Reading Resources for AQA Step Up to English Silver Award Component 1. Two texts on the Baker Street robbery, with two sets of questions in the exact style of AQA Step Up to English Component 1, to enable your students to practise the skills needed to complete Reading tasks for the Silver Award and prepare for assessment.
English lessons aimed at teaching ‘Macbeth’ to Year 7; could be adapted for older Key Stage 3.
A collection of 14 lessons, including powerpoints and differentiated resources, to introduce Year 7 to the context, characters and main events of the play ‘Macbeth’, and as an introduction to Shakespeare’s language.
Also included are descriptive writing lessons, aimed at beginning to develop skills needed for widening vocabulary and including imagery in descriptive writing.
AQA Step Up to English Silver Award Component 1 reading test. Questions are in the style of a Component 1 paper, so your students can practice the skills necessary to complete the Step Up Silver reading assessment tasks.
More AQA Step Up to English resources are available at
AQA Step Up to English Gold Award Component 1 reading test. Questions are in the style of a Component 1 paper, so your students can practice the skills necessary to complete the Step Up Gold reading assessment tasks.
More AQA Step Up to English resources are available at
AQA Step Up to English Silver Award Component 2 Writing preparation. Eight writing tasks in the style of Silver Award Component 2 writing assessment, to prepare students for passing the writing section of the Component 2 paper, specifically on the topic of ‘Exploring’.
An introduction to Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
A 19-page booklet introducing the main characters and events in ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
A great way to introduce the play before studying in depth, can be used in lessons or as homework tasks.
This clarifies who all of the main characters are, their relationships to each other and key events they are involved in throughout the play, through a concise and easy to understand plot overview.
Includes a focus on Shakespeare’s use of dramatic irony, as well as questions and tasks to complete.
AQA Step Up to English Silver Award Component 1 Writing preparation. Four writing tasks in the style of Silver Award Component 1 writing assessment, to prepare students for passing the writing section of the Component 1 paper.
A practice paper in the style of AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 (Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing). On the theme of ‘Mystery’, this paper covers both the reading and writing sections in the exact way that students can expect to encounter them during the examination.
Can be used as part of lessons to prepare students for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1, as a mock examination or as homework.
Includes insert containing the extract and question and answer paper.
AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 Reading Section
This booklet is specifically designed to help students who need to achieve a Grade 4 or Grade 5 in AQA GCSE English Language to understand what is expected of them and how to achieve Grade 4 or Grade 5 on the Paper 1 Reading Section.
This AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 Reading Section revision booklet includes: an example text, suggested timings, what examiners are looking for in answers to each question, example responses and tasks to complete.
GCSE English Literature Romeo and Juliet quote revision - make revising quotes fun.
A fun and interactive scavenger hunt activity that enables students to recall some key quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
Incuded: scavenger hunt cards (x12), answer grid for students, instructions and answer sheet checklist for teachers.