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Component One section A Revision Booklet
A revision booklet created based on Component One Section A.
WJEC Eduquas spec based on the advance materials for 2022 exam.
10 Unseen Media Language music video questions and plans
10 Unseen Representation questions for Kiss of the Vampire and film poster.

Lessons and SOW about the set text WaterAid that fits the WJEC/Eduquas Media Studies A-Level.

Kiss of the Vampire
Lessons and SOW for the set text Kiss of the Vampire for the WJEC/Eduquas A-Level media studies.

Full unit for Advertising
Full SOW and lessons for the Advertising unit on the WJEC/Eduquas Media Studies A-level. Including all set texts:
Kiss of the Vampire

Life on Mars media language
Lesson for Life on Mars focusing on Media Language, usable in the classroom as teacher led or for online learning.

media studies theory grid
media studies theory grid that says which theorist is connected to which are of media studies.

Marking Scheme
Marking Scheme and RRI activity worksheet to make marking easier quicker and clear for students and teachers.

Advertising A-Level Unit
Full SOW and lessons for the Advertising unit on the WJEC/Eduquas Media Studies A-level. Including all set texts:
Kiss of the Vampire

Media Studies Report Bank
Automated report bank for Media Studies to enable quick comments and actions.

Attitude SOW
All lessons for A-Level about Attitude over all areas of the theoretical framework.
Media Language

Music Videos
Music Video set texts
RipTide - Vance Joy
Dream - Dizzee Rascal
These lessons focus on the areas of the theoretical Framework; Media Language and Representation,