Revision mats and information for section 1.1.a. Structure and function of the skeletal system.
OCR GCSE PE revision following spec
Learners will be able to name and locate the major
bones of the body and be able to apply examples of
how the skeletal system allows the functions such as
posture and protection.
Learners will be able to identify major joints along
with the associated articulating bones in the knee,
elbow, shoulder and hip.
OCR GCSE PE revision mats - Paper 1 - 1.1.b. Structure and function of the muscular system
Learners will develop their knowledge of the location
of the major muscle groups and be able to apply
muscle use to examples from physical activities and
Learners will also develop their knowledge of
the roles of muscles as agonists, antagonists, fixators
and also how they operate as antagonistic pairs
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.2.a. Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sport.
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of current participation trends using a
range of valid and respected sources. The factors
affecting participation for a range of different groups
in society will be understood, along with strategies to
promote participation, using practical examples from
physical activities and sports.
Full paper 1 revision bundle full of content followed with the spec.
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.1.a. Structure and function of the skeletal system
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.1.b. Structure and function of the muscular system
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.1.c. Movement analysis
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.1.d. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.1.e. The effects of exercise on the body systems
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.2.a. Components of fitness
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.2.b. Applying the principles of training
OCR GCSE PE revision 1.2.c. Preventing injury in physical activity and training
Also sold separately and in smaller bundles.
OCR GCSE PE revision 2.1.b. Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the commercialisation of physical
activity and sport including sponsorship, along with
the influences of the media with examples showing
the positive and negative effects on participation and
performance in physical activities and sports.
OCR GCSE PE revision - The cardiovascular and respiratory systems
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the structure and function of the
cardiovascular system. Blood vessels and blood
cells with their pathway through the heart will be
understood along with definitions of key cardiac
terms. Learners will understand the pathway
of air through the respiratory system and know
the role of the respiratory muscles and alveoli
during breathing, along with an understanding
of key definitions.
Learners will also be able to define aerobic and
anaerobic exercise and be able to give practical
examples of aerobic and anaerobic activities.
OCR GCSE PE revision 2.1.c. Ethical and socio-cultural issue in physical activity and sport
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of ethics in sport including definitions
of the key terms of sportsmanship, gamesmanship
and deviance. The effects of drugs in sport and the
reasons why sports performers use drugs will
be understood along with reasons for player
violence with practical examples in physical
activities and sports.
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the benefits of participating in
physical activities and sport to health, fitness and
well-being as well as having a clear definition of
health and fitness.
Learners will know about the
physical, emotional and social benefits as well as
the consequences of a sendentary lifestyle.
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of diet and nutrition. Learners
will understand the main components of a balanced
diet, including the effects of these components and
hydration on performers using a range of examples
from physical activities and sports.
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the psychological factors that
can affect performers. They will also develop their
knowledge and understanding of how movement
skills are learned and performed in physical
activities and sports.
The characteristics and classification of skilful
movement will be understood, along with the role
of goal setting and mental preparation to improve
performance in physical activites and sports.
Learners will develop their knowledege and
understanding of guidance and feedback that affects
the learning and performance of movement skills.
Learners will be able to identify key terms and
describe psychological concepts, using practical
examples from their own performances. Learners
will show that they can explain and evaluate sports
psychology theories and principles and be able to
apply theory to practice.
GCSE PE OCR revision mat paper 2
great for students to place on bedroom walls or to use as a ticklist.
Covers all content and is split up onto a colourful mat for ease of use.
OCR GCSE PE revision - Paper 1 - 1.1.c. Movement analysis
Learners will develop their knowledge of the three
classes of lever and will be able to use examples from
physical activities and sport to show where these
levers might operate to produce movement. Learners
will become aware of the mechanical advantage
provided by levers in movement.
Learners will know the three planes of movement
and be able to give examples of these levers from
different physical activities and sports. Frontal,
transverse and longitudinal axes of rotation will be
recognised by learners who will be able to apply
these to examples from physical activities and sports.
OCR GCSE PE revision - paper 1 - 1.2.b. Applying the principles of training
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the principles of training.
They will be able to define each principle and
be able to apply each to personal exercise/
training programmes.
Learners will develop their
knowledge and understanding of how to optimise
training using the FITT principle and different types of
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the key components and physical
benefits of the warm up and cool down applied to
physical activities and sports.
OCR GCSE PE revision - Paper 1 - 1.1.e. The effects of exercise on the body systems
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the short and long-term effects
of exercise on muscles and bones, the heart and
the respiratory system. They will be able to apply
understanding of these effects to examples from a
range of physical activities and sports.
Learners will be able to collect and use data in this
section related to both short-term and long-term
effects of exercise.
OCR GCSE PE revision - paper 1 - 1.2.c. Preventing injury in physical activity and training
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of how to prevent injury when
participating in physical activities and sport.
The potential hazards will be known in a range of
physical activities and sports settings.
Learners will know how risks can be minimised by using
appropriate equipment, clothing, correct lifting
techniques, using the warm up and cool down
and an appropriate level of competition
OCR GCSE PE revision - paper 1 - 1.2.a. Components of fitness
Learners will develop their knowledge and
understanding of the components of fitness, including
cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance,
speed, strength, flexibility and agility.
Learners will be
able to define each component and be able to apply
using a range of practical examples from physical
activities and sports. Learners will also develop their
knowledge of suitable tests for each component.
Learners will be able to collect and use data related to
the identified components of fitness.