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OCR Entry Level History: Crime and Punishment
To complete OCR Entry Level History, students have to complete three tasks:-
Thematic Study
Depth Study
Study of a site of indivudal
This 331 slide PPT provides teaching material for the Thematic Study, Crime and Punishment. It provides lessons, videos and links to resources which can be found via Twinkl and covers the whole unit.
Crime and Punishment
Medieval Britain c. 1250–1500
Early Modern Britain c. 1500–1750
Industrial Britain c. 1750–1900
Britain since c. 1900

OCR Entry Level History: Thematic Study and Period Study BUNDLE!
This bundle includes:-
**Thematic Study
This 331 slide PPT provides teaching material for the Thematic Study, Crime and Punishment. It provides lessons, videos and links to resources which can be found via Twinkl and covers the whole unit.
Crime and Punishment
Medieval Britain c. 1250–1500
Early Modern Britain c. 1500–1750
Industrial Britain c. 1750–1900
Britain since c. 1900
**Period Study
Study of a site or indivudal
This 176 slide PPT provides teaching material for the Depth Study, Germany 1925 - 55. It provides lessons, videos and links to resources which can be found via Twinkl and covers the whole unit.
Germany 1925 - 55
Germany 1925 - 33
Germany 1933 - 39
Germany 1939 - 45
Germany 1945 - 55
Germany after 1955

OCR Entry Level History: Germany 1925 - 55
To complete OCR Entry Level History, students have to complete three tasks:-
Thematic Study
Period Study
Study of a site or indivudal
This 176 slide PPT provides teaching material for the Depth Study, Germany 1925 - 55. It provides lessons, videos and links to resources which can be found via Twinkl and covers the whole unit.
Germany 1925 - 55
Germany 1925 - 33
Germany 1933 - 39
Germany 1939 - 45
Germany 1945 - 55
Germany after 1955

UNPACK Maths Problems
I am going to UNPACK these Maths Problems!
To effectively solve problems in mathematics, and for you to get all of the ‘P’ marks in the exam, you will need to UNPACK the questions. This work booklet shows students how to ensure that they get the full marks when tackling problems solving questions in the exam.
By following the UNPACK rules below, it will enable you to ensure that you get the full-marks for all problem-solving questions: -
Underline important information in the question
Understand what the question is asking me
What maths Processes will I be using?
My Answer in the question
Have I Checked my work?
I Know my answer makes sense

Learning Objectives:-
• Describe the parts of a circle, including tangent, arc, sector, segment, centre, radius, chord, diameter, circumference
• Recall and use the formula for the area & circumference of a circle
• Calculate arc lengths and the angles and areas of sectors of circles

Cumulative Frequency, Box Plots & Comparing Distributions
Learning Objectives:-‐
Construct and interpret cumulative frequency
diagrams (for grouped discrete as well as
continuous data)
Interpret and construct box plots
Use measures of central tendency and measures
of spread to interpret, analyse and compare the
distributions of data sets

Learning Objectives:-
Construct and interpret histograms with equal class widths (for grouped discrete as well as continuous data)
Construct and interpret histograms with unequal class widths (for grouped discrete as well as continuous data)

AQA Entry Level Maths: Unit 1 Properties of Number
Unit 1: Properties of Number PPT
PPT which covers all the topics in Unit 1 of the AQA Entry Level Qualification (Level EL1 - ELC3)

Key Stage 3 Topic Booklets
Units of work for use with Key Stage 3 (or low-ability KS4) to boost basic mathematical and numeracy skills. Ideal for using in small groups or for intervention work.
Section 1: Number
Section 2: Mental Methods 1
Section 3: Mental Methods 2
Section 4: Square and Square roots
Section 5: Number Patterns
Section 6: Negative Numbers
Section 7: Fractions
Section 8: Perimeter, Area and Volume
Section 9: Basic Probability
Section 10: Ratio and Proportion
Section 11: Averages
Section 12: Types of Data and Representation

Personal and Social Education: AQA Level 1 Workbook
Level 1 Award in Personal and Social Education QCF 500/3050/4
To achieve a Level 1 Award you must complete four units of work. The units that will be covered are:-
Unit 2: Drugs Education
Unit 3: Sex and relationship Education
Unit 4: Personal Finance
Unit 6: Healthy Lifestyles

Congruence & Similarity
Learning Objectives:-
Apply the concepts of congruence and similarity
Use the basic congruence criteria for triangles

Vectors & Transformations
Learning Objectives:-
How to generate a Vector, and Add and Subtract vectors
Consider transformations rotation, reflection, translation and enlargement (including fractional scale factors)

Operations, Estimation & Checking Calculations
Learning Objectives:-
Understand the relationships between operations e.g. inverse operations
Estimate answers)
Check calculations using approximation and estimation (including using technology

Learning Objectives:-
• Recognising place value
• Ordering whole numbers
• Recall all positive integer complements to 100
• Understanding place value and round to a given power of 10
• Round to the nearest integer
• Round to a given number of decimal places
• Estimate answers to problems involving decimals
• Round a number to one significant figure

Learning Objectives:-
Know and use trigonometric ratios for right-angled triangle to:-
Find the length of a missing side
Find the size of a missing angle

Properties of Polygons
Learning Objectives:-
Derive and apply properties of polygons (and know their names)
Correctly use geometrical terms, label triangle sides and angles and draw diagrams from written descriptions
Calculate interior and exterior angles in regular polygons
Identify lines or symmetry and rotational symmetry order

Learning Objectives:-
Simplify expressions involving sums, products and powers, including using index laws
Calculate with negative and fractional indices

A resource to teach about Audiences. Used for the BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media Products, Component 1

Creating Change: The world I want to live in
**Creating Change: The world I want to live in
This PPT teaches students about Human Rights, focussing on discussion and debates around the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The PPT conists of:-
An activity to discuss the Human Rights and what each right means
Video about the Human Right Act
Group discussion activities about Human Rights
Art activities
Letter writing activities