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Lines of Symmetry Investigation
Lines of Symmetry of regular and irregular polygons investigation. Children were provided with shapes to fold and mirrors. Used in year 5 class.
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions worksheet used in year 5 - differentiated for lower/middle/higher.
Translating Shapes
Translating shapes worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher.
Used in year 5 class.
Persuasive Letter Planning Template
Planning template for children writing a persuasive letter.
Past and Present Tense Worksheet
Children to identify the tense a sentence is written in and then rewrite the sentence in the opposite tense.
Sentences based on the children's novel Varjak Paw.
Multiplication and Division Word Problems
A variety of multiplication and division word problems used for a year 5 class. Two versions for differentiation.
The Rock Cycle
Differentiated for lower/middle/high.
Ordering decimals
Decimal representations and ordering numbers with up to three decimals - used for a year 5 class.
Plotting Shapes using Coordinates
2 x Worksheet for plotting shapes using coordinates.
Extension sheet - found online, cannot find source to give credit.
Used for year 5
Soils worksheet
Worksheet in 3 sections:
1. Three types of soil
2. What soil is made up of
3. Layers of soil
Labelling Plants
A worksheet for children to label the parts of a plant and their functions (roots,
stem/trunk, leaves and flowers).
Balanced Argument Example
An example of a balanced argument - used to deconstruct the key features.
Useful phrases for balanced arguments
Children stuck this small sheet into their workbook to encourage the use of appropriate language when writing a balanced argument.
Spaghetti Bridge Design Worksheet
Children designed a spaghetti bridge using the pictures on the worksheet for inspiration. Used as a part of STEM week.
Non-Chronological Report Planning Template
Children planned a non-chronological report (about winged horses) using this format. Easily adapted for a report on just about anything.
Decimal and Fraction Equivalents
Small worksheet for converting decimals to fractions and vice versa - differentiated for lower/middle/higher
Book Cover Activity
After discussion the front cover of Varjak Paw children identified what they definitely knew, what they might know and what questions they could ask based on the cover only. Easily adapted for any book. Used with year 5 class.
Identifying Right Angles
Worksheet for identifying right angles within shapes
Diary Entry (Varjak Paw)
An example of a diary entry based on the children's novel 'Varjak Paw' - used to deconstruct the key features.
Balanced argument planning template
Worksheet for planning a balanced argument - used for the story of Varjak Paw but can easily be altered.