we are connected through trade, culture, transport and electronic communications. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Read, Write, Mark, all about the formation of headlands and bays. Task 2: Geographic Skills: Description of graphs - Describe what the diagrams show about UK’s changing trade links. Task 3: Geographic Skills: Description of graphs - What is the graph showing, what is the type of graph, what is the difference, etc. Task 4: Colour code the categories to the information. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “How does the UK benefit by having close links with the rest of the world (6 marks)" High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding. LA students can use sentence starters and keywords for help. Task 6: Plenary - Revise for headlands and bays exam question. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Changing Employment Structure in the UK - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Changing Employment Structure in the UK - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on the employment of the UK through time. An introduction to key terms such as primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary employment and what these jobs are. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Recap on how levees are formed, through read, wipe, write. Task 2: Geography Skills - Describe what type of graph it is, what it shows, and then “Describe how employment has changed in the UK since 1970. (3 marks)” Task 3: Create your own employment linkage, from primary to quaternary employment. Task 4: Geography Skills - Describe what type of graph it is, what it shows, and then "Describe how the UK’s economy has changed from 1800-2006 (4 marks) Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Explain how the UK’s economy has changed from 1800-2006 (6 marks) High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out the wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Revision for next lessons exam question about levees. **Download contains Powerpoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
North-South Divide of England -(KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

North-South Divide of England -(KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on the historical reasons for the North-South divide and how it affects social, economic and political aspects of the UK. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Read, Write, Mark, students have 4 minutes to recap learning on rotational cliff slumping. Then write down as much as they can remember, then mark accuracy. Task 2: Geography Skills: Describe location - Describe the location of the north-south divide border. Task 3: Watch the video and make notes on the north-south divide. Task 4: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Suggest how we can resolve regional differences in the UK? (6 marks)” High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding. LA students can use sentence starters and keywords for help. Task 5: Plenary - Revise for exam question on rotational cliff slumping. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Case Study of Nigeria (NEE) - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Case Study of Nigeria (NEE) - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

5 Resources
An AQA specification topic for KS4 in geography “The Changing Economic World”. This topic will briefly cover where is Nigeria, why is it important, both nationally and globally. Then students will investigate the benefits and drawbacks of TNCs in Nigeria (specifically Shell) then the types of aid Nigeria receives. Students will identify if this aid is beneficial or what problems may arise with aid. Finally students will explore the impacts of economic development on the environment of Nigeria, with a specific look at the Bodo Oil Spill and its effects on the local people. Lesson 1: Importance of Nigeria Lesson 2: TNCs in Nigeria (Shell) Lesson 3: International Aid in Nigeria Lesson 4: Environmental Impacts of Economic Development in Nigeria. Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, and case study analysis. This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets. BONUS- Will include homework research sheets that will span over the four lessons (one sheet every two lessons )
Weather Hazards - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Weather Hazards - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

11 Resources
An AQA specification topic for KS4 in geography about Weather Hazards and their formation along with effects. Throughout the series of lessons students will be able to accurately describe the distribution of the climate globally using the GAC. Then describe the location and formation of tropical storms along with their effects through the case study of Typhoon Haiyan. Next students will look at the weather of the UK and finally describe an extreme UK weather event. In the last few lessons students will look at our changing climate and how this occurs both naturally and also anthropogenically, they will identify the effects and how we can adapt and mitigate them. Lesson 1: Global Atmospheric Circulation Model (GAC) Lesson 2: Tropical Storms Lesson 3: Future of Tropical Storms Lesson 4: Effects and Responses to Typhoon Haiyan Lesson 5: UK Weather Hazards Lesson 6: Beast from the East Lesson 7: Climate Change: Natural Causes Lesson 8: Climate Change: Human Causes Lesson 9: Climate Change: Effects Lesson 10: Mitigating Climate Change Lesson 11: Adapting to Climate Change Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, and case study analysis. This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Debt in Developing Countries - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Debt in Developing Countries - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on debt in developing countries, and introduction into what national and global debt is. Task 1: Starter - Answer true and false questions about previous learning Task 2: Define debt then writing the definition on their worksheet Task 3: Read through the different facts about debt and students are to pick which they think is positive and negative Task 4: Main Task - Long form writing- Evaluate the benefits of debt on developing countries Task 5: Plenary - On whiteboards, students to give ideas on what projects that developing nations need to improve infrastructure. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **