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Lesson on Vowel Consonants and Suffiixes

Lesson on Vowel Consonants and Suffiixes

For students to gain an understanding of vowels and consonants and develop an abililty to create new words using suffixes from root words. In addtion to learn how explain what a syllable is and identify this with different words
Lesson on Negative Numbers

Lesson on Negative Numbers

Oultinling some of the fundermental prinicples relating to the order of number comparing values and dealing with negative numbers in context which includes adding and subtracting with negatives. These activities serve as a good forundation to build confidence before introducing more advanced ideas.
Lesson on Place Value

Lesson on Place Value

Covering the core principles of ordering and comparing numbers by intrducing place value as a concept and using this to develop an understanding of what each value represents indivually and grouped with other digits to conpetualise ane develop a reasoning of what determines how large or small a number is and where each digit will be positioned within a place value grid. This serves a the gorundwork for teaching addition and subtraction using the grid method.
Working with Decimals

Working with Decimals

Oulining principles and consolidating any misunderstandings about the place value of decimals and build grundwork for students and aid learning how to read, write, compare and order numbers with up to four decimal places, using knowledge of place value. Understand place value in decimals, including recognising exponent and fractional representations of decimal numbers. In addition to the application of these ideas with problem solving and reasoning examples.
Mastering Mathematics : Algebra 1

Mastering Mathematics : Algebra 1

In understanding concepts of algebra, it is important to gain an insight into the vocabulary and conventions associated with this approach to learning. The relationship of ideas through the language associated with the principles introduced. This lesson outlines some of the key vocabulary used in algebra and how they are expressed algebraically. In addition to delving into some of the fundermental concepts in understanding simple algebraic formats.
Lesson on Multiplication

Lesson on Multiplication

Covering the main principles related to learning how to multiply with digits up to three digit numbers. Outlining the process of using the grid method to aid learning, which is accompanied with problem solving and reasoning examples and activities to consolidate learning how to multiply numbers.